86| Tell Me (No) Lies

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rosie and jennie discuss the future, mention the cult as a last-ditch option. jisoo returns, jensoo reunite with some explosive results. thanks to rosie and dr.kim's interventions, jensoo manage to reconnect and jennie catches her up on a good chunk of what had been going on but there's still more left. haein, hani and jennie agree on a deal to hide chaesoo and ella. in return, jennie is ordered to take down jinyoung and bring in tiger king for the dasoni. jennie and lisa would both end up working for the dasoni. jennie considers how she can break free from the dasoni and take them down. hani is suspicious of jennie, confides with haein she wants tiger king and never was going to give it up in the first place, even with the original plan she had with jennie. chanyeol overhears and things take a sour turn between them. chanyeol and jennie agree to work together to expose the tiger king story, jinyoung and the dasoni to the public without mentioning chaesoo or ella aka only jennie would take the fall. chanyeol urges jennie to discuss this decision with chaesoo but jennie refuses: she wants them to be left out of the ensuing chaos.

 warning: mature/graphic depictions of violence

"Ha! Get on my level, suckers!" Ella said gleefully as she threw her winning hand of cards down. "Make it rain dolla dolla bills on you losers! I win again! Suck my dick!"

"Ella! Let's not use that sort of language, it's not nice, okay? Especially in front of other people," Rosé chided gently, pink in the face.

"Oh please don't mind me, I'm invisible," Dr. Kim called, curled up in her corner but she was failing abominably to stifle her smile.

"You sound like Lisa, El. Next thing you know, she's gonna call us her greasy harlots or something," Jisoo chuckled.


"What's greasy harlots?" Ella asked with immense interest, immediately abandoning the game. Rosé glared at a sheepish Jisoo. Before she could berate her, Jisoo was saved by a sharp knocking on the door.

Jisoo jumped off the couch and ran. "That must be Jennie!"

She had been secretly counting down the minutes to see her girlfriend again. According to Dr. Kim, Jennie had rushed out early accompanied by Chanyeol, the detective, claiming she needed to make some errands before she saw Jisoo again. 

Although it made Jisoo's anxiety spike, she trusted Jennie had good reason to miss out on their agreement to meet that morning after last night's emotional reunion.

Besides, she wasn't alone for long: Rosé, Ella and Hani dropped by to visit with a deck of cards. Hani didn't linger; she seemed uncomfortable in their presence. Jisoo didn't push her to stay. She still wasn't sure what she felt about Hani being in the mob and having effectively enslaved Jennie so she breathed out in relief when Hani excused herself, leaving Dr. Kim to chaperone them as the stifling apartment soon turned boisterous. 

Jisoo felt more at ease with Rosé and Ella, her confidence in her control boosted after her conversation with Jennie, and the fact that Dr. Kim was present to keep an eye, at her request. Rosé had hesitantly opened her arms for a hug but Ella had run full-tilt and hugged her around the middle without waiting for permission. Although the contact had Jisoo flinch, her heart melted at Ella's absolute trust.

"Jennie unnie said Aunty Jisoo is not a bad person and that everyone over-reacted," Ella shrugged when chastised by her mother about respecting personal space. Jisoo silently thanked Jennie for unknowingly breaking down stigma around her. Although she was still wary of losing control and hurting Rosé and Ella, having them be relaxed and treating her normally helped her lose a great deal of anxiousness.

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