17| Upset

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No response. Jennie shrugged tiredly and decided to change into her night clothes before she tried speaking to her again. She hung up her diner uniform and flopped on her mattress.

"Lisa." she tried again.

Still no response from the blonde, and Jennie was near giving up—she knew Lisa was still awake but in a dank mood after she was informed their plan for her to attend some pilates sessions. 

Jennie had tried to talk to her little sister right after dropping the news but Lisa steadfastly ignored her, heading straight to the punching bag and starting on her sets without another word. 

Somi bit her lip and stared at Jennie in confusion while Jennie gently steered her away and asked her to leave the blonde to think. Time passed by slowly and Jennie feared that once she left for her shift, Lisa would implode. She managed to convince Somi to leave early by promising to have a positive answer tomorrow.

Which brought her to this moment—Lisa was being incredibly difficult and Jennie felt pressed for time to get an answer before she fell asleep. 

"Lisa, come on, I'm not gonna sleep before we talk about this."

The tense atmosphere between them was thick enough to choke Jennie, spurring her to keep trying until she made a breakthrough.

They weren't kids anymore. Hwangssabu wasn't around anymore to make them apologise to each other. It was up to her as the eldest to reach out and make peace with her little sister, even when the latter was being a brat.

"Lisa, talk to me."

"Why?" Lisa's voice was tinged with annoyance. "So that you can go ahead and decide on stuff without my opinion anyway? Just go to sleep, we got a long day tomorrow."

Jennie sighed. "I'm sorry it turned out this way. It was on the spur of the moment—"

"Yeah well, sorry ain't gonna cut it," was the lofty reply.

"But you're being rather childish about this whole thing too. I'm glad you didn't throw your tantrum in front of Somi."

"Childish? So I'm just expected to follow everything you say without objecting, like some empty-headed prize cash-cow?"

Jennie massaged her temple. "I didn't—"

"Just shut up okay? I'm really mad right now, I don't wanna talk," Lisa growled.

"Just why are you making such a big deal out of this? I told you, it's the next best thing after taking a break—"

"Pfftt excuses. Pilates is for those whiny, skinny white hoes and sluts who can't even lift their purses," Lisa snorted, "I would have signed up for these pilots classes—"

"It's pilates, and you know that—"

"— pilots classes had I wanted to be more flexible for sex positions in bed," Lisa sneered, completely ignoring her sister' correction. "So otherwise, I don't need it. It's a waste of my time. Period. Period." 

She glanced at her sister, barely able to make out her silhouette by the faint light of the streetlight seeping in through the dirty window. "Tell Irene unnie thanks but no thanks. She can keep her nose out of our business too, while she's at it."

Jennie pursed her lips. "Okay now that's just plain rude. They're only trying to help! Somi is concerned about you the most, and Irene is kind enough to help us—help you—get better."

"I'm fine! Nothing's wrong with me," Lisa insisted. "I don't need any pilates session, I train everyday!"

"Oh yeah, that must be why we're drowning in money right now," Jennie retorted scathingly. "Cos' you're obviously so good you win every single match. We need to buy a new wardrobe for our Chanel and Gucci, and I go running in a new pair of Vans every day."

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