9: Stoned and Slightly Uncomfortable

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"Yeah, let's go, I got your back Doc." We started to walk into the scary place. We hadn't seen a human, or Z since we arrived here and our group just mysteriously disappeared. So, remind me again why the hell I decided to come into the place where our group disappeared? Everything's gonna be okay, hopefully. I'm stoned and slightly very uncomfortable and I just wanted to have a normal day in the apocalypse, actually this is pretty normal to be completely honest right now. I'm tired and want to go to bed right now but, that ain't going to happen now is it, we never get what we want here in the Zompocalypse.

"Of course something like this would happen to our group, of all groups! Why OURS!?" I practically shouted.

"Shhhh Y/N, we don't know what's in here." Doc whispered.

"You're right, I'll be more quiet." I sighed, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear. Now I can't shout in the middle of nowhere?

"Doc what if we can't find the others?"

"If you keep thinking like that we won't." I know he was only joking but I was scared that I might not see Ten K ever again and I needed him now, more than ever. I'm pregnant, I can't raise a baby on my own!

"I'm just being a worry wart."

"You shouldn't worry so much, what with you bein pregnant and all. I'm sure everyone's just fine."

"Maybe you're right..."

"I am right." It went silent for a few minutes. Then, I decided to say something.

"I'm really worried..."

"About the others? Because if it's about the others then I'm sure they're fine-"

"It's not about that..... it's about becoming a mom.... I'm scared shitless about raising a baby. Parenting has changed since day one and I'm just scared I won't be able to protect him or her... what if I can't be the mother that I have to be?" I asked

"You're a great kid Y/N. I'm sure you'll be an even greater Mom and if I know anything about anything, it's that you and Ten K are both badass people so I know for a fact that you'll be badass parents." He definitely reassured me about this whole parenting thing but like only like 10%...

"Thanks Doc. I needed that..."

"No problem."

"Now, where could the have gone? This place is huge they could literally be anywhere. This is gonna be a pain in the ass."

"Yeah I can get on board with that, but we can do it."

"It's almost dark, we really need to hurry this up."

"Then let's go!" He picked up his pace almost leaving me in the dust. I caught up eventually, we searched for them high and low but we still couldn't find them. I was getting frustrated, worried, and a little sad. Doc and I refused to give up though, we still had a lot more city left to search but the sun had finally set.

"Shit. We should look for a place to camp out. We can look for the others first thing tomorrow." Doc said turning his flashlight on.

"What? No, we can't! We have to find them Doc!" I turned to him giving him a look like 'Are you fucking crazy? We can't just leave them!'

"We have to, it's dark out here and we have no clue where they could be plus we won't be able to sleep and I think that some sleep will do us some good. Come on Z please?" I hate when he's right.

"Fine, okay let's find a place to stay for the night." I sighed. He gave a hopeful smile and continued to walk off ahead, I followed close behind. I wanted to find them and get the hell out of here. I just hope they aren't dead... especially Murphy, he's human kinds last Hope at surviving this whole shit storm of apocalypse. We walked for hours until we found the perfect place to stay. It was still in a halfway decent condition.

Dangerous Love|| 10K x Pregnant readerWhere stories live. Discover now