Journal Entry 2: One Week Into The Apocalypse.

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October 13, 2011
8:30 A.M.
I woke up at 1:00 A.M. this morning. I find that I can't sleep anymore. Still no sign of my family members I have to presume they're never coming back or their dead. Either way I'm on my own, and I'm running low on food and water I'm going to have to leave the house, maybe forever. I can't bare to remember all of the good times I've had in this home. New York is dangerous during these times so, I'll probably die trying to survive. I hope whoever may find this on my rotting corpse continues on with their story during these tough times and their struggles. Wish me luck I'm on my way out.
2:30 P.M.
I've made it into the city still no sign of food, or people. I'm hoping I'll find someone I know, after all this city is big enough right? Anyway, I'm resting inside of a car that was abandoned a long time ago. I have this friend, his name's Thomas I'd give anything to be with him right now our dads are friends so, Tommy and I grew up together. He's the something familiar I need right this moment. Maybe he and his dad could help me look for my family maybe we could survive through this together. I need to learn how to shoot so I can defend myself from the zombies. I should go now, if these are my last words I just need to say this last thing before I'm dead. Tommy, where ever you may be I just want to say that I have the biggest crush on you and I just want to say how much I loved being apart of your life, and to my family I love you so much I just want to say I enjoyed being your daughter.
4:30 P.M.
So, I found a store it was locked up for reasons I didn't understand but, when I found an entrance I learned very quickly why it was all locked up there were zombies inside and now I've locked myself in a small closet. I don't know if this will end well for me, I truly hope I live through this. Dear God above, if you're still up there please help me out here I could really use it. This is my first time being out since day one and I'm useless. I can't even fire a gun honestly. I remember the good old days when zombies didn't exist and the world was only slightly fucked up. That seems like it's all some distant dream now. Zombies are real and their outside that broom closet door waiting patiently for their meal of the day. I'm HUNGRY and tired and I just want my Dad and my Mom. I really wish they were here with me. As I write these words onto the paper my tears flow like a river, dropping onto the page and making a beautiful splash. I once was small and unknowing of how cruel the world truly was then one day I awoke and the world turned into a monster, devouring us like a plague. A cruel fucking plague that's incurable. My eye were pulled open making us watch as human creation turned onto itself. Why, why is this happening? Did we deserve such a fate? You thought this world was horrible before? HA! Guess again, look at it now. Look what FUCKING happened! Death, destruction, loss, pain, hurt, betrayal, loveless. Am I truly bound to experience this? Am I not allowed to be a kid?
5:00 P.M.
FINALLY! I've been saved! By who you may ask, well none other that Tommy! I tried to ask him where his father was but, he hasn't told me yet. I fear the worst but, whose to truly say. Maybe they got split up and Tommy's looking for him too. I feel a weight lifted off of my shoulders everything's looking up for me. I've got my best friend and that's all I want right now. I haven't told him what happened yet I'll do it when we've stopped and somewhere safe. I'm happy and content for now. I'm sure I'll freak out about the apocalypse some more later but for now I have nothing more to share except enjoy what you can in life while you can. Enjoy time with the people you have because you never know when the world is gonna tear your whole world to pieces.
12:00 A.M.
Tommy had set up a tent in a tree he's asleep right now. I can't sleep so, I decided to write. I shared my apocalypse story and he shared his. His father got bit by a zombie and Tommy had to kill him. I can't believe that happened to him he and his dad were really close so, it hurts to see him like this. I asked him if he was okay to drive but, he won't let me behind the wheel. So far he's hit every zombie on the road but, I don't blame him. I feel like I should say something to him about this but, every time I try he shuts me down and it's FUCKING FRUSTRATING! I told him about my problems I just want to help him so badly! But, in due time... just give him time hopefully he'll tell me sooner rather than later I care for him a lot and right now he's the only person I can count on. I can't let him down even if it means fending off the zombies. I don't have any clue how I'd deal with it if I lost him, my best friend in the whole entire apocalypse. I'm actually getting tired now so, I'll write more later when I wake up. Stay safe friends. Tell your loved ones how much you love them because you never know what could happen in this fucked up world... thanks for listening to my ramblings.... Bye!

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