5: Gas Station Bathroom

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We had to stop at a gas station to use the bathroom, grab some food and medicine, and to fill up our vehicle with gas. I decided to grab a pregnancy test for good measures and hid it inside of my bag. I walked to the back where the bathroom was and waited for Addy to get done. The gas station was run down, the shelves were almost empty and there were no lights, why would there be in the apocalypse. The walls were dirty and the paint was scrapped off some on them, and dry blood scattered on the floor. I sighed as my bladder was busting at the seams just as I was about to knock on the door, Addy opened it with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"I thought I had to shit. Turns out I can't." she said

"Oh! uhm. I think I saw some X-lax somewhere. Down that isle maybe." I said pointing ahead.

"Thanks Y/N!"

"You're welcome Addy." she walked off and I entered the bathroom, closing and locking the bathroom door. I set my bag on the counter by the sink and opened it. I grabbed out the pregnancy test and read the directions on it. What's so hard about peeing on a stick? I opened the box and grabbed out one of the tests. I set the box on the toilet paper roll and sat on the toilet. I took the lid off the test and peed on it. I put the lid on it and waited.

"Please oh please be negative. I can't raise a baby in the apocalypse." I whispered to myself. I heard a knock on the door causing me to jump.

"Hey Y/N! We've gotta get moving it's almost dark out!" Warren said

"Okay!" I said. I put the used pregnancy test in the box and got up, pulling my pants up and I walked to my bag, putting the pregnancy test in my bag once again. I zipped my bag up and put it on. I also had propped my sniper rifle against a trash can and I grabbed it and put it on. I unlocked the bathroom door, I walked out and went to the SUV that we had stolen from a turned family. I slid in the way, way back next to 10k.

Time skip brought to you by your unborn child_______________________________________________________

We were driving down the bare highway everyone was asleep except for Doc, who was driving and myself who wanted to see what the pregnancy test would tell me but, I was a little scared that somebody might wake up and see. Fortunately my curiosity over ruled my worry. I pulled out the pregnancy test I ha taken in the gas station back there. Why am I so terrified to look at it? I took a deep breath and looked at the test. it was..... negative..... Oh thank goodness.... wait. What if the test just read wrong? Because I'm pretty sure its been like four weeks since Tommy and I... had sex... I think I read somewhere that its better if you take a pregnancy test when you're eight weeks pregnant. I put the test back in my bag and pulled out a phone I had found that still had some juice left on it. It read Oct 16, 2015, 10:00 PM. So, I guess when the calander says Nov 8th, 2015 it'll be eight official weeks since Tommy and I had sex.... Great. I can't wait four god damn weeks just to see if I'm pregnant or not! UGH! Whatever.I spent a couple minutes writing down calendar's from this month to when, If I'm pregnant, I would be Nine months pregnant.... So then if I am pregnant I know exactly when my due date is. Since the start of the apocalypse I have been trying to find a calendar so I can keep track of the days.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Y/N, What are you doing?" Tommy asked groggily.

"Writing a calendar down so I can keep track of the days." I said, finishing up once I was done I put my notebook and the phone in my bag once again.


"Because I feel like it." I laid down next to him and cuddled up next to Tommy.

"That's better." he said, wrapping his arms around me.

"10k?" I said looking at him.


"I need to tell you something..." I said

"what is it?"

"I might be pregnant but I also hopefully may not be..... I don't really know but if I am... I'm probably going to go somewhere that's safe....."

"What? Seriously?" he whispered

"Yeah....." he didn't say anything, just kissed me. I smiled a bit and laid my head on his chest, closing my eyes. He kissed the top of my head and we fell asleep.

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