Chapter 27: It's Emily

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Helena's Walton POV

"Hold onto my hand and take steady steps," Adam instructed tightening his grip on my hand.

We stayed into the relaxing water for a while before Adam decided it was time to get to the other side. Thankfully, I had packed towels so we were able to dry ourselves before putting our clothes back on. We were taking a rocky and slippery slim path to get to the passage behind the falls.

Falling in didn't really scare me anymore, in fact, it would be funny to fall in if it wasn't for our phones and things we had in our backpacks. Hence, we had to be very careful not to slip.

I squealed when we reached the passage and wrapped my arms around Adam as if we had just accomplished the most difficult quest in the world. Adam laughed shaking his head.

"I promise I'll be taking you on adventures more often. Sitting behind a desk made you lose all your braveness and love for taking risks."

"Yes... you're kind of right about that" I looked up examining the opened cave. Yes, that's what I'm calling it, I don't know what it is. "So now we're under a mountain?"

"Maybe inside the mountain? I'm not sure if it was always like that or the locals dug a passage, to be honest. But once we're on the other side, you'll be amazed.

"I already am," I said admiring his profile as we kept walking. And again, just as he promised, the view in front of me was beyond amazing. It was breathtaking. "Wow!"

"See, I told you" he grinned again showing me his dimples that I loved so much.

There was a river lined with high trees on each side. I spotted a woman sitting on a swing hanging from a branch. She seemed startled when she saw us and looked up the hill. I followed her gaze and saw a few huts made of bamboo up the hill. There were women busy with their lives, some of them were washing clothes, others were making food in front of their hut. It looked like a small village up the hill.

"Don't stare much, come on follow me" Adam nodded to some people passing us by, as a sort of salutation I guess. We walked a little farther and I gasped at the sight of elephants. Freaking huge grey elephants!

"Adam they are so beautiful!"

"First time you see an elephant up close?"

"Yeah... wow! Can I touch one?"

"We are having an elephant ride baby" he winked and let go of my hand to go speak to an old man leaning on a tree. The old man looked at me and smiled warmly.

Adam came back to me taking my hand again, "Come on, he'll let us ride that one with the wooden seat on its back."

I smiled and took a moment to snap pictures and send them to my parents. "Seriously Lena? You are going to ride an elephant and you're chatting on your phone?"

"No I'm just sending these to mom and dad" I chirped and made my way to the elephant. I smiled at the man "Hi"

"Hi," he smiled and helped me up on the elephant's back. Adam joined me sitting behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He leaned into me and kissed the back of my neck. I giggled and slapped his arm playfully. The old man held onto a rope attached to the elephant and led him further down the river.

The ride wasn't long but simply beautiful. We had to climb off of the elephant once we reached a place they called 'the elephant sanctuary'. I thought we were going to go back on foot but Adam pointed to a couple covering an elephant with mud.

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