8: I'm Not Going In There.

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"Five minutes is up." I said looking down at my newly found watch.

"Alright, let's go find Warren, Murphy, and Vasquez." Addy said I didn't like the idea of going in there it made my tummy feel queasy.

"Uh I'm not going in there, especially in the condition I'm in." I protested, crossing my arms.

"You can't stay out here on your own and I hate when we split up." Doc said.

"I do too but, I have an unsettling feeling about this place." I said.

"Alright, alright. Let me think on this one..." Addy said, thinking for a moment.

"Okay, I got it. Doc you stay with Y/N, Ten K you're with me, sound like a plan?"

"Yeah." Everyone said in unison. Addy and Tommy left, leaving Doc and I alone. We found a safe place just outside the city's gate so that we could sit down. I put my sniper rifle across my lap just in case any Z's decided to come sneak up on us. I felt like shit, I was nauseous, my breasts were sore, I had migraines from hell, and not to mention I haven't taken a decent shit since god knows when, my feet also hurt. I just wanted a win today. I rested my head on a wall and sighed very loudly.

"What's wrong?" Doc asked

"I feel like utter shit." I said I wanted to cry right then and there but I hated showing weakness. Especially in front of my group, I know I didn't have to hide my feelings after all, I did deserve to show people how I felt, everyone did, since day one every single person deserved to show the world that they were scared, angry, and sad.

"I might have something for that." Doc said, digging through his bag.

"It's no use.... I probably can't take it..." I said with another sigh, this time pinching the bridge of my nose due to tears coming on.

"Allergies?" Doc asked looking up from his bag.

"No, I'm pregnant." I said bluntly, not even caring who found out and who didn't, eventually people were going to find out. This world isn't what it used to be. I highly doubt teen pregnancy should be people's worry anymore.

"What? Seriously!? Who's is it?"

"10k's, who else's."

"Now way, I didn't think the kid had it in him!" Doc laughed causing me to smile at his reaction.

"Well he did." I said fiddling with the strap on my rifle.

"Here, I got somethin you can have." He unzipped the front pouch of his bag, pulling out one of his joints from his stash.


"Yeah, you've never smoked before have you?" I was thinking about telling a small fib but, it doesn't matter. It's the apocalypse, anything goes even pot smoking.

"Yeah, I've smoked with my big bro and sis before."

"Well, I'll let you do the honors then." He handed me the joint and a lighter. I stuck it in my mouth, lit the lighter, then started lighting the joint. I took two really long puffs off of it then handed it to Doc. I held it in as long as I could but soon enough, I started coughing like there was no tomorrow. I couldn't stop.

"Oh shit, here kid! Drink some water, it'll help the cough go away!" Doc unscrewed the lid to my water bottle and handed it to me. I grabbed it and took one giant gulp of it.

"Oh my Jesus fuck! That was intense as shit, but hehehe I'm already as high as motherfuckin kite man." I laughed once more, must be some dank bud. It actually tasted pretty good too.

"Are you alright?" Doc asked rubbing my back.

"I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting it to be that intense. That's some good shit. Where'd you get it?"

"From that zombie pot farm when we were looking for Murphy."

"Damn. They knew what they were doing." I said, laughing again. Doc took his puffs and handed it to me. I grabbed it from him and took another couple of puffs off of it, handing back to him.

"Yeah, I know right. Wanna know somethin pretty awesome?" He turned his head to look at me. I looked at him, rising my brows.


"I got high with a Z one this one time in an air shaft. It was pretty awesome." I laughed, trying to imagine a stoned Z. It was priceless.

"That's great. What will you think of next?"

"I dunno." We kept silent for a while, just passing the burning grass to one another til it was just a tiny little nun. Doc then put it out, sticking it in a plastic baggie with the others he's smoked by himself.

"Thank you Doc, I really needed that." I said with a laugh. I couldn't stop laughing for the life of me. I looked up at the sky, it was getting late and the others weren't back yet.... shit, I knew what we had to do and I wasn't going to like it very much.

"Hey, it's no trouble. Always happy to help a friend out." I smiled at him, hugging him. I then decided to share my discoveries with him.

"It's getting dark out and the others aren't back yet Doc." I said worriedly. Where the hell could they have possibly gone? It's almost dark out.

"You're not thinking what I think you're thinking?"

"I'm afraid so, we have to go in and look for them. They should have been back by now." I stood up, swinging my backpack over my shoulder. I extended a hand out to him.

"I thought you said you didn't want to go in there because you had a bad feeling about this place."

"I did. But the others could be in danger."

"Ohhh I hate it when you're right." He reluctantly grabbed my hand and I helped pull him up. He put his backpack on and readied his weapons. I undid one of my gun holsters and grabbed out a hand gun, it came with a silencer, I grabbed it from a pocket and screwed it on. We walked to the entrance, both stopping and hesitating to go in. We looked at one another. It was quite creepy, it looked like something from a horror movie it was in ruins like somebody intentionally bombed it.

"Alright, this is it. You ready to do this Doc?" I asked, looking at him.

"Let's do this thang." He said with a worried expression on his face.


Alright! So, don't forget I still need some baby names, also comment where you think all the people and Z's are and what happened to the group? Will you and Doc find them before night falls? Will you show doc the skillz you learned from 10K? Stay tuned, til next time on DANGEROUS LOVE *echos off into background.*

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next chapter. Byeeeeeeeee for now at least.


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