Journal Entry 1: The Start Of The End

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Hello, I know you hadn't signed up for this but I thought it might be cool if I incorporated a back story so, I thought I'd make these little intermission chapters and call them Journal entries because I thought maybe keeping a journal could be cool, so I hope you enjoy!
October 2, 2011- Day One Of the zombie out break.
Current time: 12:35 pm

     So, apparently it's the end of the world now? I thought I'd keep a journal for when I die, somebody will know what happened. I'll tell you how it all started...
    It was just a normal school day. I was in boring classes, learning boring subjects. So, I couldn't believe it when the annoying kid next to me STARTED TO TRY. AND EAT. MY BRAIN!!!!!! I'm not exaggerating, I'm dead serious. IT WAS TERRIFYING! I was just sitting there, listening to my teacher talk about social studies shit, and he, the kid his name was Jeramy, or something, and he went limp.... like he was tired or sick. I remember he told me he was feeling sick. He said it was probably just something he ate, I could believe it. I'd eaten some food that's made my stomach upset. This wasn't something he ate, his head fell on the desk, I thought it might have been because he was tired from being sick so, I just left him be. Then, he made a weird sound. I thought he was sleeping but, he just came at me. He just unexpectedly knocked me, and my desk over onto the ground, I frantically tried to get away but I was pinned to the floor by the desk, and I couldn't get the desk off of me because he was on top of the desk, I was trying to fight him off of me. I screamed a blood curdling scream. Thankfully the teacher threw the kid off of me. She grabbed the kid by the back of the shirt and threw him outside. Mrs Elliot was her name, she closed the door on the kid.
   The whole class was freaking out, even me. My friends walked up to me and helped me up. They asked me if I was okay, I wasn't, I almost died. It was scary why wouldn't it be. I needed to get out of there, we needed to get out of there but the teacher tried to keep us there. None of us knew that she had gotten bit by the kid. She turned into one of those things, undead. She would have killed us too if it wasn't for a bad ass kid. His name was Charles but, he wanted everyone to call him Chucky because it's his favorite horror movie, or something. Chucky killed Mrs Elliot.
   Chucky gave an awe-aspiring speech to the class, telling us not to worry about a thing because he would help us survive til we got to our parents, and being a class full of ten and eleven year olds we thought it was pretty rad that he was brave enough so, we left with him. Charles got the whole class eaten, even my friends. He said he knew how to drive but as soon as we had to get on the highway by my house, he got into a car crash. He died so, I ran the rest of the way home but when I got home my dads car was gone, and when I looked inside, the house was a wreck. It looked like they were in a hurry. I should have stayed at school they would have come and got me. My cats were dead and there was little food.
   I've decided to stay, I can't go anywhere else. I locked and barricaded the front and back door and I boarded up all of the windows. I tried to call somebody but, I haven't had the best of luck with it. I know I won't be able to stay here for long, god knows how long I'll be safe here. I don't have much for food but, I have to survive. I have to find my family. I need to survive, I. Will. Survive.

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