18: Family Home

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The past few days have been eventful after we officially joined the small camp we were appointed to a real estate agent who showed us a few houses. Ten K and I decided on one that was the farthest from the town. After finding the perfect home came two new cars since our home isn't exactly a walk into town. Then after our new home, and two new cars Tommy got a letter in the mail telling him what his job will be and due to his excellent shooting in the range he will be starting at the highest ranking Job, a Gatherer/ Camp Care Taker. Apparently what Gatherers do is they venture outside of the camp to scavenge for supplies, extra food, stray Z's, new members stuff like that. Apparently they don't just go out some of  camp and gather shit. A group will be asked to stay back at the camp sometimes to help keep peace between the people and punish those who break any rules of the camp. He starts today at four A.M sharp. I rose early this morning due to morning sickness and back aches. I've decided to make breakfast for Tommy so he didn't have to. I decided to make pancakes, vegan sausage, and bacon. It didn't take very long and I didn't even have to wake Ten K up. He walked into the kitchen in his underwear.

"Mmmm smells good out here." Says Tommy as he sat at the table with his head in his hands. I walk over with both of our plates and I set a plate in front of him and the other in the spot across from him.

"Well, I hope so. Would you like coffee or orange juice?" I ask him.

"Coffee please. I need all the energy I can get..." he says. I walk over to the counter and pour him a glass of coffee and for myself I pour a glass of orange juice. I walk back over to the table and give Tommy his cup of coffee and take my seat across from him. We eat in silence for a while before I speak up.

"The midwife's going to be coming over today."I say before shoveling more food into my mouth.

"What time?" He asks curiously.

"She told me she's coming at 3:30 pm." I say taking a drink of my orange juice.

"That's perfect timing actually. I get off of work at three. What's her name again?" Says Ten K.

"Mmm I don't remember..." pregnancy brain has been hitting me hard recently it's not even funny.

"That's okay. I'll just ask her when she gets here." We continue to eat in silence until we're finished. I do the dishes and he goes to change into the uniform his job gave him. He walks into the living room, grabs his boots, and sits down on the couch to put them on.

"How do I look?" Tommy asks me standing up as I walk into the living room.

"You look great honey!" I say with a smile on my face. The uniform looks a little ridiculous but, he can most definitely pull it off. He smiles and walks over to me. Tommy hugs me placing a kiss on the top of the head.

"Thanks but, I have to get going now..." By the tone in his voice I can tell he doesn't want to leave but, he has to otherwise that will be a strike for us. We're citizens of this town now and we have responsibilities. It's just like how it used to be before this damn apocalypse happened except zombies are out there and we're just trying to survive.

"I know you don't want to go honey but, you have to. I don't want to get kicked out of this town." I say to him. It'd be really tough trying to keep a baby quiet while zombies roam about...

"I know honey, I know." He says with that same tone in his voice.

"I'll be fine. It's safe here." I reassure him. He seems a bit better after remembering how safe it is and that he'll be working inside the camp until he gets used to the work.

"I should get going. Breakfast was great, I'll see you when I come home tonight. I love you so much Y/N." He says.

"I love you too Tommy. Make sure to stay safe out there babe." He smiles at me, then he leans down and places a soft kiss onto my lips. When I feel him start to pull away though I grab his face to keep him here with me in this moment in time. I hate that he has to go but in a big camp like this it helps to get those who are able to work, working. He removes my hands from hands from his face and smiles at me. Then he kisses our baby and leaves. He'd already packed the car up last night with the new gear he was given for his job. I decide to take a shower and get dressed in a simple plain black t-shirt, some dark navy blue pants, and plain black socks. I brush through my H/C hair and leave it down. I have a few things I need to get from the market. We're running low on food plus I want to check out their baby store. I don't have a clue what gender my baby is but, I just hope that the little peanut is healthy and happy. I figure the shops won't be open until eight and it's four o'clock right now. Boy I hope Tommy made it to work by now. My eyes felt a tad groggy so, I fell asleep until around eleven. After I woke up I ate and grabbed my car keys. I walk out the front door but, before I walk to my car I lock the front door.
I arrive at the baby store. I get out of the car and I make my way into the store. When I walk inside it smells very comforting and the bright beautiful pastel colors of the walls and floors. There are other mothers to be here and there were store workers too. I began to walk around the store, I figure it doesn't hurt to look at looking into diapers and other baby stuff. A girl who looked about my age walked up to me. I gave her a warm smile. She doesn't look pregnant maybe she works here?

"Hello!" She says to me cheerfully.

"Hi." I say not as cheerfully.

"How can I help you today?!" She says a wide grin still plastered on her face. It makes me feel rather uncomfortable. How can anyone possibly be this chipper in the apocalypse?

"Uh I'm just looking around." I say to try and get this girl to go away.

"You're new here, aren't you?"

"Yeah... why?" I ask she gets closer, her smile fades into pure terror.

"Get. Out." She says looking around nervously.

"What? Why?" I ask confused.

"Because this camp isn't all that it seems! You need to leave! If you want to protect that baby of yours! Get out now while you still have a chance!" She says frantically which makes me more uncomfortable. Now I just want to get the hell out of there. I lightly shove the girl back and flee out of the building and back into the vehicle I came here in.

Dangerous Love|| 10K x Pregnant readerWhere stories live. Discover now