Chapter 7: Make me forget

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Adam Yilmaz POV

"Sure, when?"

You know that feeling when someone throws a bucket of iced water on your head when you're the least expecting it? That's how I felt right now. Why would she be so easy? She was gorgeous and smart, why go out with the first guy that asks? I couldn't wrap my head around it. And I had lost my appetite.

I walked away from them all not wanting anyone to notice how her decision affected me badly. Johnny D came after me though, knowing too well I was having internal conflicts with myself.

"How about we hit the ring?"

I didn't say anything, just head to the car knowing he was following me. He knew how Zachary had helped me through my anger when I was a kid, and he knew that I needed to let out some steam. But what I also needed was talk it out with Zachary. I had to tell him everything because I couldn't keep it in anymore.

I dialed his number while driving out of campus. He answered on the first ring meaning he wasn't that busy.

"Adam, are you okay?"

I smiled at how concerned he was, I had spoken to him this morning about starting my internship tomorrow, so calling him now meant only one thing. Troubles.

"Dad are you free?"

"I can free myself. What did you have in mind?"

"Can you meet me at the Davis ring?"

He paused but only for a few seconds "I understand. Sure son, I'll be there in twenty"

"See you soon" I ended the call feeling Johnny's gaze on me. I ignored it not wanting to talk about it. He seemed to get the message and turned the radio on.

We got there just as my dad was getting out of his car. He waited us at the entrance, and didn't say anything knowing I was on the verge of exploding. Once changed and ready, we got in the ring while Johnny D stayed aside watching us fight. I loved that about Zachary, he wouldn't ask questions, he would only help me get the frustration out and wait for me to tell him what was up. If I wasn't ready to talk he wouldn't push knowing I'd come back later to rant.

Elise, him and Johnny D were the only people who truly knew what was going on in my head, most of the time I would just build up walls around myself no one could break. But those three didn't need to break them, they could just walk through them.

I threw a hard punch but he blocked it, and blocked every other punches I threw at him until he noticed what I needed right now was a punching bag. He pressed a button and the punching bag was lowered from the ceiling.

Zachary held it tightly "Punch"

And I started throwing punch after the other, each one with more force than the one before. It was helping, I was feeling the bad energy leaving my body. And surprisingly, I felt like talking, I didn't want to wait until we were off the ring. I wanted to let it out now.

"She fucking hates me!" I punched again "I fucking lost her for good this time!" another punch "It's like she knows how to get to me! And she fucking does it!" another strong punch that made Zachary lose his balance.

I wasn't sure he knew who I was talking about, but he didn't want to interrupt, he kept holding the bag for me while I punched it with all I got. I kept ranting, saying random things or feelings. I let out frustrated cry and kicked the bag so hard it fell off from the ceiling. Zachary was thankfully quick to move away.

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