Chapter 36 (Rylee's Point of View)

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It's 7:15 in the morning when my alarm goes off. I didn't get much sleep last night, I kept on tossing and turning. First their is this today's meeting and secondly I missed Colin's presence by my side. I have got so attached to him that it's becoming impossible for me to adjust whenever he is not near. It's always him in my head and I can't think of anything else. I am not really sure what's happening to me and to be honest it's exhilarating as much as its weird. I never felt like this when I was with Evan, but with Colin everything seems different. I sighed and get up and get fresh. I wore my work clothes. It's freshly ironed. A white full sleeve shirt, black jeans because I and trousers are enemies, black boot with heels, blazer with Martina's logo. We all have this blazer and everyone wears it apart from mom and dad. It looks classy.
I did my hair, pulled it up to a hostle then braided the length, used a subtle makeup, just eyeliner, a little concealer to hide the bag under my eyes and lipstick, applied some perfume and done.
I put on my Identity card, though it sometimes looks like an school kid but it has a special kind of chip inside it, and took my security access card. I pinned my name batch in the blazer and pack my stuff that is needed for today's meeting. I am carrying both the companies presentation in an USB stick and believe me its an headache.

I go downstairs to see everyone's is in the dinning table already.
"Good morning everyone." I greeted.
"Good morning Sweetie." they all greeted in unison.
The breakfast is served and I opt for a sandwich with different type of vegetables and a cup of streaming coffee. All-time favorite food.
We had our breakfast and left for the office around 9:00, it takes 30 minutes in car to reach the office building. I and Rachael took Rachael's car which I drove whereas mom and dad took Dad's Limousine, which I don't like. I have a soft spot for luxurious card and beautiful one too but I don't like the limo because it's long. It gives me a feeling, like its an hybrid of a car and a bus! Don't mind my comparison.
When we reach the parking lot we Ryan and others also has just arrived.
"Good Morning Mr. Carter and everyone." Rachael greeted followed by me, mom and dad.
Colin looks fucking hot and it's takes real effort not to kiss him in front of everyone and judging by his expressions he is thinking the same. What a pain!
We all took the elevator upstairs leaving the body guards in the parking lot. The elevator is big enough to fit everyone, so we all go upstairs straight to the conference room which was already being prepared by Steve and Caitlin. Carter introduced his employees with Mom, Dad and Rachael, along with Caitlin, Steve, Head of HRD and 2 branch director who will be looking after this project. Mom and dad eyed Colin up and a small smile linger on their faces and they gave me knowing look to which I blushed.
I connected the pen drive to the hanging screen and controlled it through my laptop.
Carter Corporation was given the chance to speak first.
"Thank you Mr. Martinez for giving us a chance to work with you guys. I regularly work with Rylee and it's an pleasure and now working with you guys will real pleasure all the more." Ryan started, and we all smile. Then he handover it to Mark to speak on the presentation. They discussed about the esmitated amount for the project, about what is to be done and what not, what we should thoroughly check, some of the things goes over my head. Come on its business they are talking about and I am a novice right here! Then Colin explains the technology support they can provide behalf of Carter Corp. After Carter finishes, I continued about what can Martina offer in the project in technology. After me Caitlin and Rachael continued with the explanation along with Head HRD.
"This project is one the most important project in history of Martina and Carter Corp." dad said. "I agree Mr. Martinez, and we have to be very very careful about what we are doing. One mistake can hamper everything. Not to mention that opposition has got their eyes on us."
"I agree Ryan. I trust these people and I very much hope that it turned the way we have planned for so long."
"Yes, I promise we will do everything to give it a success." Ryan says. The meeting lasted for hours discussing every aspect and every possibilities and I was bored, so as Colin.
Around 12:35, everyone leaves apart from Me, Colin, Ryan, Caitlin, Rachael, Steve, Dad and Mom. Dad send the others to show Mark and Lyssa around.

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