Chapter 9: Moving on

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Adam Yilmaz POV

I looked at the happy couples around me, some of them were going on honeymoons, some of them were just travelling for fun, they mostly looked in love. Something I wouldn't be able to have.

I knew I shouldn't have gone through with it, I shouldn't have agreed to be hers for a night. Now she hates me even more. Maybe she thought I took advantage of her? But I didn't, I told her we shouldn't. I shook my head taking my phone out of my jeans pocket. I had made my mind.

She wanted me out of her life for good? Well I'll do just that.

I sent a voice message to Zachary and Elise, I wanted to at least thank them for everything.

"Mom, dad, I want you to know that I love you both deeply. I could have asked you to let me live with my family in Turkey on many occasions, and I know you would have said yes. But I didn't want to. You'll always be my home, my happiness and my everything. Without the both of you I'm nothing. I was planning on staying for a couple months, but... things happened. I'm sorry mom, I won't be able to bring you the things you asked for, maybe I'll send them over by post or something. Dad, I know you counted on me to take on the construction company, we made a great team you and I. I'm sorry I won't be able to do that. I'll come back, when I'm ready. When I'm healed. I just need a fresh start, and this time to really move on. I promise the both of you to call every day, and to always be good to people just like you taught me. Don't be mad at me, I just need time. I love you both".

I send the message and turned my phone off as I heard my flight number being called to the gates. I had already phoned Johnny D telling him about my decision. He was against it of course, but promised he would come visit.

I stepped on the plane leaving everything behind. I was ready for the new chapter in my life. I would stay a little with my grandparents and then move into my parents' villa. I'd have to do some renovations which was perfect, it was going to take my mind off of everything. I planned on calling Columbia and having them transfer my files so I can finish my studies there.

When the plane touched down, I was excited to see my family again. I had missed them, and was happy I decided to live around them.

I saw my grandpa waiting for me and grinned widely when I saw Karam my uncle, he was my mother's little brother and was only four years older than me and we got along very well.

"Hoşgeldin evlat" my grandpa said hugging me.

I hugged him back smiling "Hoş bulduk dede, özledim sana"

"Bende seni, hadi gel"

"Karam! My man"

"Adam, welcome home, have you been crying?"I shook my head giving him a wink letting him know i didn't want to talk about it in front of grandpa.

It wasn't a long ride until we got home. Everyone was there. My father was a lonely child and his parents lived in a village far from Istanbul, they lived in Rize. I never got to meet them, and only saw a few pictures of them when i was younger. They didn't bother asking about me so I did the same. It was like a paradise for those who loved nature. My mother on the other hand had two brothers and a sister, Karam was the youngest, Sanem was my mom's twin and she looked really like her in everything it felt nice looking at her. And there was Burak, the eldest.

He was the one taking care of the family business which was booming. He was a very serious man who only wanted his kids to be perfect. But who are we kidding? No one's perfect right?

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