4: Four weeks later

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Before I start this chapter I thought I'd inform you once more. You can comment some baba names and also I will not be revealing the gender until the baby is born because, as you know, babies genders are usually a surprise so I wanted to replicate RL and also if you'd like you can comment some nicknames you'd like for 10K to call you. Also if you wanna suggest a few Idea's for some chapters I'm all for it because I don't always have ideas for chapters so if you wanna help me out please go ahead and do so because why not anywho sorry for the long intro I'll let you get to what you came here for. Enjoy! -J.
We were somewhere in the damn zombie apocalypse, out of a car and little Lucy wouldn't stop crying. While I had recently been suffering from nausea. Everyone wouldn't stop checking with me, seeing if everything was okay with me and stuff. It's rather annoying. On the bright side at least we weren't walking in hot ass weather, it's actually really pretty outside. A sigh escaped from my mouth and 10k turned his head towards me.

"You okay?" He asked

"Yeah. I'm fine." That was a little white lie. My feet hurt from walking but that wasn't really bothering My it was the fact that I felt like absolute shit. I was nauseous, my breasts hurt, I was covered in a thick layer of sweat, blood, and dirt, and I smelled like the inside of a garbage truck. I wasn't surprised that I hadn't thrown up yet. Oh and I was also really fricken tired.

"Are you sure?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Promise." I said giving him a small smile.

"Okay. Just tell us when you need to rest." He said, rubbing my back.

"Okay. I will."

We didn't talk the rest of the time we were walking. Eventually we had to stop so that Murphy could take care of Lucy's needs. He was sitting, leaning his back against a log and Cassandra was keeping guard. Warren, Doc, Vasquez, Addy, Tommy, and I were sitting in a small group a couple feet away from them. Although Vasquez cut the visit short and wandered off while Warren was doing whatever.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" Doc asked as he screwed the lid back onto his water.

"Nauseous. Like usual." I said with an annoyed sigh.

"Are you sure you're not sick Y/N?" Addy interjected.

"I don't feel sick." I said a big yawn made its way from me.

"Where's Vasquez?" Warren asked as she walked up to us. She took a seat next to Addy. They mingled for a while and Warren decided she was going to go find our fun little bounty hunter. I decided to get some shut eye.

I was walking down a dark dreary road. I was lost. There were decrepit buildings along the road as I walked down it. I was curious where was Warren? Doc? Addy? Murphy? 10k? Hell even Cassandra?

"Hello? Is anybody there?" My voice echoed, so lonely. Why? Where was I and where were my friends? Where was Tommy most of all? I was slightly scared. I walked farther down the road until there was a dead end. All I could do was turn so I did but, there were Z's everywhere. I tried to escape but there was a brick wall. Panic welled up inside of me. The zombies had notice me, I turned around looking into their decrepit eyes.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! HELP HELP HELP MEEEEEEEE! SOMEONE PLEASE!" I cried out but at that point one of them reached me and sunk it's teeth into my wrist soon it's friends followed. As the Z's sunk their teeth into my skin I let out a blood curdling scream, tears welling up in my eyes.

I shot up from my slumber in a cold sweat. I was breathing heavily scared out of my wits. I looked around and saw nobody. I panicked.

"10k? Doc? Addy?! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!?" I said, standing up. I grabbed my bag, pulling it onto my back and my sniper rifle that Tommy had given to me and I pulled it on as well. I started to run, searching for anybody.

"WARREN?! DOC?! 10K?! ANYBODY! Where the hell could they be?" I said on the brink of tears.

Please don't be a dream in another dream. Please please please. Oh god I hate it when we split up. They can't be too far.... right? How long was I asleep? Were's Murphy and Lucy? Where is Cassandra? God I hope I'm not lost.... Fuuuuuuuuuckuhhhhhhhhhhh! I really have to pee.... NO! Have to keep going.... have to find group. Why do I sound like a freaking cave man, man. *sigh* should I stop or something? No, N-

"AH!" I said as I ran into somebody and falling to the ground on my ass.

"Ouch." I rubbed the side of my thigh.

"Y/N!" I heard Addy's voice. I looked up at her and beamed with joyful ness.

"ADDY! Where's Doc and 10k?" I asked hopping she would say something like 'with Warren and the others, Come on!' But instead she answered with

"Doc isn't far from here. We heard you and I thought that I'd come and get you. As for 10k and Murphy, I don't know." Just what I regretted to hear. Great.... she lent me a hand and I grabbed it. She helped me up and we started to walk.

"So where do you think Murphy went???" I asked with a slight worried look on my face.

"I don't know but we found a discarded diaper in this way." She said pointing in a direction.

"I hope 10k is okay...." I said with a sigh.

"I'm sure he's fine Y/N. He's a smart kid and an amazing shot."

"Yeah I'm sure he can take care of himself but Ma- I mean We've had people who were qualified to handle the apocalypse die because of the damn Z's."

"Y/N.10k is a badass. He's fine."

"You're probably right."

"Not probably. I am." I smiled at that. Addy put her arm around me, giving me an awkward side hug. I wrapped my arm around her torso, resting my head on her shoulder, returning her awkward side hug.

Time skip brought to you by Death the wolf dragon.

Warren found a vehicle. Cassandra was dead and Lucy was..... Missing or dead. Tommy was upset and not talking to anybody. I tried to talk to him but he only ignored me so I turned my attention to my journal. Since day one I've written in a black leather Journal that I found in a desk. It had quite a few pages but I only had six more pages left to write on.

Date: .......unknown........ sometime around fall... sometime after day one....

Today I feel sick..... unfortunately I also still haven't gotten my period but it could be changing.... anyway that's besides the point. I'm sorry for the detail. Cassandra has been killed by 10k unfortunately but it had to happen. Cassandra wasn't Cassandra anymore she was..... different. Murphy bit her, she turned. That's all that happened. But she was still conscious, still alive but she also ate people. That doesn't really matter anymore though because I'm glad she's gone. Glad that she could move on. If that's how you go. Lately I've lost hope that there's anything good after this life. But for Cassandra, I'm going with God for 100 please!  Murphy did something with Lucy. What? I don't know. Warren tried to get him to talk but she failed at getting him to goddamned talk. But I know eventually we will find out. We are currently on our way out of spring field. Unknowing where were going on the open road in the damn apocalypse. Anyway that's really all I have for now.

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