Chapter 32 (Colin's Point of View)

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WARNING ⚠ MATURE AND SENSITIVE CONTENT (If you don't like sex scenes then kindly skip the Parts.

Doris has calmed down, thanks to Rylee, she is an angel. Adam and I exchanged a knowing look when she came out of the basement. She has her phone stick to her ears, speaking some other language. Most probably that's Russian. She nods at me and Adam and continue to speak on her phone. Look at her and look at me, I don't even know any other language than English. Well yeah a little bit of Spanish though. I kiss her forehead and leave her alone with the phone call, knowing her and her look, it's totally about work, given the voice and tone she is speaking in its to cold too be any friends. I and Adam go down, Doris is calm but her eyes are puffy. I nodded at her smiling. Adam as usual joke around, all in all we had a good, even it had started a bit cracked.
It's been few hours we are playing and it seems pretty good, we composed some new music for the album, I am very much excited. We are satisfied with the tune that has been made, it sounds good. Adam informed that the guy he meet on the concert night has called back and is ready to sign us. He said he will call since is busy with something else and told us to take the time to prepare. We have Hot spring concert in two month too.
Should I asked Rylee if wants to play with us, I know she plays good. But I doubt she will accept, not only because she hate being around too many people she also have lots of work not to mention her tragic past.

We head upstairs and I look for Rylee but she is nowhere to be found. I called her out but nothing.
"Where did she go?" I say out loud. Doris called me, looking at the piece of paper. She hands it to me, it's a note from Rylee:

"Colin, I am leaving for while, I have some very important stuff to take care of, don't wait for me, I don't know when I will be able to return. If you need leave a message for me, I will call back as soon as I can. Sorry to have leave like that, I have the keys, so don't bother staying up and have your dinner and insulin on time.
C u soon. Kisses."
She wrote it in hurry, she will come back because not only did she said but also she left her stuff here. She has only taken her laptop. What has happened suddenly? I look at Adam and Doris, I am pretty stressed and worried. It's not like her, at least I think it's not like her. I sigh and fold the note and put it in my pocket. I go to the fridge and took some beer. I hand it to Adam and Doris, and I sit with mine. I am lost in thoughts when Doris asked me, "You have given her your house keys?"
"Um.. Yeah.. She is living here for a while because I asked her but she leaves for work or to her home for doing stuff so I gave her." I say. Doris didn't said anything but nods. I feel bad that she has fallen for me whereas I have choosen Rylee. She brings peace to my life, Doris is a sister to me, the annoying one on that matter. I sigh, my mind drifts off to Rylee again. It's 10 P. M., what work she might have now?
Doris and Adam left after a while, we talked and drank some beer, but my mind circles around that yeah she works all the time but at this hour what work she might have. I order some pizza for myself and some salad for Rylee because she don't like Pizza. It was easier with her, she cooked all these day staying here, she didn't let me order from outside and said I need to save money. Mother hen she is. She is so rich yet she understands what middle class people should be like. She understands it, that I am dependent on my work and that ordering everyday is sometimes waste of money but I am lazy and I am fed up with mac and cheese. In these days my freezer is full of stuff. She has brought all the groceries needed. I didn't know she can do that and can cook, god she cook really good. I can't forget her Indian style lemon chicken she just cooked for me, as she is an vegetarian. Anyway. I ate my food and kept the salad in the microwave to keep it warm.
I go to my room and works for a while.
Rylee still hasn't returned, I look at the time it's already 1:30 A.M. in the morning. Where the hell is she. I called her but it goes straight to voice mail and now I can't wait anymore I should call her again. It rings but she didn't picked up. I think about the worst. Max and others aren't with her, she don't have a car with her as she came direct here from the airport and when she had gone back home also she didn't bring her car after coming back here. I called her again but she isn't picking up. I know she is capable enough to defend herself but it's New York and this hour isn't really safe no matter how strong you are.
Then I hear the front door open, it's her. I hurry back downstairs. I see her close the door quietly, she thought I am sleeping, she didn't noticed me. She locked the door properly just like I do. She place the key on its holder. As she turns back she sees me and freezes, she looks hell exhausted.
"Colin? Did I wake you up?" she asked, her face is expressionless yet her eyes shows worry. She place a bag in the sofa and flop down. She didn't even notice that I didn't answer her. She rest her head on the backrest and took a deep breathe. It isn't like her, I know she gets closed off when she is stressed. What's wrong with her? I go to sit beside her, she opened her eyes and look at me in the eyes. Something is surely wrong. Her eyes is full of worry, it has taken a color of deep concern and exhaustion shows in her face which has lost some colors. She smiles at me faintly. I stroke her cheeks but she show no emotion.
"Rylee what's bothering you?" I ask softly. She jumps slightly even though she was looking at me. I frown.
"Nothing, just stressed." her voice is cold.
"Yeah that I can understand but about what?"
"About work." she just gave me a small reply. Then smile at me again,"Don't worry. Why aren't you asleep?"
"I was worried that you are this late and that you weren't picking up my calls."
"Oh... I was driving."
"You had gone to home? So why did you came back at this hour. I mean it's very unsafe at this hour."
"Yeah I know that's why I came by car. Don't worry I am capable of defending myself. I have certificate in MMAF." she smiles but that smile didn't reach her eyes.
"Yeah that I understand. It's okay if you don't want to tell me but go get fresh and have you eaten?"
"Oh.. No.. I forgot. But what did you eat, I didn't make you any dinner, I am sorry." how can someone forget to eat? Well here I have Rylee Martinez who is so workaholic that she forgot to eat. I also do sometimes though but for Rylee I heard its common.
"It's okay. I ordered." I say smirking. She burst out laughing.
"You are incorrigible Spencer." she says. I laughed at her.
"Where were you exactly at home? I am surprised that they let you come here at this hour without them coming with you."
"No. I was at home then I go somewhere else, from their I came." she says opening her bag, pulling out two laptops and some files. One of the file title is "THE GLOBAL WARMING PROJECT. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. MARTINA INDUSTRIAL AND CARTER CORP." it's the biggest project right now for both the companies. They have started make a move working on it as Carter told me.
"My laptops are dead. I didn't get a chance to charge them. Colin will you help me bit?"
"Yes sure. It's my pleasure, Rylee Martinez asked for help." I say laughing. She shakes her head smiling and hands me the charger for her laptops and phone. I told her that I will put them on charge and she should go change. She obeys and go upstairs. As I was putting her things on charge, her phone rings, somebody name Steve is calling. Who is this now? Should I pick up and see myself. I know she gets call almost all over night because of time difference but today she is particularly behaving different. She is stressful and is very cold. The phone stop ringing and then again starts ringing. Who is this so desperate? Am I jealous of her colleagues now? I know this guy is a colleague because she saved his number as "Steve IT MHQ" which mean Steve IT Martina headquarter.
I should give this to Rylee. I let the phone rings and I am very curious. Is it possible she is not interested in me anymore after she saw that I am not match for her? Could it be that she is cheating on me? No no that's not possible. What's wrong with you Colin? Then I hear the bedroom closes, she is coming down. I turn around, Rylee came downstairs her head in the clouds. I can feel she is worried, tense and a little angry maybe but what in the world is wrong?
"Rylee?" I called. She turns to look at me and saw the phone in my hand. She frowned a little but soon covers that up.
"What up Colin?" her voice is hoarse.
"Umm... Someone name Steve called you 3 times." I say. I closely check her reaction.
"Oh he called. You picked up?" she ask creasing her eyes.
"No. I thought it will be unfair. It must be very urgent he called that many times."
"Yeah it is. I gave him some work to do. He must be calling to give reports." she says sitting in the table, she didn't even bothered that I saw it. I must be really wrong thinking that she is cheating.
"So who is he?" I ask giving her phone back to her.
She didn't answers me right away as she was dialing his number. She looked at me and smirk.
"I am not cheating on you Colin."
My eyes go wide. She must be the only one who can read me. Oh that smirk. I move towards her, she follow me with her tired and exhausted eyes. I put my one hand on her hair slide it down to bring it on her neck and massage it. She closes her eyes with a sigh. Her phone is sticking to her ears. She relaxes at my touch and I lean down to kiss her. She tense up a bit then let go.
"You should eat, I have order a salad for you." I say still massaging her neck. She smiled and opened her eyes then gave me nods.
"What about you?"
"I ate pizza." I say smirking as she makes a face. She definitely don't like pizza. I go to the microwave and bring her food to her. She don't like extremely hot food sometimes. The salad is still warm so this would do. She is really weird sometimes not to mention her spice tolerance. Once I took a bit if her noodles, I jumped out of my seat. That was smoking spicy and she ate it hot. Then I heard that it was nuclear spicy noodles. Is she crazy?
Then I hear her tense and cold voice, "Steve?"
I don't know what that person say in the other end but I think something is wrong.
"I have arranged everything. They will their by the morning."
"I want it by tomorrow Steve. No negotiations. I need minute details for everyone. Tell your people to investigate Peterson industrials and Liam's company. See now what they are upto in general."
"I trust you Steve. Can I count on you?"
"Good. Goodnight. Have a good rest."
She hangs up take her head in hand. She rubs her temple. I sat in front of her watching her. Her neck is stiff, she is sweating. I only heard her side of the phone call. Peterson Industrials? What is with her and Adam's father's company? What in the world is wrong.
She looks at me and her eyes are sad.
"What's wrong kitten? Something wrong?" she didn't answer right away then took a deep breathe and nodded.
"Okay, eat first." I say giving her the bowl. She nodded and start to eat. I could feel that she is pushing herself, I get up and gave her a beer and took one for myself. "Here wash it down." I say and she smiled at me tenderly.
I waited for her to finish her salad, then I go upstairs and bring both of our guitars, she looked at me puzzled. I just smiled at her, and told her to took both our beers and phones. I took her to the basement and ask her to settle down. I know I am absolutely weird, it's almost 2:30 A.M. in the morning. I placed both the guiters in the strands as she hand me my beer and phone. We both drink in silence while looking at each other. She is so beautiful. Then I picked up my guitar, and she did the same and we both put on the cables for the amps.
I bite my lips and look at her in the eyes, "Play with me Kitten..." my voice got hoarse. She bits her lip, and looked at me blushing yet eyes full of desire. Fuck, don't look at me like that Kitten. I strung some string and she did the same. Soon we both are playing harmoniously, it's just created by both of us out of nowhere, we just played our heart out, such a harmonious tune, I got satisfaction after so long. It was powerful and beautiful. It was sad, it was beautiful, strong, some notes were furious, some notes that are played by her shows that anger, some shows the sadness, some on the other hand shows happiness and pain at the same time. She is an artist, I supported here as a base in the whole tune, I started, urges her to take over and let her play because I knew she would feel better and I was right. She has regained some emotion and colour in her face. It's 3:15A.M. in the morning, as soon as we finished, her phone rings. She furrows her brow a little and hesitantly picked her phone. I watched her reaction throughout while listening to the full conversation as she puts the phone on speaker.
"Hello, Mr. Carter?" she says. I frowned, why is he calling her at this hour. Rylee looks at me and nods that calm me a little. Then she put her finger on her lips, gestures me to keep quite while she put the call on speaker.
"Hi Rylee, sorry for calling at this hour. It's just that... That... "
"It's okay but what's wrong?"
"Well, I just received a threat letter as you guessed."
"What!?" she frowned.
"Yes, I don't know who it was but they banged my door and when I opened he was gone. And their were is the letter saying "Along with Rachael Martinez, Joseph Martinez, Marina Martinez and Rylee Martinez, I will kill you too. Stay away from that family and company and also cancel whatever partnership agreement on projects you have." so I called you. Um... Have you informed Colin? Because tomorrow I am going too." Mr.Carter completed. I am stunned. What the hell is going on? Rylee's expressions changed drastically as soon as she heard that. I can feel her vibrating with anger, her eyes seeps angers. Her voice is cold and distant.
"Uh... I haven't had the chance. Colin is sleeping right now, but I am about tell him tomorrow. I will tell him the gist."
"That will do. That's Rylee great. I am sorry I disturbed your sleep."
"No.. It's okay. I wasn't sleeping."
"Ah, BTW, are you and Colin together?"
"Um.. Ahh.. Y-yes.. Actually I was about to tell you, I and him talked about it."
"Hahahah don't worry. May God bless you both. You both are same types, perfect match." Mr. Carter says laughing. Rylee and I both smirked at the same time.
"Yeah, we are same kind of... "
"Okay. See you tomorrow. Fill Colin for me. Goodnight Rylee."
"Sure. Good night Mr. Carter."
They hang up and Rylee took a deep breathe and exhales.
"Rylee?" I called her out gently. She didn't look at me, she is staring at her phone, caressing the wallpaper, where she and her sister's picture resides and gives me a nod. I go to her and sit beside her in one of the big crates. I put my hand over her shoulder half hugging her, I took the phone away from her hand, she didn't stopped me, and then I pull her towards my chest and put the other hand on her silky hair. She inhale my scent and put her arms around me. I feel all her muscles are tense.
"Let's go back upstairs." I whispered. I was about to let go off of her to disable the amps from our guitars when she tightened her grip and whispered,"don't leave me... Don't go...don't leave me. A little more please." I give in to her trembling voice and tightened my arm around her. She was becoming normal that damn Carter has to call her now. Idiot. What would have happened if he told her about this tomorrow just like he was about to tell me. Now I can understand what gotten her to this state of emotionless expression and angry reaction over phone. Her stiffness and tense body. She didn't shut me out but definitely had a cold behaviour over phone. I look down at her but she has nestled against my chest and is hiding her face their. I can feel her hot breathe on my chest.
"Rylee? Are you okay?" I asked. She just nodded and looked up. She smiled a bit a move forward to kiss me, I kissed her then she stands up. I stand up too and without a word I unplugged the guitars from the amps. She took both of our phones, before she could go away, I hugged her from behind. She tense up a bit then let go and nestled to me.
"Don't worry Kitten... Everything will be fine." I whispered in her ears. She closed her eyes, nodded,"I will never let those bastards hurt my family, Carter and... You....Never.... I will kill them if I have to before they even touch your hair." I am shocked feeling the anger seething from every pores of her body.
"I will not let them touch You, Carter, Rachael, Mom and dad." she said.
I get puzzled and asked,"Me?"
She nodded, "I will tell you everything."
I nod, "Yes, but we should get some sleep."
"Yeah, I am tired and drained."
We go upstairs, she unplugged her laptops from charger, put them all in the bag along with the file she brought and took the bag to my bedroom. We both are tired, we have work in few hours but none of us feeling sleepy. Rylee's eyes have swollen, she has bags under eyes, and has dark circles. She works like a machine, and now this new threat thing has popped out of nowhere. We brushed and changed. Tonight I don't plan on work her out. I think sex is not everything and today seeing Rylee I am fucking worried. She checked her phone, set some alarm and come to the bed. I pull her to me and kissed her. She smiled and kissed me back. We both looked at each other, the room is faintly lighted from the light flickering from the computer screen. She nestled to the crook of my neck and inhales. I know this habit of hers. For some weird reason she likes to smells me. I put one hand around her waist and put one leg over her and she curled up against me, I kissed her forehead. Soon I feel her breathing gets even. I was worried she might not able to sleep but thank God she has fallen asleep, soon I drift off to sleep too.

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