49| Angels

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Rosé smelled bacon.

Her stomach immediately woke up, ravenous for a piece. As the rest of her senses slowly rebooted, she vaguely wondered why her body felt unusually heavy, with something pressing down on her chest. 

Had Ella crawled on top of her? Or Bori?

Her eyes fluttered open, bleary vision quickly clearing when she remembered the events of the night and how now, Lisa's head rested on her chest. Her face was hidden by her bangs but she slept soundly, her hand clutching on to Rosé's shirt just like a baby.

Rosé smiled and tenderly brushed a hand over Lisa's hair, basking in the simple joy of waking up to Lisa's presence.

Last night had been a mess of extremes, going from intoxication to terror to relief to joy in the span of  a few hours. They had kissed and opened their hearts to each other and then fell asleep in a tangle. 

If she hadn't been almost carried off by Seokjin, she wouldn't be here holding Lisa in her arms.

The sour reminder of Seokjin had the faint traces of unease stir in her stomach, but Lisa's low mumbles as she roused herself pushed them out of Rosé's head. She braced herself to greet Lisa, barely able to conceal her gigantic grin when Lisa lifted her head, squinting in confusion in the morning light.


"That's me," Rosé nodded. "Did you sleep well, baby?"

Lisa's face split in a grin as she flopped back on her chest. "It wasn't a dream."

"Definitely not," Rosé said fondly, stroking her cheek. "You still got your bruises and your poor hand...how is it feeling?"

"You're asking about my hand but you're not asking about me?" Lisa pouted.

"Technically I am." Rosé rolled her eyes and chuckled. "You goof."

"That's my charm baby," Lisa winked, testing out the endearment which had Rosé's heart swell. She was dying to kiss her but Lisa sniffed the air and licked her lips, distracted by the aroma. 

"Hey, are you cooking bacon?"

Before Rosé could snort and point out that she was still trapped beneath her, someone else spoke up.

"Jisoo is."

Their heads whipped around to behold Jennie innocently licking the spoon she was holding, a pot of yogurt in her other hand as she sat cross-legged on the carpet in front of them. She lifted the yogurt pot up, as though making a toast.

"Ella gave it to me. Hope you don't mind Rosie, I was starving," she said nonchalantly. "It's quite good actually, I might start buying it. We can afford to splurge out and be a little fancy now." 

She swallowed another spoonful, the silence thick after she stopped talking.

Stunned, Rosé could only nod, tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. She lay frozen stiff on the couch, her thoughts running amok. 

Lisa on top of her certainly didn't cut for pretending everything was still platonic. They hadn't even discussed how to break it to their friends and Ella.

How long had Jennie been sitting there watching them? How did she get in?

The sound of sizzling bacon intensified.

"Ni...Nini?" Lisa squeaked out, also frozen stiff as a board on top of Rosé. She swallowed nervously, tucking her hurt arm out of sight. Rosé was suddenly thankful that Jennie had not yet noticed it. 

"Unnie, how long...how..." Lisa began nervously.

"How long I've been sitting here?" Jennie checked her phone. "Right now it's 10am, I think we came over an hour ago, right on time with Ella, her friend's mother dropped her off. She let us in cos' she had the keys. Jisoo and Ella got bored watching you sleeping so they're whipping up breakfast. I'm sure you're hungry."

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