11: Citizen Z's help

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An Hour passed since the last time we talked. I hope they found Doc by now and on their way to the house. I told myself to calm down, it wasn't working though, I was nervous as hell and also a little scared. I wanted everyone to be safe, especially Tommy. I have no clue how I could survive in this apocalypse without him. He meant everything to me. I feel safest with him and if I have to raise this god damn baby all by myself I. Will. Kill somebody. I don't care if they got kids either because if they can do it to somebody else then that means their heartless pricks. The apocalypse has enough of those already.

"Good news, we found Doc, bad news, we've been captured, get out when you can, contact CZ!-" it was Addy, she was cut off. Something was wrong! She told me to get ahold of citizen Z.... I don't know how to do that! So, maybe I won't have to contact him? No, I just need to get out of here, contact CZ, and break everybody out somehow. I took a deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth, in through the nose, out through the mouth. I calmed down, I grabbed my bag and my sniper rifle, I put on my bag first and then my rifle. I grabbed my trusty axe and put it in a homemade axe-holder thingy Ma-bob that I made because I didn't wanna loose it. Before I unlocked the door I pulled back the curtain some and peaked outside, looking around I saw nobody. I had to find a traffic camera or something. Maybe if I find a military base then maybe I can find something to contact CZ. I walked over to the door I readied myself, grabbing the gun from it's holster. I unlocked the door and opened the door slowly, walking out slowly aiming my gun. I closed the door pressing my back flat against it. I looked for any zombies coming along fortunately there wasn't any Z's, so I ran as fast as I could, looking out for any moving creature so, I ran as fast as I could. I ran for twenty minutes before having to stop. I had ran behind a building I had my hands on my knees, bent over resting against the wall, panting.

"Holy shit! Ugh!" I said out of breath I slid down the wall, sitting on the ground. I took my bag off and grabbed out my water bottle, unscrewing the lid and sucking most of it down like nothing. I rested for a few minutes, catching my breath I screwed the lid back on my water bottle and stuck it in my bag. I pulled a small bag of weed, a metal pipe, a weed grinder, and a lighter out of my bag. I put some weed in the grinder, rolling the bag up and putting it back in my bag. I picked up the grinder and twisted the top until I knew it was all ground up. I twisted the bottom of said grinder off I picked the pipe up and put some weed in it I screwed the bottom of the grinder on and put it back in my bag zipping the pocket up. I smoked the bowl til it was gone and I put my pipe and lighter back in my bag. I sighed and stood up, grabbing my bag and put it on. I grabbed my gun and started running again.
_____________ time skip brought to you by your own Bad Assery_______________

I hadn't found a military base in the city so, instead I found the next best thing, a traffic camera. Good news though I'd found a military walkie talkie. I stood in front of the camera waving my arms in the air hoping that Citizen Z could see me. Just then it zoomed in. I got out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote on it I also grabbed the walkie talkie. God I hope he has the same walkie talkie as this. I showed the piece of paper to the camera.

'If you can see me, go to channel six on the walkie talkie!' It read and I shook the walkie talkie. It was turned to channel six. Then I heard his voice come in.

"Hello? Y/N? Where are the others? What happened?" He asked relief flowed through me and I rejoiced.

"OH MY GOD! Citizens Z! Thank god I got a hold of you! Listen, the others got captured. I don't know where they are but Addy told me to contact you!"

"Did she say anything else?"

"No, no she didn't."

"Shit, is Murphy still alive?"

"Last time I checked he was still alive, but uh I'm not sure how long he'll stay that way. I need you're help can you track them down? It's imperative that I find them." I said tearing up a bit. Boy was I've been so emotional since I got pregnant. I hate it.

"Uhhh Yeah, I can help out. Do you know what city you're in?"

"Uhm? No, not at all, but it looks like it was bombed or something, there's not a human or Z in sight. Well, actually I'm not so sure about the whole no human thing otherwise my group would be with me right now."

"Uh Okay, hold on. I'll see if I can find them, til then just sit tight." He left the conversation. I sighed putting the walkie talkie in my bag. I guess I'll start looking for them. I started sprinting through all the parts I've seen before.
___________Time Skip brought to you by CZ's broadcasting skillz_______________
I was looking inside of a building. It was a lab of some sorts. I've been searching for them for hours it was already high noon.

"Hello? Come in, over" I've never pulled something out of my bag so fast.

"Hello? Citizen Z, this is Y/N of operation bite mark, you there? Over."

"I found where they were taken, but they've got the place surrounded by zombies. Over."

"Shit... uh okay. Is there any way you can get me inside? Over."

"Maybe, hold on for a second. Over." It took two seconds for him to reply to my question.

"I found somewhere you could get in, but only thing is, it's infested with Z's EVERYWHERE! It's too dangerous, over."

"Okay, take me there, over."

"Um what? I don't think that's a good idea, over."

"I don't care. Somebody needs to save their asses and I don't think you're going to be the one to do it so, again I ask, take me there, please. Over." He had went silent for a minute. I sighed and started to walk, then.

"Okay I got your location and I'm ready to give you some directions I guess. Over."

"Okay, lead me there. Over."

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