19: Get Out! (Pt 1)

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I don't even remember the drive home. I don't even remember walking into the house and sitting down on the couch. My mind's been occupied by trying to figure out why that girl would have told me to get out of here. What was her deal? Maybe This is all just too good to be true. Or maybe that girl was crazy and there for making me paranoid. Just then a knock sounded on the door. I walk over to the door and open it. In front of me I see a woman.

"Hi, I'm Adalynn. I'll be your midwife through this pregnancy." She says with a calm smile. Three thirty already? I look down at my watch and sure enough it is three thirty already.

"Come in." I say as I step out of the way. She walks into the home and I close the door. I still can't shake what that girl said to me but, I try to act as normal as possible.

"Are you okay?" Adalynn asks me. It must be written all over my face.

"I'm fine." I say trying to deflect from the question.

"Are you sure? It's just you seem a little shook up is all." I don't know what it is about her but, for the first time since Tommy and I arrived at this camp I feel like Adalynn is a genuine person. Maybe she can reassure me, or make me even more paranoid.

"Well, I was at the baby store in town and there was this employee that worked there.... She told me to get out. Should I be worried?" I ask, I hope she tries to reassure me.

"Oh that? Well, people have been known to go missing if they don't comply to the rules. But, honestly they could have just left." Adalynn says. It worries me more.

"Is that all? But that girl seemed so scared. Like genuinely scared. She told me if I want to protect my baby then I should leave! What does she mean by that?"  I ask frantically.

"I don't know Y/N. I'm just a midwife." Adalynn says. She calms me down and we proceed with the check up. The check up goes quicker than Y/N expected and Adalynn  is gone before Tommy. Which slightly worries Y/N.

"Where is he? Why isn't he here yet? Oh god I hope- no. Y/N calm down.... just calm down. Everything's fine." She tries to reassure herself but, she still continues to stress out over it. Y/N runs herself a warm bubble bath to calm herself down. The minute she lays back she lets out a sound of relief and relaxation. She lit candles and put them all around the bathroom the dim lighting makes her head pains go away and, for the first time since Tommy and Y/N arrived in this place she feels so relaxed.

"Now this is what I'm talking about." She says aloud to nobody in particular as she puts a warm washcloth over her eyes. Peace and quiet, something it's hard to find now a days what with all of the damn Z's. Y/N lets her mind run blank as she enjoys herself. She looses track of all time she doesn't even notice Tommy calling her name.

"Y/N? I'm home! I brought Liz and Ben!" He shouts but, no answer. He tries a couple more times but, she still doesn't answer him.

"Uh, you're clean right? Because Y/N is particular about the carpets and the furniture. She just won't stop cleaning no matter how many times I tell her to rest." Tommy turns to his new found acquaintances. Liz gives him one of her plain smiles.

"Oh she must be nesting! Yeah, you don't have to worry about us we're clean! I made Ben shower before he came here." Liz says Tommy nods before he walks to the bedroom.

"Babe? You in here?" Tommy begins to call out. It makes him worried because usually she would answer by now. Realizing she hears his voice, Y/N decides to say something.

"Yeah babe I'm in the bathroom!" She calls back and he immediately rushes into the bathroom.

"There you are. You worried me." Tom says Y/N smiles at him.

"Awe babe, I'm safe. I just needed to calm down." She says sitting up.

"I'm home, and I ran into Ben and Liz on my way back." Tommy says which causes Y/N to sigh heavily. She doesn't want to see any other people besides Ten K.

"Why are they here?" She says having her fair share of people for today.

"Because they want to have dinner with us tonight. Apparently that's what couples do around here."

"Invite themselves over for a dinner that I don't want to cook! They couldn't have asked or called or something like that!?" Y/N says getting all riled up. Tommy can tell she doesn't want to have people around today.

"What's wrong? Are you okay honey?" Tommy asks as he kneels down in front of the tub.

"Nothing. It's not a god damn thing." She says but, Tommy knows it's something she's not telling him.

"Honey, please tell me. That's how this works. You tell me what's bothering you and I tell you what's bothering me. We're a team Z, we need to act like one." Tommy says. She sighs in defeat. He always knows just what to say. Honestly, Y/N isn't sure what she'd do without him. She probably would have ended up dead if not for Tommy.

"Okay, Fine! I went to the maternity store today, and well she told be to get out while I still can. She told me if I want to protect our baby then to get out! I don't know if it's just me trying to ruin a good thing but, since we met those people, and we came to this camp there's just this feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it doesn't feel great. I don't think I can raise our baby here if there's something that's scaring the citizens of this town." She says in a nervous whisper. She was practically on the verge of tears.

"Babe, you have to stay calm okay? You have to really think about this Z. You're pregnant, we're going to have a baby. We can't just pack up and leave without any evidence. If it really makes you feel better I can do some digging but, until proven otherwise we have to stay put okay?" He's right. They can't just go back out into the zombie infested streets, and Z knew this. She's just feeling super overprotective of her little cub.

"I know..."

"Maybe having a nice dinner with company will help ease your mind." Tommy says feeling worried for his beautiful girlfriend. Y/N supposes she should at least try and have a nice night. So, she nods in agreement. Tommy smiles brightly and gives Z a kiss. He walks out of the bathroom and Z on the other hand finishes up with her bath, dries off, and gets dressed in a cute little dress. Y/N walks out into the living room after she gets ready. When she walks into view Tommy can't help but stare at her. She looks absolutely ravishing to him so, he walks up to her and gives her a long and passionate kiss. She melts into the kiss, she even forgets that there's company in the same room. Liz and Ben even clear their throats as if to indicate that their still there but, the young couple still doesn't part from each other.

"Uhh hey, Ten K, Z we're still here you know." Ben speaks. Tommy sighs in his head, why'd they have to be here now! He slowly pulls his lips from hers, resting his forehead against hers.

"Damn.." Tommy says in a low tone looking into her eyes. Y/N couldn't possibly agree more because when you have a yearning for your partner, you have a yearning for your partner, and Tommy definitely had a need to take Z right here right now but, he cannot act upon his urges though.

"Maybe later babe." Y/N smiles at him.  

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