Journal Entry 3: Week Two into The Apocalypse.

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3:00 A.M.
Tommy told me he'd teach me how to use a gun today. We packed up the tent but, the Truck is out of gas. So, walking is the only option. Actually it's more like running. Tommy isn't a big fan of staying in one place for too long now a days. It's honestly annoying but, right now we're resting at a tree. For breakfast we had a can of bushes baked beans. I'm getting tired of beans though. I miss my dad's cooking. We still haven't found any sign of my family. Maybe they've gone somewhere colder? I hear Z's aren't a fan of the frozen weather. I keep telling myself that they're still alive but, who knows. As I write these words I cannot hold back my tears any longer. Being with Tommy helps but, he's changed. He's not the same Tommy I used to know. I guess that's just what the zombie apocalypse does to a person. My skins bruised from how many times I've pinched myself to try and wake myself up from this nightmare but, it never works. This is the reality now. I'll probably never see my family again, and I'll probably die without ever having the one thing I've dreamt about since I was younger but, at least I can drag on a little longer.... anyway, Tommy and I have to move again. I'll update whenever I can.
10:40 A.M.
Tommy and I found an apartment to stay in. We cleared out the whole building and barricaded pretty much all of the entrances except for one, the roof. There's only one room but, Tommy and I usually share the bed because A.) We're paranoid, and B.) it helps us both sleep better at night. Tommy's on the roof to check things out so, I'm just sitting in the apartment writing and checking the supplies. We're almost out of bullets, and we have very little food but, as for water we're doing great. The last two weeks I totally thought I'd die for sure. I'm not skilled at anything when it comes to survival but, Tommy is determined to keep me alive, and I do know how to shoot kind of. I'm still a shitty shot but, Tommy is a really good teacher. I can't help but to see him in a different light. It's like he's changed or something since the apocalypse happened I mean, I know he's lost his dad but, this change is actually really nice. I feel so safe with him, and I don't feel as depressed as I did when I realized my family left without me. But that just doesn't seem like them unless, something really bad happened. I just wish that I could find them.....

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