Chapter 33 (Adam's Point of View)

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It's been an week after we all spent a day in the beach. We all enjoyed and had a good time. According to Colin, Rylee was really stressed but that outing did some good to her.
"So everything is ready?" Owen asked. I and Derrick turns towards him to see he and Fiona enters Derrick's apartment. I sigh, I am not really keen to this idea but we don't have any options since we can't hack them from outside because it's so highly secured. God! Derrick said that their some vacancy available in IT department of headquarter so he right away applied their.
"Their is only one problem." I said.
"Which is?" Owen asked raised an eyebrow.
"Rylee already saw Derrick, she will immediately recognize him so we can't fake his identity." I said.
"Hmm, we can't hide my identity, I mean name and all that from them. And I have heard that they investigate their new recruits thoroughly." Derrek said.
"OK. The only thing they shouldn't know is what we do. That's all. We can say he was trying to have a job and he got it. What's the big deal." Fiona said.
"We are talking about Martina here, one of the most highly, tightly technologically secured company." I frowned.
"Yeah, okay but we have to give it a shot right." Fiona said.
"For once I agree with her." Owen chimed. I and Derrick nod our head and sought out the documents and details. We discussed all the stuff in details and disbanded for the day. I and Owen returned to our house discussing few things. I need to talk to Rylee I will try to get some informations out of her which is a difficult job. She is staying in Colin's now. We have practice tomorrow, so yeah I have a chance. It doesn't feel right but this planet is very precious for us.

It's already 7:30 in the evening, I have my shift completed and ready to go to Colin's for rehearsal.
"You remember to talk to her." Owen reminds me handing me Derrick's documents. I nod and said yes in somewhat unenthusiastically, to which he frowns.
"What wrong? Why are you sulking?"
"I lost Elyria when she got to know that I used her to get into Carter Corp., now Rylee." I said sighing.
"What, you are in love with her or what?"
"No, that's not it. I am still in love with Elyria. But Rylee she is so good, she is a very good friend and Colin's girlfriend. I am feeling bad that I am going to do this."
"I understand but, we don't really have a choice. We can't let them destroy the environment just because they're friends."
"True. I heard she is scary when she is angry. I don't want to face that to be honest."
"Don't worry." Owen says. I sigh nodding, making my way out of the restaurant.

After few minutes I reach Colin's, I press the door bell and Colin's opens up. He moves aside to let me enter. I see Rylee sitting with some files and laptops, her earphones are screwed in her ears music blasting in it. A frown of concentration appearing between her perfectly shaped brows. Colin offered me a beer and notice that I watch Rylee with a nervous expression.
"What's wrong Adam?" he asked and I jumped.
"N-nothing. Why?"
"No, you want to say something to her? Well I don't think she noticed you."
"Yeah actually I have, before Doris comes, once she arrives we will be starting right." I said. Colin nods. As we were talking, suddenly Rylee notices me and closed some files. Of course! I am an outsider. She is hiding them from me but little did she know what we are planning. She stopped the music from her phone and greeted me.
"Hey Adam. Sorry I didn't noticed you. Don't mind me, get on with your business." she smiled. She has dark circles under her eyes and eyes bags are their too, tiredness and exhaustion and lack of sleep is very much visible in them. I feel bad.
"You look tired." I asked concerned.
"Yeah, just work pressure." she says stretching and rubbing her face. Colin hands her a bottle of beer and sat beside her caressing her hair.
"Adam wanted to talk to you." he said.
"Oh really, what is it Adam?" she asked, removing the earphones and half closing the laptop, placing it in the coffee table.
"So, you remember Derrick from the other day?"
"Umm, that short and bearded one? Yes."
"Yeah that one. So he was trying to find some job. All he do is play video game all day. Your company has some vacancy he said. He checked the website." I say. Rylee listens to me intently without interrupting. As I was hesitanting to continue, she nods to encourage me. I take a deep breathe, "So they said, that he need to go to the headquarters for the interview, so actually you know you said its you who hire, so you are " I said. Colin watches me say and then looked at Rylee.
She seems to be pensive,"You are right. I got the wind of people applying though. Um so he is a developer." she says. I nod,"Sought of." Colin shot up his eyes to me from Rylee. He raised an eyebrow, God this is difficult. And definitely with Colin in front, he know Derrick is a hacker. He then frowns and stared at me. I averted my gaze confidently and said Rylee,"He can also hack actually." Rylee looks at me and nods, "Most of the developer knows how to hack. Do you have his documents or can you arrange, I will like to see it right now before he leaves, then it can reduce some of my work."
"Yeah sure, he actually handed me this." I gave her the files.
She opens the file and study it. Concentrated, she take her phone and dialed someones numbers and put it on loud speaker,"Hey Steve, the vacancy still available?"
"Yes, Rylee, their are 4 applicants till now who passes the required criteria given, Roger Caves, Emily Garcia, Derrick James and um... Dillon Francis. I have said them to visit the Headquarters for Interview next week. Will you be able to come by yourself and interview?"
"Well I actually don't know, well if not then can we have video conference?"
"Yes, I can arrange. What about the studying their files."
"Fax me Roger's, Emily's and Dillon's files."
"Um what about that Derrick?"
"His files is in my hand right now. You send me the files of him prepared by you. You know what I mean right?"
"Yes, Rylee right away."
"Thanks Steve. You know what you have to do. And any problems going on there?"
"Anytime Rylee. Yes I know what to do and no their is no problem occurred."
"Good. You will get what you deserve for such a help Steve. Best of luck."
"This means a lot. I am happy to have working for you."
"Thanks Steve. Good night and have good rest."
"Sure. You too."
They hang up. Rylee turns to me and smiled, "I am keeping this file, I will return it before Derrick leaves for California."
"Sure, I will let him know."
"Adam?" Colin voice snapped me.
"Can I talk to you?"
"Yes... Excuse me Rylee."
"Sure." saying that she goes back to studying the file. Colin drags me out of the sight, and lower his voice, "Adam what are you planning?"
"What do you mean?"
"Adam I know you are upto something."
"No Colin really, he want to work and he saw the vacancy and we know Rylee being the head she will interview. Hence he asked me to ask her."
"Are you sure?" asked Colin.
"Trust me. Martina is a big company but in Carter Corp, there is no vacancy and then you are their. You won't take Derrick we both know that. Not to mention nothing escapes Rylee's eyes, you know that." I am bluntly lying to my best friend. God, what has gotten into me. Colin makes a face and doesn't look convinced but let it go anyway.
We head back to Rylee, she is still studying the file and she is frowning really hard. Her eyes are suspicious, but she hides it as soon as she saw us. Now what's wrong?
"The file is okay." thats the last thing she said after getting closed off and get back to working.
Doris still hasn't arrived and I and Colin is still talking when Rylee picked up her phone to call someone.
"Hey mom. I have something to discuss." oh it's her mom. I and Colin listens to her monosyllabic conversation.
"Yes I am fine don't worry."
"Next week along with HR's recruitment can you arrange for IT's interview?"
"Yes, actually Steve has already given that four kid dates. So is it possible?"
"Yes I am not their so I asked for video conference if I fail to go their. I will have to return home then for the Video conference." then I and Colin notice her cheeks turns red as she fumbles.
"I.. Home! Oh I am not in my house, actually, ahh.. mom can we talk about this later?" her eyes shot to Colin as he smirked at her and I laugh. She is blushing hard. Never saw this look on her.
"Mom, come on, I called you so that we can talk about work. Mom! Please... No... Boyfriend? Um... M-Mom." she argues with baffled expressions.
"Okay fine! How about you pester Rachael about it." she said and came sit down.
"Mom..... Okay, yeah you got me. I am dating." as soon as she said that, she separated her phone from her ears, her eyes go wide as I and Colin hear scream of happiness from other side. We also made out some words, "Who is that gentle men able to melt that stone heart of yours? I can sense he is with you put the phone on speaker." I and Colin burst out laughing at her expression.
Rylee looks at us embarrass and turn on the speaker, "Mom... You never change. He works for Carter. He is an... developer. And um.. He... He.. Is.. He is a metal band leader." Rylee said that with some difficulty. What's up with her? I look at Colin and see him wrapping an arm around Rylee's shoulder. Something is wrong.
The other end of the line is silent. Then her mother screams with happiness.
"Oh my Rylee sweetie has grown up. So this is the reason you heart melted. Why am I getting a feeling that your boyfriend is a duplicate copy of you! My dear... But are you sure? I thought you..."
"Mom how long should I hold onto it. Few things made me realize that my past will be a part of me but it's past and I can't let that part of me ruin my present when I know it can be beautiful. And mom I am 25 I am not a kid anymore! And yes we have lot in common." she says.
I hear several voices on the phone.
"Oh my dear you will always be our small baby."
"Dad! You.. Guys... You behave... Okay whatever!" Rylee sighed.
"Hey Rylee is your boyfriend next to you?" someone asked. If I am not wrong then its her sister.
"Yes and not only that I have got a friend of him with me and you guys literally embarrassed me." her cheeks turned red.
"It's okay, you will get over it." her sister teased. I and Colin burst out laughing.
"Rachael Martinez get lost!"
"Oh my sweetie Rylee don't get angry. By the way can I talk to him?"
"Why? All of a sudden why do you have interest in him?"
"Don't be jealous I didn't even met him yet."
"I... I am not jealous you nitwit."
"Okay whatever!" Rylee looked at Colin. Colin nods and take the phone.
"Hello, this is Colin Spencer."
"Hii Colin... Um Rylee give the phone to him, and Colin I want to talk to you so turn off speaker."
"Hey what's that supposed to mean."
"Don't be jealous you baby."
"Shut up."
"Okay then let me talk to Colin." Rylee puffed her red cheeks like a child and gave the phone to Colin. Colin took it smiling at her expression then goes to the other room. This is the time I should question Rylee about her company otherwise it's possible that Derrek might feel lost in that big company. But before that,
"Hey Rylee what's with the past, if you don't mind me asking." I asked. She looked at me with a sad smile and said "It was something to do with my ex that's all." she said. I know she isn't saying the real truth but I am not gonna force her.
"Anyways, So you work for two multi international company. How do you feel?" I asked.
She looked at me puzzled and then understand my question, "Well, both have different criteria and work process. It feels good, I love working." she smiled.
"You should be a CEO of Martina no?"
"Yeah, but I don't understand business, my family has a commerce background and they all have studied commerce different parts but I studied science and ended up with MSc. on computer. I gave up my CEO position and it will be my sister who will take care of it. She was raised like that whereas I use to keep myself busy with PCs."
"Wow... So since you work in both companies, how do you like to compare them?"
"As I said both are same yet different in their own way. Our company has many things to work with like, textile, technology, food production, this are all made keeping in mind the safety of ecosystem and Carter Corp. Is also very eco friendly company but they mainly are Technological based company."
"Yeah... Are you really that all this is isn't harming our environment?"
"That is why we use eco-friendly technology and system. And the end we have live in this earth right, so we try to preserve it."
I nod as she explains.
"I have heard that your company has tight security system." I asked. She looked at me without answering, then nodded.
"We recieve lot threats from opponent because their trash work gets hampered that harm the environment. Like disposal of dirty remainings to the ocean water contaminating it." she sighs, she almost angry.
"I feel so frustrated that how can people be so selfish. They contaminate the place they resides." she pause. I feel bad now that her thinking matches us but...
"So its important that the headquarters is tightly secured so that no rat can enter. The other branches are secures too but you headquarters hold all the confidential informations."
"Yes I understand. My father is one of those trash I would say." I say.
"Your father as in Mr. Peterson?"
"Yes, you know him?"
"Huh! Who wouldn't?"
"True. Well he is not clean."
"Why do you say that? I haven't received any report on Peterson Industry."
"You don't know the inside story."
"Of course you would know better Adam." she smiled. I was about to ask something when Colin came back. She looked at him with a questioning look, when Doris barge into the room.
"Hey Boys, hey Rylee."
"Hey..." I and Colin said while Rylee just nods. Suddenly her laptops sends some warnings signal she frowned and mumble, "What the fuck?" I and Colin peered into her laptop.
"Fuck, fuck fuck... The bastard." Doris came behind her to see. The warning signal keep on going.
"Fucking god, I need the equipment system." she says. Her phone goes off,"Steve you know what you have to do. I am handicapped right now." she says as she types in lightning speed. She is as good as Colin if not better.
"This isn't helping." she mumbles and called someone,"Put up the 5th wall of security, crash the intruder's system and locate the software and system used." she hungs up and gather her things after typing few more things.
"I need to go home to handle this." she address Colin who nods understanding. So this is the real Rylee Martinez and this is her power. She give a quick kiss to Colin, and waves us goodbye then leaves with her car like a tornado. Apart from Colin, I and Doris looked at each other perplexed specially Doris because she has no relation with work and studies.
"What was that?" Doris asked Colin.
"Ah it's about work. Someone hacked into her system" Colin answered and I nod. Where as Doris is still perplexed.

Later that evening we don't see Rylee. She didn't came back, we rehearse till 11 almost, between which Colin gets a call from her telling that she won't be able to return. Colin understandingly accepts. Developers Bonding!

When I returned home, Owen appear out of nowhere asking how everything went. I nod and said it went well and in the end something happened. I explained and Owen smirked and said it was them.
"What!?" I asked perplexed.
"Yeah after you left I and Derrick decided that how about we hack since we kind of got some login from the company itself. At least that's what Derrek told me. I think it worked and we now know that with every intrusion she gets a warning.
"You are crazy. She ordered to crash the intruder system. Now at this moment if Derrek's computer crash, we don't have money to buy you know. Rylee has no mercy and she will find out."
"Derrek told he will use a spare system and it's a proxy."
"Owen we are talking about Rylee here. The Rylee Martinez, she is a gold medalist in computer. Matt told me."
"That's Derrick job to handle you go get fresh. I have made dinner." he ordered. I sigh and drag myself to my bedroom while throwing Owen one last thing, "I don't feel good about all this. I am not sure about this either. I don't want to loose my friendship and trust with Rylee, she is not only Colin's girlfriend and my very close and good friend."
I left Owen in the living room with a bewildered expressions.

I am sorry Rylee. I don't really feel good about all this now that I know she gets angry who uses trash which is poisonous to. The environment. What I am doing I am going to regret later. I sigh and head to the bathroom with the thoughts of guilt.
If she ever learns the truth, hope she will be able to forgive me. I lied to Colin as well. I'm so helpless.

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