Chapter 29 (Ryan's Point of View)

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I am having a bad feeling about all this, thank goodness that Rylee and Colin is returning and Mark is also returning from Malaysia tomorrow. Something is not right, if the problem in France wasn't that big according to Colin and Rylee then why did the IT department from their told me that it's very important and they need two best developers? Well we can't also say, everything is very easy for Colin and Rylee but still the fact bugging me how with a concerned they told me its not that of a big problem. I send Rylee and Colin on this together also because of the other company issue, I am giving them too much pressure. Rylee was working on the hacking occurred few months ago on behalf of Colin and Colin was kinda busy with CRA and I on top had send them to the other side of the world to check network and not to mention create another mess in another company, how stupid of me. I also couldn't have known. They both work hard, and not to mention the pressure Rylee go through holding up two companies.
Colin called before getting on the plane, those two are always fighting and going for each others throats. They don't even stop bickering in the meetings also, to be honest I enjoy their banter. They look cute, maybe this trip brought them closer. I don't understand where in my law book written that my employees can't have relation with each other, who are making these rules, come on guys you can't stop your feelings, you can't stop if you fall for someone. I am pretty sure who could it would be, of course Cassidy Sparke. Always creating problems with employees. I sigh.
"Sir? Are you alright? Should I bring coffee?" asked Linn.
"No thanks. I was thinking about Cassidy having problems with all the employees. She is always creating some stupid situations" I say, Linn quietly listens then opens her mouth to speak, "well yes sir. No offense but I still don't understand how can she reach so higher position. She is never in her post working, she keeps on shouting at others telling they aren't paid for whatsoever. It's sometimes really frustrating."
I nod listening to her. I can understand the frustration but why don't anyone complain? If they don't report how should I know. Linn gave me file to read where she needs my signature and excuse herself for the work I entrusted her. To be honest this girl is good, she keep up with me, it's already 6P. M. and she is still working on a file. I read the file when my phone rings, it shows Colin. I pick it up, "Colin?"
"Boss, we just came out of the terminal. I called to let you know."
"That's good. Is everything alright?"
"Yes, Rylee is not that well though but she is managing."
"What's wrong with her?"
"Oh just some random problems but she is okay now."
"Okay, let me talk to her." I hear Colin calls Rylee,"Mr. Carter?"
"How are you doing?"
"I'm fine Mr. Carter, nothing to worry. This happens sometimes."
"Okay if you say so, Colin didn't tell me what's wrong, but anyways I won't pry. Take care. You both can take the day off tomorrow."
"Uh... Take off? Are you sure? I mean don't we need to discuss?"
"You have given me ample amount of descriptions over phone and 1 day can wait. Take rest."
"Okay sir. If you say so."
"Yes good night Both of you, tell Colin too. Take rest."
"Good night Mr. Carter." we hung up. She sounds tired. I go back to my files when suddenly I remember something. Oh shit I forgot to call Rachael. It's been a while that I have some feelings for Rachael, Rylee's elder sister. I met her few years back when I met Rylee. Then I met her later on a gala party. She is so beautiful and pretty. She always smiles and her voice is so soft. I don't know whether she had told Rylee anything about me or not, I hope if she ever Rylee accepts. If her parents know it won't be a problem but Rylee is a big question mark here. Rylee has a big chance of rejection because she knows that I have been with lots of woman even after I met her sister. I definitely don't believe that Rylee Martinez hasn't investigated me, I am sure she did. She is not known for having trust on anyone let alone when it comes to her sister. I sigh again and called Rachael. On third ring she picks up, she sounds pretty tensed.
"Hey, Rachel. Ah, are you okay? Am I disturbing you?"
"No, No Ryan, absolutely not. I am just chilling a bit. What about you?"
"Ah, I am still in the office. Just few moments ago got a call from Rylee they reached in here."
"Oh, yes, I got a call too. What are you still doing at the office? Come on Ryan, give your employees a little break." she joked. I laughed, "They are gone long ago."
"Yes, but I heard that your employees work pretty late."
"Well to be honest I don't keep them."
"Sure thing, they are dedicated."
We both laughed and talked a bit about everything. Then I asked her about Rylee a bit. It right time to judge Rylee's character. No one knows her better than her sister.
"Your sister, well Rachael I have to tell she is superb."
"Yeah, she is, isn't she? A bit weird with her attitude and behavior though. Overprotective on me."
"Well to he honest I don't find it weird. She is a duplicate copy of Colin."
"Ah, oh, he is my developer."
"Oh... I don't know him though but that name, I think I heard it."
"May be from Rylee, they are working together."
"Oh yes yes. Absolutely I heard it from her."
"So, if anyone likes, will your sister strangle him?"
"Well, not strangle but if he has some history or any mark on his history she surely will make him run."
"What if you like someone?"
"She will bring that person's whole family history." we both laughed and talked a bit more about upcoming projects then hangup. I sigh once again. Rylee, she most probably will strangle me if I ever hurt her sister. How do I convince her?
What a mess!
I completed my work and head for home. I see Linn's office light is still on. I peeked, "Linn?"
She stands up, "Mr. Carter?"
"You still here!"
"Y-yes, I was just finishing this file up."
"You could have done that tomorrow morning as well."
"I just don't wanted it to be postponed."
"Okay, then you finish it up, I will wait in the car, I can drop you."
"No. Mr. Carter, don't bother." she smiled sweetly.
"No it's okay. It's pretty late almost 10, it's not safe for you go home alone. You finish it up I will wait downstairs." she finally nods and goes back to her work. She is one of the loyal employee I have got.


I was talking to Jake, when Linn knocks on the door. I opened and smiled at her.
"You are doing a great job."
"Thank you, I love doing my job sir. You give me so much new scope to learn." she smiled while answering. She is an employee should I ask her that how can I convince Rylee indirectly that I like her sister and also I need to tell Rachael this that I like her. I don't even know if she likes me like that or not. I am screwed. No it's not a good idea asking Linn. Very unprofessional.
"Where do you live Linn?"
"Chelsea colony"
"Jake, we need to drop her in front of her place."
"Yes Mr. Carter." Jake replies.


I got fresh and had some dinner then sat on my bed with my files. I am tired and really I don't want to work right now but tomorrow I have this boring meeting which just never finishes so I have to learn everything. I pour myself a glass of Bacardi and drink it reading the files. It pretty late, when I look at the watch it's already 2 in the morning. I put the files in the table and goes to bed. My mind drifts off to Rachael. Rylee will probably think that I am doing this to get their projects and more business aspects. But I genuinely like Rachael. I know Rylee has his trust issue thing.
Colin!!! If I tell him, can he convinced Rylee if anything goes wrong? But again he is my employee, even if we have this more than formality relationship due to him helping me this closely and I give him leaves if necessary for his band. But I have seen him, he works even from outside also. I sigh and think different ideas. Let's see if they works. With Rachael in my mind if drift off to sleep.

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