Journal entry: The Escape.

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OH MY GODS I FOUND HIM!!!! He was tied to a table in the science lab so I had to cut him loose with a damn tiny knife. You know the ones doctors use to do surgeries and stuff. I honestly forgot the name of it for a second but, maybe that's because as of right now, as I'm writing this we're sitting under a bridge. WE ESCAPED!!! Note to self: never trust a person who's nice to you in the apocalypse because that usually means they're unstable.

How did I get out of my tiny cramped cell? You may ask well, let me tell you. I was just sitting in said mentioned cell just trynna look for a way out when I seen a hole at the top of the door of the cell. I don't know why they'd do such a stupid thing but, that's besides the point. I couldn't believe that it was big enough for me to shimmy through it. I mean it was difficult but, I got it. I pulled myself up on the bars and stuck my feet through first then I slid through the opening. A guard had come to check on me but, they saw me and so I ended up killing them and taking the keys from them and I ran. I searched the building too to bottom before I found him in what used to be a science lab turned into a torture chamber. I obviously rushed over to Tommy and freed him. We got our stuff which had been too easy until we got to the front gates. We had to shoot our way out before we got free thankfully. Then we stopped here to rest. We must find somewhere to sleep before it gets dark but, we want to lay low still. I'll hopefully have an update soon.

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