27: Adalynn's Nightmare Prison

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"Heyyy there Liz! How's it going?" Adalynn says as she approaches Liz. Liz turns towards her, her face is twisted into a terrifying angry nightmare.

"HOW DARE YOU LEAVE! YOU'RE OUR BEST FUCKING DOCTOR!!!" Liz yells at the top of her lungs.

"Oh I'm sorry? But, last time I checked you looked me in my eyes and told me how bad I was at my job." Adalynn says with a scoff.

"Whatever. Just turn the fuck around now before I shoot you in the fucking leg." Liz says angrily. Adalynn does as she's asked and she turns around.

Liz aggressively puts the handcuffs on her before two other people grab each of her arms before ushering her out of the farm house. They lock her in the back of a van. Adalynn sighs looking up at the ceiling as the van pulls out of the driveway. The person across from her just stares blankly blowing cigarette smoke in her face out of spite for making him leave the safety of the camp. All she can think is what an asshole!

The ride back to the camp is long and torturous. Nobody says anything to her they just lock her up in the hospital. When the town was first fenced off and the apocalypse was just starting out people didn't know they would come back as a zombie even if they weren't bitten. One of the older residents passed in his sleep at night and attacked everyone who was asleep. The non injured ran out and locked up the hospital. They did clear it out mostly but, there are still some zombies in the lower parts of the hospital. As Adalynn sits trapped in a room the awful stench of death invades her nose the once clean pristine walls are covered in dried on blood. If Adalynn survives the night inside the hospital she'll be able to get out and put back in the camp. She would be watched until she can be trusted again but, that'd take too long.

"There are too many pregnant people who are counting on me." She says to herself as she looks around to see if she can find a weapon to protect herself with as well as breaking the hell out of this room she's trapped in.

Adalynn is on the fourth floor facing the majority of the housing area so, using the window to get out of here is out of the question. She scans the room searching thoroughly for anything she could use to break the door at least. She notices a bed pan that was left behind so, in hopes it might actually work she walks over to the desk it's hiding underneath and she picks it up walking over to the door.

"Worth a shot." She says to herself before she begins striking the rickety old door knob with the bed pan as hard as she can. To her misfortune all it does is dent the bed pan and nothing else. She groans out loud as she drops it on the ground once more. She searches the area once more to make sure there isn't anything else she could use but, she's not that lucky.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCKITY, FUCK, FUCK!" She yells at the top of her lungs as she kicks the bent out of shape bed pan sending it flying across the room.

Tears threaten to fall down her face. Being a prisoner isn't where she thought she would wind up when she joined this camp but, she never knew the stuff Liz was doing behind Ben's back. It turns her stomach just thinking about it. She shakes off the hopeless feeling, and she decides to use her body to get this fucking door open. She begins throwing her entire weight against the door. It may take an hour, or six but, eventually it gives way, and she stumbles into the hallway. She looks left, then right, making sure there wasn't anyone, or anything around.

"I think there's a back door  in the basement... where all the dead are... I don't wanna go down there." She says worriedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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