7: Difficult Words, Difficult Times.

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Addy finally calmed me down, she told me to take deep breaths so, I did. I was still upset that I was pregnant but, I was relieved to know now, and to be honest, I was a little excited to be pregnant. I had always wanted to be a mother, at least a part of me wanted to be a mother, I just thought it kind of impossible and impractical to raise a child in this dangerous world but, hey, it happens. 10k and I have some things to talk about, obviously, we needed to figure this shit out, together. I wiped the rest of my tears away, threw my hair up in a ponytail, and put on my game face.

"You all good now?" Addy asked, rubbing small circles on my back. I smiled reassuringly.

"Yeah, I'm all good, let's go find some supplies." She smiled, grabbed her bat, I grabbed my sniper rifle, and we left the creepy bathroom that looked like people made shady choices inside. We were walking down empty isles looking for anything we needed.

"There is literally nothing in here Addy. It's bare, like, bone bare. I'm sure if you stand up on that shelf right there you'd see nothing, just absolutely Jack!" I said, shining my flashlight over the bare shelves.

"We don't know that, there might be something in here." Addy said looking around.

"Yeah, I don't think so...... I'm gonna ask Doc and 10k if they seen anything..."

"Go ahead. I'm going to continue on this way, you're welcome to join me!" She walked off into a direction, I followed.

"Hey, 10k, Doc, did you guys find anything at all? Over." I spoke into the walkie talkie. It took a minute for a response but, they eventually answered.

"Uh, not yet, no. Over." It was Doc's voice on the talkie.

"Ugh! See why don't we just leave? This place has obviously been cleaned out." I said to Addy. She looked at me but, then she rolled her eyes.

"We don't know that yet. There could still be something here."

"We have finished over here. Over." 10k sounded on the radio.

"Did you find anything useful? Over." We continued down the isle, still seeing nothing.

"No, it's been luted, all of it, even the useless junk. Over."

"Great, see Addy? There's nothing in here! It's completely empty."

"Alright, alright, let's go I don't see anything either."

"Finally." I laughed. We started walking back to the guys.

"How am I going to tell Ten k!" I was genuinely nervous, I knew he wouldn't leave me for it, he wasn't that kind of a guy. It's just the thought of him being more worried about me. Imagining him telling me that we had to settle down just, until the baby was born. I didn't want to leave the group, especially for, god knows how long, it was too much, I couldn't think about it.

"You'll be fine, he might over react but, it'll be fine!" Addy said as she wrapped an arm around me.

"I hope so, my stomach is churning..... Do you think Warren is going to be mad at me when she finds out?"

"Probably, but, hey. I got your back. Next time you have sex though, be smart and make sure you use protection." Addy said, I just blushed in reply.

The rest of the walk was silent. I on the other hand couldn't stop thinking about people and their reaction to my pregnancy. I just need to stop this. It's stressing and stressing isn't good for the baby. Just gotta do what Addy told me to, take deep breaths..... in........ out....... in....... out. It didn't work at least not right now. I yawned, I was fucking tired. We had been walking since like ten this morning and it was currently 3:02 pm. I hope we stop soon or find a vehicle, although gas is running low.

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