14: Perfect Home.

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Author's Note: So, before I start this chapter I wanted to reveal names for the baby so far, I'm still hoping that you all suggest some, I've come up with a few and I do have two baby names from one of you, so here we go I'm going to start with the suggested names:

These names were suggested by _numb_the_pain_ 
Boy: Kane
Here are names I came up with as well, also open for more suggestions.
Girl: Hope, Addy, Warren
Boy: Thomas, Steven, Jack
So, I'm open to more name suggestions because  I want you to choose one name for a girl and one name for a boy because when the baby does come I want to have a name. We still have a few chapters to go yet before Y/N pops! Anywho hope you enjoy this chapter, See ya!

Third person POV
Y/N and Ten K were walking down a highway full of cars. They did have a car of their own, but they had to ditch it behind them. Y/N was getting tired of walking. She was sort of hoping a town would pop up out of the blue. Tommy noticed her distress, so he decided to stop for her.

"What are we stopping for?" She was panting like a dog.

"Because you need to rest, and I need to check the map." He said holding up his bag.

"Oh well in that case, thank you." She looked through the windows of a broken down car. Luckily no Z's she opened the door and sat in the drivers side of the car. Thomas pulled a map from his bag, unfolding it he put the map on hood of the car. Tommy looked at the map, looking for the nearest town. Y/N on the other hand reclined the seat back. It felt nice to set back and relax. She even let loose a yawn. It's been a few days without a proper sleep. They've been looking for a home, it's hard to find the perfect home now a days.

"Did you find a town, or something yet?" Y/N asked.

"Uh oh shit.... Um the next town isn't for another hundred or so miles. But maybe there's a house along the way we can stop at and rest." Y/N groaned of irritation, it deeply annoyed her that the next town over was so far. Ten K folded the map back up and put it back in his bag.

"Trust me Z, we'll figure it out. If worse comes to worse, I have a tent. We can camp out in a tree if we have to."

"A tree? Really?"

"It's more comfortable than you think." Y/N got out of the car. If they were going to find a shelter, they better start walking now.

"We better start moving if we want to find someplace to camp out for the night." Y/N sighed as she put her bag on. The bag was heavy enough with fresh supplies, it didn't help that it felt like she was heavy in the front too.

"Why don't you let me carry your bag for you." Thomas said stopping her from going forward.

"What good am I if I can't even carry my own bag?" She asked. Y/N knew that she wasn't going to get away with it for long, Tommy's been reading pregnancy books, and he doesn't want Y/N to over do it, because stress can be harmful for their baby. She sighed and gave her bag to Tommy. He smiled and grabbed her hand.

"Thank you. You know I only worry about you Y/N. We don't know how he is going to react to the apocalypse, I just want to make sure that you get the rest you need as much as you can. Thankfully this highway is zombie free so far." Z laughed at him. She adores Thomas so much it almost hurts her, but she doesn't mind a little hurt. It's strange that she can even be happy in these dark times.

"I know, that's what I love about you though. Wait, did you just refer to our baby as a he?" She questioned, only now realizing what he said. It brought and even bigger smile to her face.

"When I first found out you were pregnant I was hoping for a boy." He admitted, he doesn't really care anymore, as long as the little nugget's safe and sound. That's all that he cares about now.

"A boy?" Y/N hasn't even thought about the gender of the baby yet, and honestly she doesn't care that she won't be able to know the gender until the date of birth.

"Yeah, have you thought about names yet?" Thomas asked excitedly.

"Yeah, for girls names I was thinking about Tara, or Warren, and for boys names I was thinking Kane, or Thomas. What about you, have you thought of any names?" She asked. Tommy grinned he's been thinking about names since he found out Y/N's pregnant.

"Names for a girl, Hope, or Addy, and for boys Steven, or Jack."

"Those are great names."

"Thank you." Ten K said, wrapping an arm around her. He pulled her closer to him and she wrapped an arm around his torso.

"Why aren't there any z's on this highway?" Y/N wondered aloud as she looked around.

"Maybe we're just lucky."

"Maybe. I just want to find a place to stay at this point." She said with a sigh. They were almost at the end of all of the cars. Ten K started to look for a vehicle, they had gotten gas in a town they had passed through. Y/N figured he was looking for transportation so, she started helping. Most of the cars the found were beat up pretty badly, or trapped between cars. Y/N almost gave up all hope. That is until Thomas yelled for her, he found a car. It was at the end of the car block, it was dark blue, it was a mom mobile. They searched it too to bottom there wasn't a zombie, or human in sight. They should have figured the keys were in the visor.

"You should rest. I can drive." Ten K said, he's been driving for hours on end, he hasn't even gotten any rest. Y/N didn't feel like dying today.

"No, I can drive. You should get some rest." She put the bags and sniper guns in the trunk of the car.

"You said that your tired, you should rest." Y/N rolled her eyes.

"I've gotten enough rest. You haven't slept for a few days, let me drive. I don't feel like getting into any accidents." Y/N said as she closed the trunk. Tommy yawned in response, Y/N smirked at him. She extended a hand out to him.

"I guess I could use a few winks of sleep." He said as he handed the keys to the car over. Ten K crawled in the backseat of the car. Y/N sat in the driver's seat. She closed the door and adjusted the mirrors. She buckled the seat belt and inserted the key into the ignition. Y/N started the car up, and stepped on the gas.

Dangerous Love|| 10K x Pregnant readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora