16: The Talk.

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Ten K was in the bathroom taking a shower. Z needed a moment to raid the mini fridge in the room. Lizzy said it was always stocked up. Y/N was sitting crisscross applesauce in front of the tiny fridge looking for something she could eat.

"Alcohol, alcohol, and more fricking alcohol!? Ugh! I mean come on! At least if we need to disinfect a wound we got the supplies." She sighed, closing the door. Y/N struggled to get up but, she eventually did. Z walked over to the bed, she was going to sit down, but the sheets were white and she let Ten K take a shower first. Just then he waltzed out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. She couldn't help but catcall at Tommy he stepped out of the way of the door.

"It's all yours. Trust me you'll feel a whole lot better." He said.

"I bet, washing all the blood, sweat, dirt, and possibly tears." She said as she walked towards the bathroom.

"Tears? Why?" Tommy ask concerned.

"Sometimes a girl just has to cry." She answered as she entered the bathroom.

"Oh." Ten K said as she shut the door behind her. Y/N couldn't be happier to get out of the clothes she was wearing. She took her shirt off, exposing the most horrific scars she's earned in these hard times. The zombie bites she got from saving her team. She tossed her shirt on the floor. Y/N turned herself away from the mirror, she blamed herself for this. The bite marks were all over, everywhere like the Z's that bit her were trying to find a good part of her, they hadn't taken chucks of flesh from her either. She found it odd, usually when a zombie decides to feed they rip off limbs sometimes, so why was she intact. They even bit her face, they tried to take an eye from her. They almost succeeded at ripping her poor cheek off. Z couldn't help but wonder why all those zombie's died after biting her. It's like her blood is pesticide but for zombies. She shook it off and continued to undress herself. Y/N walked over to the shower/bath combination and knelt on the ground after reliving herself for what felt like the millionth time today. She turned the hot water on first, letting it heat up after a couple minutes of it being on, the water did turn boiling hot. She then turned the cold water on to make the perfect warm shower. Y/N stood and entered the shower, drawing the curtain back once more. Thomas figures he'd take Lizzy and Ben up on the food. They were talking pizza freshly made. The thought of actually getting to taste pizza again made Tommy's mouth water but, unfortunately he realized Y/N did have pregnancy heartburn he figured he'd ask what sounded good to her so, he entered the bathroom.

"Tommy, is that you out there?" Y/N asked from the shower as she squeezed a good amount of shampoo into her hand.

"Yeah, Lizzy and Ben just called from down stairs. They want to know what we'd like to eat for dinner. They suggested home made pizza, but I figured you wouldn't want to eat anything that could make your heartburn worse." Ten K said.

"Screw that! If you want pizza get it because honestly that's something I've been craving for quite sometime now and I will literally eat pretty much anything right now."

"Okay. That was easy." Tommy said as he turned around and walked out of the bathroom. He walked over to the phone and dialed the phone number he was given. It was weird to actually be using a phone.

"Hello, room service how may I bring you joy this evening?"

"Do you have pizza?" Tommy asked

"Unfortunately we just ran out. But you can get some pizza at the bar. Just say Drome sent you."

"Thanks Drome. You're a lifesaver!"

"No problem."

"Bye now I have to go get some pizza for me and my pregnant girlfriend."

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