Chapter 8 (Colin's Point of View)

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She just left suddenly that night, after that girl came and say that they have to leave it's an emergency. Who was that girl again? I also saw a man keeping an eye on Rylee when we were giving our concerts. Well, I have to stop thinking about her. She is always occupying my thoughts since that night. This has never happened to me before. I don't even know her. She is very mysterious and intimidating, a bit like me. I really want to see her again. She has an mysterious aura that intimidates me. I never felt like this before. It's so new to me. Who is she exactly? When she told me her name I noticed Adam eyes go wide, but why? Okay, why exactly am I doing my head with her thoughts. Her eyes seems to have no emotions sometimes. A tormented soul maybe, but by her looks, it's easy to tell that she is from a good family and is very rich. Maybe I am not her type, we couldn't even get along at the first meeting. We can't be together. Wait, what!? Dear God Jesus!

The impression I gave in the first meeting, I can say goodbye that she will be ever interested in me. Though I felt that she is interested in me. Her eyes was full of desire and lust and also confusion but she is very proud to accept that anyway. She undressed me with her eyes and man I felt good under that gaze of her. She must be the first girl to have stand up to me like that and I like it. I like girls with personality and she has it unlike the chicks I take for my night stands. That night after she left, I felt relaxed because in her presence I felt vulnerable. Jesus! I couldn't even concentrate on the girl I took to the hotel that night. I fucked her hard but I was as if not their, after reaching the climax, I left the girl their passed out. All my thoughts were occupied by Rylee. Rylee Martinez, as if I heard it somewhere.

Caitlin left the next day after getting a call from her boss, where as she was supposed to be here some more weeks. Something is wrong, who is this Rylee, and why did Caitlin left the next day Rylee left. As far as I know Caitlin was here for something that happened in New York branch of Martina. Not only that, that night Caitlin told her that if she needs she can call her. Wait! 'Martina' 'Martinez' could it be that Rylee is Joseph Martinez's daughter. I know Joseph Martinez has two daughters and I know one of them through Carter, her name is Rachael Martinez. No I don't think so, a daughter of such a big businessman can't be so casual. She would have gone to some 5 star bar. Why would she come to see our concert, let alone like it, she liked it, and having a bottle of beer. I am an idiot. Caitlin knows her, maybe she is colleague of Caitlin. Should I google her or google about Joseph Martinez's daughters. Well, yeah I can do that. Yes, that's it.
It's been 3 weeks and I am still thinking of her. Can't get her out of my head. I feel hot every time I think of her

I didn't ask anybody about Rylee, otherwise I will sound like I am interested in her. I checked her facebook and instagram profiles, she is damn sexy, she likes clicking pictures. I was tempted to like them. I saw some pictures with Rachael Martinez as well, I didn't followed her their though. Could it be that I am right and she is Joseph's daughter? Or maybe she has just clicked some random pictures. Well their are lot though.

I am thinking about all these for the past few hours sitting in my office and doing nothing. I have never thought of a woman like this before, then what is so special about her? Maybe her character, she seems least interested in anything but Music. She is so sexy and so beautiful that she can have any man on their knees but she isn't interested at all. Her dressing sense is different from other girls. Generally they wear something that barely hide their bodies.
I got the glimpse of her look when I was in the stage, she was staring at me but she was thinking something else. Something like, if she could, she would have come to the stage and play and sing for the audience with me. Can she sing? Matt told she can play guitar. She was fascinated by my guitar, I got angry when I saw her touching it. I couldn't keep my cool and had to be an asshole but I shouldn't have done that but man her skin was so soft. She was fuming and irritated, well that was funny though. No girl ever stands against me but she did. She is really something.
I was so lost in thought that I didn't here Ryan came to my room, until he put a hand on my shoulder. I snapped out from my thoughts. I jumped and looked up frowning. When I saw who is it, I took off my headphones and stood up. Ryan as friendly boss as ever. It's almost me who maintain the headquarter here and he gives me enough privileges.
"Hi, Colin. How are you? You seems lost in thoughts."
"Yes, I am okay, what brings you here?"
"I just wanted to check the progress, I was going in a meeting so instead of calling you up I came down." he answered with a smile. This guy is intimidating.
"Oh, well I am still trying to get hold of their system, it need a little more time. They are good no doubt." I said.
"Okay, take your time." As he was about to leave when he turn back and say, "I guess your thoughts is preoccupied by a girl."
That's it, typical Ryan Carter.
I chuckled. "Yes you can say that. It's something I don't generally do but I am unable to stop thinking about this mysterious girl named Rylee Martinez." I stated.
Ryan's eyes are wide open and his jaw drops, what wrong with him again? What's with people's eyes go wide everytime anyone heard this name. Strange!
"What?" I ask confused.
"You don't know, who Rylee is, do you?" he asked. I shake my head, no.
He sat down on the visitors chair, pensive, I sat down too. Then started explaining,
"Do you remember I told you about the employee coming from Russia."
I nod. "Actually I wanted to tell you who it was, but I got preoccupied and also I wanted to make sure that Russian branch is doing well. Rylee Martinez, she was supposed to come in the office to help with the Safeplanet hacking case from few days ago since you are busy with not only CRA's case but also with another case. It's a very difficult one as you already know, I believe in you Colin so don't get me wrong, but you are already preoccupied with this cases. Not to mention their is a big project coming up soon, you both need to work together in that. It will be hell of a work for you. You already did good finding who tried to hack but you are a human too and I just want you to give your full concentration on CRA and our company's networking." he said with a serious expression. is understaring as ever.
I looked at him confused, he continued, "Rylee don't know with whom she is supposed to work here. She just know that she will be working with firm's best IT Developer. I don't know whether you remember or not, but some years ago, our system was hacked, and you fixed it. That time the company was new, it was 2years old and you were new too. You just joined, maybe you were 5 months old in this company back then. I visited the hacker myself." I nod and said "Yes I remember, someone must be very good to hack into our system."
Ryan nods and continued, "It was none other than Rylee, she was 20 most probably back then when I met her, she said it was mistake, I knew she was telling the truth. She is very loyal and when it comes to secrets she is as quiet as grave, just like you." Ryan paused, my eyes are wide open.
"Her father tried to explain but I wanted to talk with the girl, who has immense talent. I told her that she should complete her studies and then work for my company since the Russian branch needs help being the first branch I opened after headquarter and I wanted you in headquarter. She and her father comply. After she completed her studies she flied to Russia and from that time Russia is doing good. She is a genius in computer, if she can hack our system where you take care of that, she really has to be the genius. I called her and said that she needs to come to here so that I can entrust you a both the new upcoming case, keeping in mind to give you time to look into other cases and hand her the safe planet case. She works for me and as well as for her father, maintaining the trust of us both. Her father is a very good man and Rylee is also good. A bit tempered and moody though. But where did you met her? And as I told you she didn't know she was supposed to work with you just like you didn't knew. When she came here I told her to work from home remotely because she maintaining the Russian branch networking from here and giving her substitute some time to cope up. She found a good substitute in Russia. I was thinking of getting Rylee her as your junior since she doesn't really care about the position as long as you give her work to do. But I don't know whether she will work here or not. And of course if you don't have problems with it." Ryan paused again. I can't believe it.
"She maintains the security system and the servers and networking of her father's company and also houses, etc. Along with her own house and My company's Russian branches. She flew all over Europe, taking care of the missions I entrusted her with and also she took care of her father's company's European branches. She is a real gem, taking care of all the work I gave her. She knows 9-10 languages, so it was easy for her to work their she is working their for past 3 years."
"Her father's company?" I asked.
"Yes, She is the second heiress, I mean the younger daughter of Joseph Martinez, the owner of multi-international company in several fields, 'The Martina Industrial'. She leaves her dreams, she don't like bossing around, like she don't want to be the boss and also she don't like anyone bossing her. She helps her father just like she does to me. The employees of that company loves her and her sister Rachael. Rachael helps her father in the company by attending meetings and all, because she likes business,where as Rylee likes freedom which never was forbidden to her by her family." Ryan stated. I am gobsmacked by this information. She is this talented. So she really is Rylee Martinez, the Martian's second heiress. It turns out that I was right. But she is so casual. She is least bothered by money as if otherwise why would she go in a bar we perform. Though Matt and Caitlin has requested her. Still...
"But... But how can you believe her, like what if she is playing double game? After all she is a daughter of a big company." I questioned.
"She is everything but dishonest or disloyal. I believe in her she is not the kind who plays double game and on top of that her father is a total different person. He is not likely to use his daughter in dirty business. And if he tries, Rylee is kind of a person who can even stop doing work for her own father's company." Ryan answers. Yeah she is different.
"She left 3 weeks back for fixing the mess happened everywhere, and I don't know when she will be able to return. Safe planet have to wait. Until then you work on CRA." Ryan said.
"Why did she left?" I asked.
"From what I have learnt, the security system of our Russian branch and also of father's company took a real blow. Someone has hacked into the system. It's really shocking, even she is shock herself. After so many layers of security, 24 x 7 monitoring, how is that possible? She need to check everything. It's taking her time, she spend a week working on her father's company while giving instructions to Russia. She has eye on every branch of Martina so she is traveling all over to fix it and putting up new security levels. She gives instructions to the head of maintenance department and her juniors. She check everything of her own so that their is no loopholes. To her, works is important so she does it with such a precision, so that no one is able to find a mistake and get a chance to complain. She is a duplicate copy of you Colin. But you didn't tell me how do you know her?" Ryan asked. He took out his phone and called someone and said that he will be a little late. "I met her because Matt brought her on our concert 3 weeks ago. She kind a mysterious. She like a hollow shell without capable of giving out any emotion. As if she has build an protective wall around her." I said.
"Yes, from what I have heard she has met with an tragedy few years back before I met her and from that time she is like that. She don't go close to anyone. I know her sister Rachael Martinez she said that Rylee has become like that. And let me guess, her mysterious character, intrigued you like it does to other and you like her." Ryan said. I chuckled, "Well, about like I don't know but yes she intrigues me. I will wait until till she returns, I would really like to see her talent with my own eyes, though I have seen even if it was a mistake but that's years back." I stated.
Ryan smiled and nodded then he excused himself for the meeting. Before leaving my office Ryan exclaimed : "She is perfect for you Colin. She is a good girl apart from her temper and moods. I must say you one thing, in front of her temper, I myself sometimes keep my mouth shut. And not only that I try not to piss her off when her mood is off, that might be a huge mistake. She is a gem like you after all. I just want to warn you about two things that never piss her off and never say or ask anything about her past until you gain her trust. She will close off and she is tend to clam up and shut everyones out. She can beat the shit out of anyone. Her bodyguards too can do that, they love her like their own sister. So you will like working with her apart from your other way around liking!" He wink and left. I chuckled to myself. What a man!
After Ryan left, I process all the information Ryan gave me. It's really something else, so that means she is kind of a boss to Caitlin but she is just like her friend.

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