2| Drinks

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"Darling you were magnificent!" purred Momo, waving her beer.

"No babe, YOU were magnificent!" Lisa insisted as they chortled and clinked their drinks. 

"Both of you sucked," Jennie snorted as she drained her glass. She sat next to the boxers, her grouchy aura driving away her sister's adoring fans from sitting next to her.

They were about four of them around Lisa and Momo, giggling or squealing alternately when Lisa leaned in to whisper to one of them. 

Although used to having her fighters mobbed by fangirls, Jennie was never in the mood for ditzy fawning teenage girls. 

She observed them now over the rim of her glass. Jennie sized them up to be typical rebellious teens on a night out. They wore flashy bling, skimpy clothes, too much make-up and stood out like a lipstick stain on a white shirt. 

"—and then my girl Kami here," Lisa was saying, nudging Momo, "she was like, dude, let's spice it up! And I was like whaddya wanna do? And she was like, forget slugging it out until we knock each other out, let's just go in like goats do! We do that for the final round, 'kay? And the rest is history," Lisa finished as her audience tittered and cooed.

"And now you both got matching black-eyes. Well frigging done." Jennie added grumpily.

"Oooooh somebody's in a sour mood," Momo wiggled her eyebrows. "You should get her a girlfriend Lis! Maybe if she got laid, she'd mellow down. One of these gals might want a piece of her."

She turned to the girls. "Hey ladies, anyone be interested in shagging our trainer? I swear she can be nice...sometimes. Hey you, sweetie, what's your name? I saw you give her the one-over. Come now, don't be shy!"

"You might not get the prestige and glory," Lisa smirked and flexed her biceps, "but you'll get a pretty good deal all the same, she's fit as the both of us."

"We don't want anyone but you Lisa," pouted one of the girls, hanging on possessively to the blonde.

"Ouch Mo," Lisa chuckled, as she put her arms around the nearest squawking fangirl, "guess they got a thing for pretty Thai's."

"Your thighs are pretty thick, not gonna lie," Momo slurred amidst squeals.

"Lisa your groupies are getting on my nerves," Jennie snarled. She didn't think she could take one more squeal, one more fake giggle—out of the greasy harlots bumping shoulders with her. 

She was only tolerating them because the naive girls were buying drinks for everybody. 

Seems like she struck lucky tonight—she hadn't been in the mood for drinking after Lisa and Momo's idiotic showing but getting free drinks was an opportunity she couldn't turn down.

As Lisa said, free drinks are free drinks—you'd have to be pretty stupid not to accept them.

She watched several hands wandering carelessly all over Lisa's front as the boxer basked in the attention and leaned back against the bar, giving them more access. 

One girl was bold enough to press a palm to Lisa's chest, delighted when her action elicited a guttural moan.

"Babe let's not be too fresh, we're in public," Lisa husked and immediately groped the girl's butt beneath the miniskirt. 

"Hmm firm and tender," she complimented as the girl squealed and batted her hands away while her friends looked on in envy.

Jennie snorted, wise to her little sister's ways.

"Babe, can you get me a refill?" Lisa asked the mini-skirt girl with a suggestive smirk. "And for my big sis and the Kamikaze herself."

"You're disgusting," Jennie informed her when Mini-skirt girl obediently moved away to fetch Lisa her orders. "Thanks though."

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