62| Phone Calls

914 50 69

previously: jensoo talk with momo, chaelisa baby talk, dahyun got in trouble, chanyeol found the Vault

"Lisa! Lisa! Lisa!" Ella shouted as she ran into the bedroom. Lisa bolted up in bed, startling Rosé awake too.

"Wha-a-at? What's going on?" Rosé said sleepily. Lisa's heart did flips she watched her girlfriend rub the sleep out of her eyes. "Ella?"

Ella jumped on the bed, holding Lisa's ringing phone in hand. "Jennie unnie is calling you."

"Oh okay," Lisa shrugged and flopped back on the pillows.

"What an excellent idea," Rosé chuckled, also lying back and cuddling up with Lisa. "Ella, want some cuddles? You don't have school today, do you?"

"But Jennie unnie—"

"She can wait some more, just hang up," Lisa said, not wanting to leave the cocoon of warmth just yet to face whatever her sister wanted. She had been halfway in a blissful dream, walking hand in hand with Rosé as Ella held her baby brother's hand. He had just learned how to walk and it filled Lisa with immense joy to see Rosé so happy, without the shadow of sadness that seemed to appear on her face at times when she thought Lisa wasn't watching her.

"I love you," she told Lisa in the dream, kissing her."I'll be with you, always."

"Morning, my babies," Rosé chuckled as Ella snuggled between them after hanging up, still clad in her pyjamas. She smiled up at Lisa as well before kissing Ella's temple. "Why didn't you get Flora with you?"

"Lisa's phone woke me up, it was on the kitchen counter, and I came straight here," Ella shrugged then shivered. "Why do you have the AC so cold in here Mom?"

"Sorry kiddo, I run a little hotter than the average person, I guess," Lisa said. She didn't miss the way Rosé rolled her eyes when she smirked at her, but Ella didn't notice this interaction as she  cuddled closer to her mother, eyes dropping shut in contentment.

"What do you suppose Jennie wanted?" Rosé yawned. She smiled when Lisa combed her hair, humming appreciatively as all three snuggled together.

"Don't know, we'll find out soon enough—"

On cue, the phone on the bedside table lit up once more and Lisa groaned as Rosé and Ella giggled.

"Can't I have a peaceful morning for once?" Lisa lamented.

"What are you talking about? It's not like Jennie phones you every day."

"Yeah but we actually got to sleep in and Ella is with us too today, we don't often get that," Lisa grumbled as she picked up the phone. She peered at the screen, thoughtful. "Do you think she'd be mad enough to come over if I hang up a second time?"

"I don't think that's wise, babe," Rosé said with her bottom lip trapped beneath her teeth.

"Jennie unnie gets a bit scary sometimes," Ella added in concern.

"Oh well, I like to live dangerously," Lisa said cheerfully, hanging up and placing it back on the table. "Now, where was I? Oh, that's right!"

She tackled Ella, tickling her as the girl shrieked and kicked out.

"Mom! Mom! Make her stop!"

Rosé only responded by joining in the tickling fest and Ella squealed, fighting back with all her might until the sheets were all on the floor and they were pelting each other with the pillows. Eventually, Rosé patted Lisa's arm and Lisa relented right away, leaving them all a breathless, dishevelled and panting mess, grinning at each other.

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