Chapter 6 (Rylee's Point of View)

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Adam and Colin have changed for their performance. Colin is wearing a black leather jacket, a grey shirt, biker style black pants and pair of boots with style. He's horribly sexy, and I am not happy with the fact that I am attracted towards him. I have a soft spots for bad boys, but I don't like to be treated as a prize idiot or a groupie. But my eyes are like magnetised. He treated me the way nobody did, but I can still feel the lust building inside me and I am not liking it. Matt noticed that I am looking towards Colin with a fiery look in my eyes, and I am devouring him. He starts laughing discreetly. Caitlin and Lisa is in the ladies room to my great relief. I don't want Caitlin to notice me. Matt continues to stares at me.
"What?" I asked
"Do you like him?" he asked taking a sip of his beer.
"As much as a slug in the salad leaf" I smirked. Matt burst out laughing and said "I like your metaphors.", I smirked again. Matt and I watched Colin checking his guitar strings. How much I want to go to the stage and play the guitar with him. "Don't think too much about what happened backstage. Colin is not a bad guy, a little bad tempered sometimes but nice." he continued "I don't know what's got into him but he is not like that usually, not that bad anyway. He is a decent guy!"
I kept staring at Colin while Matt speaking. After few second of silence Matt continues,"He works a lot, not to mention the concerts and Doris. He's an egghead. He thinks about a billion things at a time." I am intrigued, but his behavior is bugging me. Why did he do that? Of course he will not do that to any of his fans what he did to me. I was bring back to reality when Matt spoke up again,"When he is telling you something, know that he is already thinking about what he will say next, that's how he is. Geniuses aren't always easy to follow. Look at yourself." , I chuckled after hearing that. "So you think I am a genius?"
"Of course you are. Don't doubt yourself." he said. I give him a faint smile where their is another feeling growing inside me for this sexy metal head. No, no, no, get a grip Rylee. But I want to know more about him. I was about to ask when Caitlin and Lisa came back from washroom. I keep on watching Colin. With one foot on a case, his guitar on his knees, Colin is sliding his fingers over the strings. The few notes he plays, hit themselves deep into my heart. It's too much for my heart. No not now, he is not the guy and I belong to only one person. I can't betray him and I also can't destroy Colin's life. And I am also not sure Colin will ever like me given the behavior he had towards me.
But Colin over their, tuning his guitar, seems so relaxed, just like me when I play. He is Smiling, a "normal" smile on his lips when Adam cracks a joke.
He seems to have calmed down, so did I but I can't forget his animalistic side, he is catlike, dangerous and challenging in nature. Why am I staring at him like that? He answers Adam,still smiling. He put his guitar down, and as he straightened up his eyes met with mine. Several shivers runs down my spine. As if a drill pierced through my chest. His smile fades, but the intensity in his eyes remains, which takes my breathe away. Exactly after how long I have felt this way. A new smile stretches across his lips, but nothing the smile he gave to Adam a few minutes ago. Matt and Caitlin both notices us. But I am captivated towards this danger. He is both mocking and wild. As if he knew, what I was thinking. I feel like he is reading me like an open book and I don't like it. I don't like people to know me, to read me easily. I feel Matt's and Caitlin's gaze on me. Suddenly my phone starts vibrating, I pick up the call without breaking eye contact with Colin and he also maintained it. It's D who is calling. "Angel, I am sorry I can't make it tonight, Harley and I have to take care of some business, I am really sorry dear. " Harley is a former gang member of Ceaser and now work for Maccini. "It's okay D, I will see you later. Take care of yourself and Harley."
"Yes angel, love you, goodbye and enjoy your evening" he said. "Yes, D love you 2 and bye. See ya." I tear my eyes from sexy Colin to Matt and tell them that D cannot make it.
Then again I glanced at the stage, where I see Doris and Colin on full discussion. Doris is devouring him with her eyes, basically she is simmpering which annoys me. It's stupid, so what if he talks to another girl. Am I jealous? O God help me. I don't usually speak but this time I asked a question without really thinking. "Are they together?" Matt and Caitlin followed my gaze towards the stage and raised an eyebrow. Matt is about to tease me but Caitlin spoke up,"No they are just friends. They have known each others from highschool. Doris doesn't interest Colin in that way." she said happily as if she doesn't want Colin to have a relationship with Doris.
"Is she aware of that?" I asked keeping my gaze towards the stage.
Matt and Catlin both chuckles
"Yes, she is but she doesn't loose hope that one day she will be Colin's girlfriend." Matt says and Catlin frowns."She is not right for Colin. She can dream on. I love Doris but I can't take her as my sister in law. Sorry!" Matt and I chuckled at Caitlin's sulk mode.
I feel so relieved suddenly. I quickly finished my drink and order 3 more beer for me, Matt and Caitlin. Lisa is talking with a guy since she came out from the ladies room.
I try to avoid looking at Colin but he is so gorgeous that my naughty eyes keep wandering through his body. God I want to touch him. Fuck!
"It must feel amazing up their." Matt says while looking at Adam who's busy doing his last adjustments with the drums. I know how its feel up their, I played several times in the stage with my friends, when they started the band, apart from in the school, but I keep that to myself. It's really an amazing feeling when you play for people, compose for people. I imagine myself next to Colin in front of the microphone, and singing for audience. Ah... God! I have to snap out. We finished our drinks and make our way towards the front of the stage. Doris, doesn't seem to like this, she is frowning continuously, because some girls are drooling over Colin openly. But she should be grateful that she can able to do things, which many cannot or may have stopped for certain reasons. Colin nods at Matt and Caitlin, ignoring me completely, but then his eyes falls on me giving me goosebumps. He stares right through me as if he is connecting with my soul.
Mia and Max is somewhere in the crowd. They are best at their jobs so I am least bit worried. I know they are keeping an eye on me from somewhere.
The light goes down and then,
"One, two, three... "
And light turns on the same time the music starts. Fans screams and Colin's hoarse voice feels the environment. God he is fantastic. His lyrics and songs go right through the heart. Its so passionate.

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