12: I'll be your Knight in Shining Armor

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I was just outside the building my friends had been taken to, I was in the woods up in a tree scoping everything out with my sniper. It was riddled with Z's I figured out where they all were. I grabbed the walkie talkie from my side pocket.

"Alright I made it to the building, now where do I go? Over." I whispered into the talkie. I'm surprised at how long the batteries have lasted on this thing.

"There's a side entrance away from the main entrance, but be very careful because there are Zombies everywhere, over."

"Okay, but are you sure that's the safest way to go? Like maybe on top of the roof or something? Over." I really didn't want to risk getting bitten by a zombie. I mean who doesn't? I'm still very terrified of Z's but nobody knows that. Not even Tommy knows, I'm honestly scared of loosing him that's why I'm doing this.

"Here let me check, over." He went silent for a second. As I waited for a response I checked the whole building out. I noticed it was some sort of air plane garage mixed with like an underground lab, like it had recently been built. There was a large opening at the front, and I noticed that it had a tremendous amount of Z's, it was a crazy amount of zombies. I then looked on the side, seeing scattered zombies, and I noticed something peculiar about them..... they looked like they had shock collars on... Okay? Odd.... lastly, I scanned the roof tops. It was clear, not a soul in sight.

"I couldn't find a way to the roof, but I think I might have found a safer passage to get inside, I can't believe I had missed it earlier, it's a secret tunnel a mile away from the actual building. Over."

"Okay, where is it? Over."

"From where your at currently, you have to go east for one mile. Over."

"Okay, thanks! Over." I put the walkie talkie away, swinging my rifle over my shoulder, and jumped down from the tree. Once I landed on the ground, pulled a handgun from its holster and screwed a silencer onto the end. I started my assent deeper into the woods. I prepared myself for what's to come. I really hope there aren't any Z's...
_____________Time Skip brought to you by Zombies; they're everywhere.________
I was almost there, at the entrance for this damn tunnel and so far, I hadn't seen any Z's so, I wasn't expecting it when I was attacked by a rabid pack of Z's, maybe twenty or so. They pinned me down, I couldn't fight them off, then the worst thing happened... I felt a pair of teeth sink into my soft skin. I cried out in pain, and soon more followed. Pretty soon the cries of pain turned into screams of pain. I thought that maybe it was all a dark, morbid dream. I blacked out from the pain, terrified. I was expecting to be in heaven when I woke up, but instead, when my eyes cracked open I saw the trees surrounding me above. I sat there for a few moments, my skin was sore, feeling every single bite wound. I waited to turn but, it never happened. I closed my eyes once more, this time I saw a bright white light. Garnett came to me just then. I gasped, I didn't know what to think, then tears started flowing down my face.

"AM I DEAD!!!???" I screamed, sobbing the only thing I could think about was my baby. I couldn't be dead! I had to fight to live for him or her!

"Not yet. It's not your time. You need to live for Ten k, for you. You should survive for your unborn baby. Go." I just nodded, then I shot awake, taking a deep breath of air, like my lungs were refilling with air. I let it wash over me. The pain subsided, my wounds didn't hurt anymore and I felt cold, like I felt like I couldn't get warm. My clothes were shredded, I needed to find new ones. My hands shot straight to my stomach, I was scared shitless that I'd lost him, or her. My baby, my little bean!

"Oh god! Please give me a sign that my baby's okay." I begged, crying. There wasn't blood gushing out of me, so maybe my little Bean was okay. I took deep breaths and got up. I noticed something unusual, all of the Zombies were dead.

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