10: They're In Trouble.

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After my shower I brushed my hair and my teeth, put on some fresh pitt stick, got dressed, and told Doc to go freshen up. He gladly left to shower. Doc had put all of the food supplies we had on the table. It consisted of two twinkies, six packs of ramen noodles, and two large cans of baked beans. I put the twinkies off to the side and focused on the ramens and the canned beans. I grabbed a pot to cook the noodles, a spoon, and a measuring cup. I went through the cupboards to see if there was any useful food product, luckily there was. I found a locked cupboard so, I grabbed an axe that I had found a while back and I used it on said locked cupboard. The contents of the cupboard included; some sort of cheese soups, a lot of canned fruits and veggies, rice, six bags of unopened slim Jim's, two big things of salsa, a bunch of seasonings, canned milk, and many more. I pulled everything from the cupboard and set it on the table. I started with grabbing four packages of ramen noodles, some canned veggies, and a few spices. I set them by the stove, and I went back to the table. Just then, Doc came into the kitchen, also in pj's.

"You still haven't started cooking?"

"No, I found extra food in a locked cupboard. I need more stuff to go with it. Hey, do you think the slim Jim's are still okay? Because I'm tempted on throwing them into this concoction." I said

"It's meat, I don't think it's safe."

"Well, it was made before the apocalypse."


"So, that means that the animal used to make the meat to make the slim jim died before the apocalypse wouldn't it mean that it doesn't have the virus. Right?" Doc walked over to the counter and grabbed the slim Jim pack and looked at it.

"Right but, let's not try it anyway."

"Whatever." I said and he threw them all away.
______________Time Skip_______________

We eventually made dinner and decided to just chill and talk before going to bed. Doc and I were smoking weed and watching movies. We decided we felt uncomfortable sleeping in rooms and decided to sleep in the living room. He took the cat napper and I took the big couch. It was pretty comfy, I kind of wish it could be like this more often.

"So, have you thought of any baby names yet?" Doc asked passing the weed to me, I grabbed it from him.

"Yeah, I've been contemplating some baby names."

"Sweet, what are they?"

"I'm not telling, not until I tell 10K first." I said, we talked and smoked some more before we both passed out watching a sappy boring movie.


It was daylight, bright and sunny. We were sitting in a field of emerald green, with pops of beautiful color. It was just me, Tommy, and our baby... we were having a picnic, watching our child playing in the distance.... it was perfect, I looked at him, he looked perfect. He had a smile on his face, watching with joy.

"Tommy?" I said, putting my hand over his. He looked at me.

"What?" He asked, gazing down at me.

"This is the most perfect moment ever, I just never want it to end." He smiled at me, kissing me, I kissed him back. I wished this moment could last forever. He held me close to him, he held me tight, like he was afraid of loosing me, I was afraid of loosing him. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have him. I loved this man so much it was unbearable.

"I love you Y/N, you're the most amazing person ever." He said, kissing the top of my head.

"I love you too Tommy, more than you could possibly know." I said, looking at him lovingly, a smile on my face.
____________Abrupt end, due to morning sickness___________

I shot straight up quickly throwing the blankets off of me. I ran to the bathroom and ran to the toilet and started throwing up. It wouldn't stop, just kept going. It was awful on the bright side though it just came right out. Once I was done I spit and flushed the toilet. I just sat up against the wall by the toilet. I wondered what time it was so I looked at my watch, it said 1:30 am. Great..... I got up and walked back into the living room, Doc looked peaceful just laid sprawled out on in the chair.

"Lucky bastard...." I sat back down on the couch that I was sleeping on, I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep for a while. So I just sat there, tossing and turning, until at 7:59 am I fell back asleep, like halfway. Doc woke up at eight.

"Hey, Y/N, are you up?" Damn... now I have to wake up again and look for the group all day? I've only gotten two hours of sleep..... I groaned, covering my head with the blanket.

"I only got two hours of sleep Doc." I complained.

"Oh, okay. Well then how about you sleep however long you want while I go look for the others. That way you can get your sleep and I can possibly find the group." Honestly at this point, I wanted sleep more than I wanted to find the group. So I gave him a thumbs up.

"Okay. I'll be back with the group. You get some rest." I didn't respond to him. He rustled around the house for a couple of minutes then left, locking the front door. I eventually fell back to sleep.

______________TIME SKIP______________
I woke up at 12:15pm and Doc still wasn't back yet. I got hungry so, I made a quick meal and put on a movie to watch. I ate my meal and watched tv in silence. It was pretty boring and uneventful but it was perfect. After I ate I washed my dish and continued to watch the movie. After the movie ended I decided to go get dressed into some actual clothing but I did keep the pajamas if I ever get the chance to be comfy again. I stuffed them into my bag and changed into a pair of high waisted jeans, a comfy grey short sleeve shirt with white stripes, and some ankle high grey socks. I brushed my hair and threw it up into a bun then I laced up my combat boots and put on a jacket I stole from Tommy. I made sure I had all my weapons and the house keys that I found, stuffing them in my pocket and zipping it up. I wasn't going to go anywhere. Doc told me to stay here, that he'd be back so, I will wait here for Doc and the group to get back. It then hit me just then that I had a walkie talkie and so did Addy, Ten K, and Doc. I grabbed it from my bag and turned it on.

"Hello? Can anyone here me? Hello? Doc, Ten k, Addy? Helloooooo it's Y/N please, if any of you guys can hear me answer me right away! Over." I waited for a response. I just hope that they're not too far away from me. It took a minute but eventually I got a response.

"Y/N? Hello? Are you okay? Are you alone? Over." It was Ten K, oh thank goodness he's okay!

"Oh my god! You're okay! I was so worried about you! Yes I'm fine and I was with Doc but he left this morning to look for you guys. Are you okay? You with anyone? Did you find Warren and Murphy? Over."

"I'm fine, I'm with Addy, Warren, Murphy, and Vasquez. Where are you? Over."

"In a house that Doc and I found. Over."

"Stay there. We'll find Doc and meet up there. Over." This time it wasn't Tommy, it was Warren.

"Okay. I will. Over."

"We'll be there around noon, I promise. Over." It was Tommy that time.

"Okay. I'll hold you to that. Over." I said, I could only imagine him smiling at my remark.

So, I'm ending it here. I don't have much to say but I'm going to say what I've always said since the beginning of this book, please comment some baby names! I've got a few already. As I'm getting the names I will be writing them down and if you want to you can choose a first and a middle name. So, anyway hope you enjoyed it!


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