22: The Lonely Farmhouse.

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I'm officially sixteen weeks pregnant. It seems like this pregnancy is going by so slow! I just want to meet our kid or kids. But, we've been traveling. The truck ran out of gas and we ran out of gas so, now we're going on foot, and let me just say my feet are aching and swollen, and my back is sore, my boobs hurt, I got these allergies where I cannot breathe out of my nose no matter what I do. My stomach is dry, super itchy, and sore, and my emotions are all out of wack! I can't take a shit because I'm constipated literally all of the time. I can't even go two minutes without throwing up and I have a headache bigger than all of Texas! And to top it all off I pee constantly, and I'm hungry all the time but, guess what!? We're almost out of food!!! Ain't that just great? Suddenly, I feel this overwhelming feeling of sadness I can't help but to start crying. I've been pushed to my limits! I can't handle it anymore plus on top of it all I'm worried about if our baby will be able to survive since I've gone from having all of the food in the world to practically starving because every store we've been to literally has little to no food!

"Z, what's wrong?" Ten K asks worriedly. I try to explain but, all that comes out is nonsense. Nobody can understand what I'm saying. Tommy just pulls me into a hug, letting me sob with my face buried in his chest. He lets me just sob until I feel like I can't sob anymore, and I actually feel a tiny bit better. "Are you okay now?" Ten K asks as he tucks loose hair behind my ear.

"Kind of. I mean I still feel absolutely miserable but, crying helped a tiny bit...." I say softly wiping my tears away. I hate crying so much! Whyyyyy does pregnancy have to be soooo fucking emotional?! How do other women do this? It's sooo harrrd! I think to myself. Can I just magically be nine months already?

"I'm sorry..." he says as he rubs my back while we walk down the road. The weather is getting warmer and, it's not helping with the pregnancy symptoms I'm feeling...

"If only I hadn't promised you I'd stop smoking weed during this pregnancy..." I say under my breath.

"What'd you say?" Tommy asked, thank Jesus he didn't hardly hear that comment.

"Ohhh nothing..... juuuust uhhh, saying if only it wasn't hot as piss outside... it's not helping with these damn pregnancy symptoms." I quickly cover. We're walking down a gravel road in the middle of butt fuck nowhere.

"Did you know that Marijuana is the safest thing to take during pregnancy? You just have to moderate how much you intake particularly in the third trimester. It can help with morning sickness, and the pain, and it's the safest thing to take during pregnancy!It's used for many medicinal uses!" Adalynn says with a smile. "Plus I've worked with many women who consumed marijuana during their pregnancies and their babies are absolutely fine!" She says with a smile but, nobody says anything, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little ecstatic but, I still told Tommy I wouldn't and, I don't break my promises. Even if I really really really want to spark up a doobie.

"Ugh! Will we EVER find a house to search?" I groan.

We've  been walking all day since the truck ran out of gas. I mean sure, we find places to stop but, everyone's a little on edge because of that camp of secret horrors that was in Lawrence Kansas. We all want to be far, far, far away tucked in a little nook where they can't find us. That is if they're even looking for us... I think to myself. Up ahead I see a glimpse of a farmhouse.

"Hey! Look! Up there!" I say aloud.

"Well, looks like we found where we're stayin tonight!" Ben says aloud.

"What if there are people in there?" Adalynn asks cautiously.

"If there are people in there we either A. Talk to them to see if they'll let us in and let us stay one measly night or, then there's option B. They reject us or, C. We have to end up killing them because they're unstable and dangerous." I say simply.

"Is there any way to avoid conflict?" Adalynn asks.

"Yea, we just have to walk on eggshells because if they start shooting, we'll have to shoot back. N my boyfriend is the best sniper around so, we'll definitely win." I say gushing over Tommy.

"That's.... very optimistic." Ben says looking back at us.

"Oh that's not optimism. That's just being realistic." I say bluntly. "I remember this one time Ten K and I got separated from the group we were in at the time by this massive horde of Z's and, the only thing we had was Ten K's sling shot, combat knives, and our own two feet." I say with a smirk before Tommy has to put in his two sense.

"I remember that." He states smiling.

"Well, it turns out that the horde of about what? Fifty plus zombies or something like that chased us into a corner. Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, and definitely no ammo! Well, we had no other choice but to take every last one of those fuckers!" I laugh, kinda sounding crazy.

"Pfffttt yeaaa right!" Ben says in disbelief.

"You don't believe me?" I say with my hands on my hips.

"No! Everyone I know who's encountered a horde of fifty plus zombies have been killed." Ben says blandly.

"Everyone you knew who died to fifty plus Z's clearly didn't have the skill and determination like Ten Thousand!" I say defending my man's honor.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Ben says.

We continue walking in silence to the farmhouse. Ben must be missing home right now because he's a little irritable. That's how I was the first time we moved into the camp away from the dangers of the outside world. Is it bad that I've become accustomed the dangers of the apocalypse? I mean it's all I've known for that past five years or some shit like that fuuuuck it's been so long I'm not even sure how long we've been struggling through this never ending hell hole. We walk all the way to the farmhouse, and it's big enough for all of us and all of our kids.

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