#24 * The Skatergirl (Part 2)

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(Author's note: This one takes place in the same universe as #21 so if you don't remember you can always go and take a look there. - Athena_9909)

Nike's pov:

I was skating to school. Next to me Rodrigo kick-flipped his board. I spotted a ledge that would be great to slide on.

"Hey, check this one." I say to Rodrigo.

I push a bit more to build up some speed. When I'm near the ledge I jump on and slide all the way to the end.

"That was sooo long." Rodrigo said when he caught up with me.

"Right?" I smirk.

After a bit more skating and showing off along the way Rodrigo and I arrive at school. We said our hellos to Jason and Kyle.

"Guys you should've been there. Nike slided this ledge, was quite long and she made it all the way to the end." Rodrigo said.

"She's really getting good at it."

By that he meant I used to suck at ledges and railings. But lately I've been practicing them a bit more and would you look at that, I made it all the way to the end this time.

On the other side of the parking lot I see a grey Aston Martin pulling up. My heart starts to beat faster and my hands get a little clammy because I know very well who drives that car.

"Guys she's here, I'll see you in class okay." I say a quick goodbye to the boys and skate up to where the person parked their car.

"She's so whipped." I hear Kyle say to Jason.

I ignore the statement just fine.

When I arrive at the car the person has already gotten out. She's leaning against it with a smirk.

"Goodmorning." My girlfriend smiles, pushing her glasses back up her nose.

"Morning." I reply, kicking up my board and catching it with ease.

I walk up to her and kiss her. Sadly we're interrupted by a honk. I look up and spot a motorcycle rider. I shake my head, by now I know that's Artemis. One of my girlfriend's best friends.

I should probably catch you up here. After our biology project about two months ago Athena and I started hanging out and even went on a couple of dates. Safe to say that went well. Then she made me the luckiest and happiest girl in the world, because I got to be her girlfriend.

That does mean adding Artemis and Hestia to my friend list. The three of them sort of come like a package deal. But I don't mind, they're nice. Although with Artemis you never really know.

-line break to the end of the school day-

I walked with Athena towards her locker. She takes what she needs and we head outside.

"Can I take you home?" She asks while we walk towards her car.

"Uh yeah sure." I reply.

I wasn't entirely excited for it because compared to her father's mansion I lived in a dumpster.

Okay it's not that bad I'll admit. It's comfortable and we have what we need. But it's just you know suburban. Your average American house.

But I suppose she has to come around sometime right? We get into the car and she starts the engine.

While she drives her hand rests on my lap. Part of me always thought I'd be in her position and I'd be the one driving. But I find that I don't really mind when she is being a bit more dominant. In a way it suits her.

"It's right here to your left." I pointed at my house.

"The one with the blue pvc finish?" Athena asks.

"The what?" I raise a brow.

"The light blue, greyish one?" She repeats herself.

I nod and she parks the car on the driveway.

"You coming in for a bit or?" I look at her.

Before I can say anything else my little brother Kratos runs out the house. His mouth practically drops to the ground.

"Uhm... Who is-?" Athena starts, but before I can answer my sister Bia, my other brother Zelos and my parents come outside as well.

It's not everyday an Aston Martin just casually stands on our driveway. Not yet at least.

I see mom signing to dad asking him who's car it is. My dad signs back that he doesn't know. My mom is deaf in case your wondering. It's not always easy, but we manage.

"So yeah. That's my family." I say a little awkward.

Athena looks at me and smiles.

"It's adorable." She adds.

"See you say that now, but wait until you meet Kratos and Bia." I say.

Those two were the real troublemakers. Bia is 12, same for her twin brother Kratos. I'm 18 and Zelos is 19.

"I can't wait." My girlfriend smirks.

"Well in that case let's get to know them shall we." I kiss her cheek.

Athena x NikeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora