26: The Panic Room.

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I'm woken in the middle of the night by Tommy. He's hovered over me in the bed.

"Hey, we need to get down stairs quickly! They've found us, everyone's already down there come on!" He says softly. I still don't comprehend what's happening but, I get up and follow him out of our bedroom into the dark creaky hallway. It usually looks bright and happy during the day but, at night it's a lot different. Tommy wraps his arm around my waist firmly and ushers me quickly down the stairs.

"HURRY YOU BOZO'S!!!" I hear outside. It sounds exactly like her. My heart pounds against my chest like a drum.

"Don't worry. Just stay calm and move quickly and quietly. We'll get to the basement where the panic room is and we'll be safe Z." Tommy whispers calmly as we quickly and quietly walk into the kitchen just as our front doors kicked in. Thankfully we slip away unnoticed as we walk down the stairs of the basement getting into the panic room just in time. My brother closes the door and locks it up. The panic room looks like a cozy little reading nook with a cute little desk with videos attached to cameras that are strewed all through out the house.

At least it doesn't look like a prison cell. It's more of like a cozy living room. I think to myself.

"Hey why don't you go to sleep Y/N?" Rae says softly.

"Oh fuck yeeesss!" I say as I walk over to the mattress and instead of sitting because of my baby bump I just plop onto the bed. I sit there panting like a dog after that exercise. Oh... my.... GOD!..... so out of breath.... I think to myself as I try hard to catch my breath.

"How are you doing right now?" Tommy asks as he sits next to me.

"Oh you know.... Out of breath, hungry, tired, sweaty.... In pain..... horny...." I trail off as I finally catch my breath.

"Wait, what was that last part?" He asks curiously.

"What? Oh I said I'm horny. Like really really really horny..." I mutter to him. He looks at me with wide eyes like a deer in headlights. I can't help but laugh at him.

"Woah, I don't think we should talk about that in front of a room full of your family members." Tommy whispers to me.

"Well, at this point they're not just my family members... they're yours too...." I say changing the subject.

"Really? But we're not even married." He says.

"Well of course! We're having babies together, and we are a couple. Who cares if we're married or not anyway? As long as we're good parents to these three that's all that matters right now right?" I ask looking up at him.

"I guess it doesn't matter. Especially in this kind of environment." He says softly.

"Can we just go to sleep right now? My eyelids feel like they're about to be permanently glued shut." I mutter as I'm half asleep trying to stay awake to keep the conversation going.

"Then go back to sleep. We'll make sure you're safe." He says softly.

"Will you cuddle with me?" I ask looking up at him tiredly.

"Of course." He says simply. I lay down on the side closest to the wall while Tommy lays beside me spooning me. He lets his hands rest on my baby bump. I almost immediately knock out which is rare. I don't know why but lately I've been getting a full nights sleep.
In the morning.

I wake up fully rested Tommy's still cuddling me thankfully. I notice everyone else is asleep too. I have to pee but I remember Liz invaded our home last night. I don't know if there's a bathroom in here so, I try to maneuver out of his grasp carefully so that he doesn't wake-up but, I fail.

"What are you doing?" He asks groggily.

"Oh nooooo shhh go back to bed babe." I say softly.

"No, no I'm up." He states.

"Ugh, I'm sorry." I tell him.

"It's fine. It's not like I was gonna sleep in for long anyway. Just until seven." He says because usually we both wake up at one in the morning just because of the Zombies.

"I have to pee but I don't know if there's a bathroom. Or if there isn't one I don't know if it's safe to leave." I say

"Yeah there is. It's through that door over there. It's just a toilet and a sink in there." He says groggily.

"Oh my goooooooooooood yeeeeeesss" I say softly as I get up and walk into the bathroom. I pull down my pajama shorts and underwear and sit on the toilet. Aaaaaaaahhhhhh sweet sweet relief! I think to myself. You know having to pee every twenty seconds is extremely annoying. I think to myself once more. Once I'm done I wipe and get off. I pull my shorts up and flush then I turn on the sink and I squirt some soap in my hands and rub them together before I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

"Oh Geeze I look like a mess." My face and gotten chubby since we've actually had good meals plus I give into my cravings like crazy. It's the apocalypse, and I'm pregnant I think I deserve to indulge in my cravings a bit. I wash my hands and quick dry them off before I exit. Everyone is now awake.

"I'm just going to go up there." Ben says simply.

"What are you talking about Ben you can't!" Adalynn exclaims.

"If I turn myself In maybe they'll leave this place." Ben says with a sigh.

"Ben, no that's crazy talk. We can't just let you go with them. What about El?" I ask curiously.

"You're right..." he sighs.

"I'll go. I'll talk to them. Everyone here has family aside from me. I'll go." Adalynn says.

"What? No! W-we need you! You've got two pregnant bitches here and you're the only one who knows how to deliver them!" I exclaim.

"I'm the only one they won't kill! They'll just lock me up in the hospital as punishment." She says simply.

"She's right. We can then break in and get her out!" Ben says.

"No! I can get myself out I know all the ins and outs. Just leave it to me. I'll find a way back to you guys this way it'll be a distraction so you can all gtfo." She says running her fingers through her freshly washed hair.

"Are you sure?" I ask worriedly.

"One hundred percent positive!" She says with a reassuring smile.

"Hmmmm" I say still worried.

"I promise I'll be back before any one of you pops!" She says giving me a thumbs up.

"Okaaaaaayyyy but this still doesn't feel right."

"I agree this is a bad idea." Sis says rocking her son back to sleep.

"Here." Tommy says handing her an easy to conceal knife.

"Oh this just upped my chance to survive! Thanks Ten K!" Adalynn says taking the knife.

"Don't worry you guys I'll find you and be back in no time." She says as she stands up "just lock the door behind me will ya?" She asks as she turns back.

"Yeah, don't worry." Dad says waving to her. She opens the door after dad typed the code in. Once she's out he closes and locks the door again. We all sit and watch the screen as we see Adalynn walk calmly through the house. She goes up the the evil bitch that is Liz and has a quick conversation not sure what it is though because the lack of sound. But, they take her and leave we wait a little bit watching the screen to make sure they're gone.

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