15: The Camp

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Y/N was driving down the highway, she was almost to the small town. Ten K was still soundly sleeping in the back seat. Y/N rolled the window down, just a crack. She pulled a joint from the front pocket of her bag, and a lighter. She stuck it between her lips and lit it. Y/N stuck the lighter back into her bag. A sign for a gas station popped up. Y/N figured she can take a stop to regroup and take a look at the map. Only moments later the gas station appeared Y/N pulled into the gas stations parking lot, and parked the car. She turned the car off and took the key out of the ignition. She unbuckled her seat belt.

"Are we here?" Ten K asked as he sat up.

"No, I was just stopping to stretch, and take a look at the map. How'd you sleep?"

"I feel replenished. How are you doing?" He asked as he stretched.

"I'm doing fine. I have to pee though." She said, opening the car door.

"You go pee, I'll take a look at the map."

"Here, take these." She gave him the keys. Y/N pulled a flashlight out of her bag, and she got out of the car. Z walked to the gas station doors. She tried to open them but, they were locked.

"Odd, I guess I should go find a place to crouch." She told herself. When Y/N turned her back to the doors though and started to walk away somebody opened them up.

"Hey. Do you need something?" A woman's voice asked causing Y/N and Ten K to both turn around with their guns pointed at her. She quickly put her hands up in self defense. She didn't had any weapons.

"Sorry, we weren't expecting to see anybody. Especially at this time of night. I'm Z, this is my boyfriend, Ten K." Y/N said as she and Tommy put their gun away.

"What brings you here?" The woman asked as she looked at Y/N's baby bump.

"We were just stopping to stretch and take a look at our map. Do you by chance have a working bathroom?" Y/N informed as she ran her hands over her bump.

"Yeah, of course! Right this way and you really shouldn't be out here by yourself. You can come in and read it in the light."

"Uh, thanks." Tommy said, he grabbed the map and his bag and they both made their way inside. The woman turned the lights on and led Y/N to the bathroom.  Thomas spread the map across the counter.

"Need help?" The woman asked Tommy as he stared at the paper.

"Uh, yeah. Maybe you can help me. We're trying to get to this town. You know for rest and relaxation, hopefully a home. As you know Z's pregnant."

"How far along is she?"

"Fifteen weeks. Uh do you know of any safe places here?" He asked as he circled to town with his finger. She looked at the map.

"Yes! The whole place is safe. I live there, I just work here. I can close early and help you get there. Besides, their not that friendly towards new comers." She said as she leaned in towards him. Thomas became wildly uncomfortable.

"You'd do that?" Ten K said awkwardly. Just then a man walked in.

"Hey Lizzy. You busy?" The man asked.

"No, I was just helping this young man and his girlfriend out with directions."

"Oh. Where are you going?" He asked, Y/N finally walked out of the bathroom. She heard the question the gentleman asked.

"Actually, I believe there's a town just a few mile up ahead." She spoke up. Relief flowed through Thomas he quickly grabbed the map and walked right over to Y/N.

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