24: Family

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I just finish my check up with Adalynn. I've been worrying like crazy about my pregnancy what with braving the rough terrain of the apocalypse so, she's keeping a close eye on me in case anything goes completely wrong.

"You're pregnancy is going absolutely astonishing. I've also gotten a heartbeat Doppler at a store in town. Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" She asks politely.

"Yes! I would love that." I say as Tommy waltz's in taking a seat next to me.

"Sorry I'm late. I was helping your dad with the garden." He says as he grabs my hand intertwining our fingers together.

"It's okay honey. Adalynn says that the pregnancy is going astonishing. Now we're going to listen to the heartbeat!" I say with a smile.

"Alright I'm gonna need you to lift your shirt." She says as she grabs the Doppler and ultrasound gel. I pull up my shirt and push down my pants so that my swollen belly is exposed. "This is gonna be cold so brace yourself." Adalynn says as she flips open the cap of the gel and squirts some onto my stomach. She was right it's cold. I think to myself. She turns on the heartbeat monitor and puts the wand on my belly she moves it around until she gets a heartbeat.

"Oh my gosh! There it is. A heartbeat!" I say excitedly. I look over at Ten K and he looks so amazed. She moves it around more for I'm assuming a better spot.

"Huh." She says.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"It seems there are three different heartbeats." She points out. "See, one." She says as she moves it to the bottom it's a loud but fast heart beat. "Two." She says as she moves it up to the left I can hear a moderate heartbeat that calming to listen to. "Three." She says as she moves it to the right. It's a slow faint heartbeat but you can still hear it. I look at Tommy terrified but excited. He has the same exact expression as I.

"T-triplets?! Not only are we going to be a family of three but, a family of five instead?!" I outburst. I'm gonna have three lovable cutie pies!? I think to myself.

"Yep three little beauties!" Adalynn says with a sly smirk.

"I don't even know how to feel right now. Scared, but excited." I say out loud.

"It all seems so unreal." Ten K says in disbelief.

I found a ham radio and decided to try it out. Maybe I can contact the team or even CZ. Man I miss that guy. I just need to tell everyone I know about the good news.

"Hello? Hello? Is there anybody out there? Maybe team bitemark? Hello?" I say aloud into the talking part of it. It take some waiting a few more tries before somebody picks up.

"Hello this is Citizen Z who am I speaking with?" CZ asks.

"It's Z from operation bite mark. Although we're not with them at the moment." I say.

"We? So you're not alone?" CZ asks.

"Nope! Ten K and I left because of my pregnancy. We didn't want to slow them down so, we left until I have the babies." I say.

"Wait, did you just say babies?" He asks.

"Yeeeeesss! We're having triplets!" I say smiling wide.

"Oh wow! Congratulations that's so exciting!!!" CZ says happily.

"Thank you! I guess it's a good thing that I didn't go with them or I'd really slow them down." I say as I rub my baby bump.

"How far along are you now?" CZ asks.

"I'm sixteen weeks and three days." I say.

"Oh wow that's a lot of babies. How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Well, today I'm actually doing pretty good. I haven't had nausea for almost a whole day." I say chucking a little.

"Aw man sorry to hear it was only half the day."

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad it wasn't all day like it has been for the past three months only progressively making progress. Anyway, enough about my pregnancy talk. Recently we escaped a culty camp in Lawrence Kansas. They like killed off all of the Z's there somehow and now live there. We escaped before they had the chance to kill me for having a simple bite on me. Don't worry I'm fine and so are the babies. Our new friends Adalynn and Ben helped us escape from there and now we're bunking with my family, or at least what's left of it." I say.

"Wow that's a lot of things to process." CZ says.

"I know sorry it was just on my mind and had to tell a friend." I say with a chuckle.

"Hey it's okay. It always helps to get things off your chest." CZ says kindly.

"It's just so hard these days trying to find a safe place for my family. Why is this so freaking hard?" I ask hopelessly.

"It's not always easy being a parent in the apocalypse. Especially when you have three babies to look out for." CZ says.

"You're not wrong there. I just got to keep a close eye on them and they'll be fine right?" I ask worried.

"Of course they will. Uh hey, sorry to do this so suddenly but, I gotta go. The others are trying to contact me right now." CZ says.

"Okay, hey if you can would you mind telling them that me, Ten K, and our babies are doing okay. That we've found a safe spot for now." I ask.

"Of course!" He says probably with a smile on his face.

"Thank you so much Citizen Z! I owe you big time." I say happily.

"Hey it's no problem just call it a favor for a friend." He says.

"Thank you. Now you should probably answer that call before they get impatient. Bye CZ." I say.

"Bye Z." He says before he hangs up. I let out a sigh.

"Hey Y/N." My brother says as he walks in.

"Hey Jack, what's up?" I ask looking up at him.

"I just came here to say that dinners ready." Jack says he looks so tired.

"Okay, thanks bro." I say.

"No problem." He says before he leaves. I stand up and waddle out of the room.

Dangerous Love|| 10K x Pregnant readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon