Chapter 16: I just got him back

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Adam Yilmaz POV

I watched as Lena took a step forward with each passing minute, it really sent me on edge, this girl was crazy! But it also was very helpful. She was distracting him.

I tried to look alarmed more than I actually was so I don't give away the fact that I had my phone in hands and I was dialing 911. I hid the phone behind my back and thankfully, the wind picked up, Lena was talking so loudly that they both didn't hear when my call was answered. But I could hear it clearly.

-911 what's your emergency?-

I pulled Lena back to me still hiding the phone "Alright that's enough, he has a gun!" she shoved me off and took another step forward.

-A gun? Sir where are you? Sir...-

"Stay back and don't touch me!" Lena snapped at me

"Lena please he has a gun for God Sake" I pleaded but to no use. She was so damn stubborn!

"Yeah Lena, you should listen to your brother for once... oh he's not your brother he's your boyfriend? But what about Maxwell?"

"I'm not her brother you jerk! Stop insinuating things! What do you want?"

"I'd check my temper Adam, I'm holding a gun after all aren't I?"

-Sir I need your location to send out a team-

"Why did you do it?" Lena asked Damon and I knew what she was talking about.

"Did what princess?"

"Why did you try and rape me?"

"Because I'm not stupid. I knew you were with to piss him off, and I wanted you to forget about him. There was no way you could forget about him if you didn't really give me a chance. I loved you Lena, like I've never loved anyone. He knows how picky I am, he knows I never really liked anyone before you. And then you happened. And I couldn't just allow you to leave me and crawl back to him. Let's be honest here, you were going to leave me weren't you?"

-I'm tracing your location sir- I heard the operator say and relaxed a little

"I wasn't going to leave you you idiot! You were hot, smart, kind, you were everything a girl could have wished for!"

I groaned when I heard her, I knew she was lying but still it hurt to hear her say that about another man.

"That's a lie! You kept denying me every time I asked for it!"

"I wasn't fucking ready Damon! Why couldn't you just be okay with it and give me time to actually give you what was meant for you? But no you couldn't and you had to think with your dick and take it by force! Now how did that go?"

"You two threw me in prison and enjoyed your lavish lives while I was living like a rat!"

"This is all your doing Damon, you could have let me love you, but instead you taught me how to loathe you"

"You never loved me! You were just a slut pretending to be an angel! But I'm no fool, you are a little minx aren't you, now sleeping with him while you already have a boyfriend who was looking for you today like a crazed man!"

-We found your location sir, you're at a lake house- she gave me the exact location –We're sending a team. Hang on sir, distract him, the team is close by-

I ended the call and strode to where Lena was, wrapping a protective arm around her "Watch it Damon!"

"Stop with the empty threats Yilmaz" he barked pointing the gun at me.

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