chapter 20: she doesn't want to see me

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Adam Yilmaz POV

"Dude call her already and stop hitting me like I'm your enemy"

I smirked at Johnny D and punched him in the guts again before helping him up "Bro you need practice, how long has it been since you've been in the ring?"

"Since you left?" he grabbed his towel and wiped his face "I just don't get her, why wouldn't she talk to you?"

"Trust me I have no idea, I went to her parents house a couple days ago, she literally threw everything she could reach at me" I chuckled and took a sip of water. I was laughing but I was burning on the inside, the way Lena looked at me a couple days ago was still hunting me.

"I get that she wants you all to herself but it's not like you cheated on her, you two weren't even together at that time, she even hated you"

"She never really hated me Johnny D" I sighed and rested on the post behind me. "I'll probably get the results today or tomorrow, I'll wait till then before I try and talk to her. Elise told me to give her space, it's hard but that's what I got to do"

"Elise? It's not mom anymore?"

"I still think of her like that, but it's weird, I mean I'm in love with her daughter. Now I get why Lena hated when I called her 'sis'"

"Yeah I bet. See why I love being single? No such complications"

"Yeah sure, so if my cousin walks in right now, you'd totally be okay with it?"

"Which cousin?" he looked alarmed which only made me smile even more.

"The one and only Kayra" I stated simply.

"Pfff why would she even be here? Stop messing around with me!"

"I'd be here because I can't stay away from my favorite cousin for too long" Kayra said from behind him and gave me a wink.

I smiled but didn't say anything just waiting to see Johnny's reaction. He didn't give any. He just stood there not daring to look back, not daring to speak or move. I burst in laughter and held Kayra's hand to help her in the ring. She briefly hugged me before pinching her nose.

"You stink"

"Thanks" we laughed and she turned to face a still unmoving Johnny D. She smiled and raised an eyebrow "Johnny? Are you ok?"

"ye...yeah yes I'm, great! When did you get here?"

"My plane landed this morning. I asked Adam not to tell you, I wanted it to be a surprise"

"Well it worked. I'm very surprised" he grinned like a fool and I felt like it was my cue to leave them alone. I put on my shirt, grabbed my heavy bag and left without disturbing them.

Johnny has been obsessing about Kayra since the minute I sent him a picture of her and I on the first day of college. He never managed to be with someone else, not because he didn't want to. He just couldn't. He was looking for someone who looked exactly like her, but was out of luck. Things got weirder when he actually met her, he never dated since then. Getting in my car, I smiled as I remembered how I used to tease him for becoming a nun.

I kept checking my phone nervously every minute or two awaiting the CSO to contact me and send me the results. I knew that if Emily was really my daughter I would do anything to be a great father to her, but I wasn't planning on living with her and Amanda. I knew things wouldn't be easy but I was prepared for anything. I just needed one thing... Lena's support.

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