Chapter 12 (Colin's Point of View)

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It's almost been a week Rylee has started working at Carter Corp alongside me, helping me with the safe planet case. She is mainly handling it since I am busy with CRA. I got to know that Safe Planet the small group of activitist work in the shadow has previously launched attack on Martina so she is kind of triggered to get a hold of them at any cost.
She is extremely talented, she was little bit hesitant but eventually asked for my help. Well isn't it me who gave her the impression of being a fucking asshole. Whatever! She is so beautiful and so sexy that I almost had to stop myself everytime someone that I don't jump on her. That night my heart rate almost exceeds it's maximum point when I saw her dancing. How much I wanted to join her even if I don't really like to dance. Her sweaty body, her tattoos, all I wanted to do is kiss and lick. I must say I really wanna make love with her in my bed and not in any filthy hotel room where I take my night conquest, caress her like a way no one did before, seeing her in front of me makes me want to give her pleasure, an utmost pleasurable night and so much pleasure that she will never be able to forget it. I so want to kiss her everytime I see her. I want her, I wanted her from the first night I saw her. But at that night of the race, Oh My God! She was stunning as fuck. Why am I feeling like this? Is it normal? Is it good? Should I trust her? I know she is not like others but, what is this feeling? It's not just lust when I see her, I feel so vulnerable. How anything between us is ever possible? She is out of my reach. She is Rylee Martinez, she is a daughter of billionaire whereas I am just an employee at Carter Corp. I know she gives a damn but she is good at hiding something she doesn't wanna show. Well she told she likes me even if she corrected it right away but it seemed so real. What should I do, I feel so restless. She is always on my mind, always, I am never successful keeping her out of mind. I feel so restless thinking that I might not get her.

That night Doris literally cross the line and I have never seen Matt and Daryl this annoyed. Doris is lucky that Rylee stopped her bodyguards from intervening other wise I am sure they would have make Doris pay. I didn't talk to Doris as I was very annoyed with her as well.

It's Saturday, so we have a very important concert to give, and I am thinking about Rylee, I don't know whether she will come or not. She didn't wanted to come because she don't want to face Doris and it's Saturday. She is strong yet very fragile. I got a glimpse of her tormented soul. She has something to do with band or someone from band. I could see that in her eyes. I saw sadness in her eyes, when we were at the park. She is like me, don't like shouting and quarrelling, otherwise she could have defend herself in front of Doris and Cassidy. She is least bothered. Peace lover. She is strong and have a strong personality. It might take ages to break through her defensive shell, just like me maybe, Matt and Daryl is very close to her. She has strong opinion and a authoritative side to her, which she bring out when needed. She easily could have give away her ID to Cassidy, who she is exactly but she didn't do that. She is filthy rich, so elegant and so beautiful. I couldn't believe she will humiliate that bitch like that. She is really something, Cassidy deserves it though. When I asked her about band she was caught off guard. She wanted to avoid the topic but didn't do it. I also didn't asked her anything else about it, I realized that its a sensitive spot for her. Music saved me but something is confusing about her. I saw her hands, she play guitar on a regular basis. Maybe someday she will be able to play in our band. Why would she do that actually. We are not even famous. If she joins, the little money we will earn, we will not be able to give her also. I sigh, what's wrong with me.

Then I changed the subject to computer and work from music. She is really talented, she has a depth, I am nothing in front of her. She is a jewel, Ryan was right, she is brilliant. Matt came back after a while talking with my sister, they have been dating for 2 years now and I am relaxed that she is in good hands. I know how much they love each other.
Rylee really support them and takes care of my sister. I am really touched.

Suddenly their is a knock at my door snapping me out of my thoughts. It must be Adam and Doris. Adam needs to stop flirting with Rylee and Doris should stop attacking her everytime she cross paths with her, I know Doris gets jealous of any girl come within 10 yards of me but I don't see her more than a sister. She will have to get used to it because she will be seeing Rylee many times now. I am planning on inviting Rylee in my every concert and also at times when we all hangout.
I opened the door and Matt is also here. Should I ask him that whether she will come or not today? We each grab a beer and make our way towards the basement where we practice. Adam made my work easier by asking Matt, "Hey buddy, Rylee coming tonight?" Matt shrugs and say that he still doesn't know, then look at Doris who is frowning. Matt put a serious face firmly say to Doris, "You better behave of yourself in front of her this time, she is not some groupie, as you think she is. She is good girl and you will not insult her." It's very unusual of Matt to behave this way, he knows something that I don't. And I am sure of one thing he tries to protect her like a big brother because I have seen her bodyguard, rely on Matt too take care of her. And on top of that we rarely see Matt this serious so I think it's pretty serious matter with Rylee. I add along, "Yes Doris, you better behave. From which angle do you find her a bitch or a slut? And not only her but in general you should stop behaving like that." then Adam adds, "Really you always oversteps the mark, you were lucky previous day that you weren't sent flying across the road. She stopped her bodyguards before they could have sent you flying. They look scary when they are angry. Do you even know who she is?" Doris smirk and about to say something when Matt cuts her off and say, "And don't think she has bodyguard, because she can't defend or fight herself. She is totally capable of flying even me across the room, so don't even count yourself." Wow, that's new. I and Adam exchange looks and Doris is stunned not used to Matt's sudden seriousness, but he shrugs. "What do you mean? Is she a boxer?" Adam asks, "She is one of the best MMAF in Russia and California. She fights in the underground and has uncountable trophies. I have seen one photo of her wearing glooves when I first visited her at her's when she came here so I asked. Then she showed me the pictures of Trophies she has in California and Russia." Matt paused and then again speak up, "Don't let her know that I told you all this, she don't like to be talked about herself." We all looked at each other and then I asked him, "How do you know everything about her?" Matt snapped, "It's not only me, Daryl knows as well. She trust us and hence we knows her life history. And I and Daryl takes care of her like our sister so we know about her. She has trust issues, so to become her friends, you have to win her trust." I and Adam exchange looks while Matt and Doris shrug. Matt received a massage, then his eyes light up and he says that she is coming. I am happy. Then we started practicing and we almost practiced 4 hours. Matt and Adam took the instruments, Matt often helps us. They took Doris with themselves, they will leave her at her place so she could gather her things.
I took a shower and changed into my concert clothes and head out. I wish it goes well. I always have stage fright but no one needs to know that.
I am wondering what she will wear tonight, she will sexy whatever she wears though. I wish Rylee likes today's Concert.

Rockstar Love - Book I (Is It Love? Colin) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang