Chapter 36: you are the sun in my universe

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Helena Walton's POV

I narrowed my eyes as Adam got up and started pacing back and forth. He had been talking to Amanda for an hour now, and as the curious cat I am, I just wanted to know what was going on. Adam has always been very protective of his family. I can remember when we were just kids and I was the meanest to him but he always protected me and scared off the other kids bullying me. He was the same with everyone, including his close friends.

I couldn't imagine how he was feeling now that Amanda wanted her daughter back. At first, it was okay, Amanda and Emily had a healthy relationship and Adam would see her whenever he wanted to. But after what Amanda put Emily through, I knew he would be reluctant to give her back. To be honest, I didn't want him to give her back. Emily was a part of me now, and I couldn't bear seeing her hurt or sad.

"Not bored of spying yet?" I looked up at Serena who sat next to me on the swing and watched Adam and Amanda. "You think she'll agree to leave without her?"

"I don't know Rena, I mean, after trying so hard to have a baby I wouldn't give up on my kid no matter what. So I can't imagine how he'll be able to reason with her." I ran a hand through my hair and stood up "I'm going to see what they are talking about".

Before I could go anywhere I felt a strong hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back. I turned around and gasped when I saw the tall and broad Zachary Walton standing before me with a raised eyebrow. I bit my lip and looked down. My dad wasn't the type of parent who meddles in his children's lives but he also had a way of telling us what to do without barking orders just because he can. He always found a way to reason with us. And by the look he was giving me, I knew he didn't approve.

"Look at me Helena," He said softly to me.

I looked up and even though he was concerned he gave me a reassuring smile. "You need to let him handle this on his own. Emily is their daughter, they'll have to decide what to do, and you'll be there for him no matter what."

I nodded and sat back down "I know that dad, but I don't want him to hurt. Or Emily for that matter." I pointed at her playing tag with mom and Mason "she's happy here. We are her family and I don't want anyone to take that away from her."

"No one will take that away from her but Amanda is her mother, she's her family too." He sighed "Look even if they decide that she'll live with Amanda, Emily will always be part of this family and she'll always be welcomed here. Now stop worrying yourself and have some faith in Adam." He joined Emily and started playing with them.

"You know, seeing your dad playing like that with Emily always reminds me how good of an uncle he is. Even though my own dad wouldn't acknowledge me, your dad was always there for me since the minute I was born." Serena smiled looking at me "I know he'll never change towards Emily, and he'll always love her. And I also know that Adam would never give up on her."

We both looked at Adam and Amanda and saw them coming our way. I got up immediately trying to study Adam's expression. Is he mad? I couldn't tell as he was still so far. I just hoped they worked it out without having to go to court. Emily shouldn't be put through this.

"Helena" Amanda smiled at me and extended her hand which I hesitantly shook. "I wanted to thank you for everything you did for Emily. She's lucky to have someone like you in her life. And I wanted to tell you that... even though I'm back, I won't try and change the relationship you two have. She loves you. It's clear she trusts you, so I'm willing to put everything aside and trust you as well."

Is she for real? I can't believe this! She's the one who should ask us to trust her not the other way around.

"All I did for Emily came straight from the heart. I love her more than anyone could ever imagine, so you don't need to thank me. I'm happy that you're clean and hopefully won't put her through anything like that again."

Burning hatred (book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon