Chapter 18 (Colin's Point of View)

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I am waiting at the Airport for Rylee. Matt, Adam and Doris has come to see us off as if we are leaving forever. The two professional bodyguards Ryan hired has arrived before us. I am sitting and waiting in the bench outside the airport lobby for Rylee, our plane is in 2 hours when my eyes catch an Mercedes AMG. Rylee... She drives one of the expensive cars. I can buy expensive car but I am enough lazy to do that. I work for Carter and that big fish pays me more than enough. I am alone, I live in a apartment I bought a while ago so it's not that I have to pay rent every month. I pay bills and electricity bills are bit more for me since my laptops, computer and AC are always turned on. I save lots of money from food since I am way to lazy to cook fancy foods. I just make pasta or Mac and cheese. I don't have girlfriend and I am not the type to fill them with expensive gifts. I don't even fill them with my sperms. I am hopeless to think that.
We have a little income from band which I distribute between Adam and Doris. Adam work hard ass of in the restaurant, he don't get much their and Doris don't do anything other than fucking weird guys. She is incorrigible.
"Their she is... " Matt says with a big smile but he is also worried and sad since we will be gone for long. He really loves that girl.
Rylee is wearing a grey jeans, black biker boots and black sweatshirt with logo of Gucci. She is also wearing sunglasses and her hair is in messy bun. She has a headphone around her neck. God she is fucking sexy. I am not sure for how long I am going to last and not jump on her. Max and Mia took her luggage where as she took the laptop bag if I am not wrong and... a guitar! Why is she carrying the guitar? She gonna take that with her? She searched the area and spot us as Matt was waving at her.
"Hi guys... Oh God... It's hot in here." she says.
"You are wearing a sweatshirt in this hot weather, what do you expect Princess?" Matt teases her.
"Yeah right... I prefer wearing these over sleeveless dresses even if it is hot." she says with a smirk and my eyes fall on her lips. We are kind of avoiding kissing and hugging eachother because of Doris. Matt and Adam are aware that we are moving forward. It's not like me but I kind a blurted out that I kissed her. And Matt knew since Rylee told him as he is her best friend. Adam is checking her out up and down much to my dislike triggering my jealousy. Yeah right I am jealous and possessive. Who wouldn't be? I understand that Rylee is very beautiful and sexy.
"You are gonna carry that?" Adam pointed out her guitar.
"Yeah, I carry it almost everywhere. It's like my partner." she says.
"I thought you are going for work." Doris says. Here we go.
"Yeah, when I will be working from the hotel room, that time I need it. I can't work without playing it." she says firmly. I like her attitude. And everyone says never piss of Rylee Martinez. She is so beautiful, I don't even deserve her still she is ready to give us a chance, give me a chance. Will I be able to make her happy and take away all her sadness?
"You play guitar?" Doris asks.
"Well, if I am carrying it then apparently yes. Showing off is not my strong point." she says. God I love her sassy mouth.
"What else do you play and what guitar it is?" Adam asks.
"I am trained in playing Guitar. Other than that I know Piano, violin and flutes a little as well... And this one is acoustic since I can't carry the amp other wise I would have carried my electric Spanish lead." she says gently. Oh my...
"Oh wow... That's cool." Adam says. Doris quietly listening for the first time.
"You should have seen her guitar collection!!" Matt says.
"How many more do you have?" I asks.
"Here in New York I have 13 more including this one. In Russia, I have 2 more, I didn't bring it here since I will return their eventually. And in California I have 5-6 more. I play them when I go for a visit their. I have acoustic, base and lead here." she says shrugging.
"Whaaaaat?!!" Adam's eyes are wide open. Mine and Doris's too. Rylee seems embarrassed whereas Max, Mia and Boston burst out laughing. Rylee clear her throat and says, "It's a bit much but I just love them. They all are different from each other. They all are gorgeous, more than the other." She smiles, as children get their Christmas gift. Okay she is a huge guitar lover. What type she doesn't has. I will ask her later. When she talks about guitar her eyes sparkle like stars.
"When is the flight arriving?" Max asks.
"1 more hours." I say. Rylee came and sit beside me, putting her guitar between her legs. She take of her glasses and hang it in the shirt casually. She looks so damn hot when she acts laid back. Her blue eyes meet mine. God those eyes of her are so beautiful. She hasn't done any makeup and she is still so beautiful.
"Why in the world, people had to wake me up this early in the morning?" she grumbles rubbing her eyes. Adam and I burst out laughing. Matt is talking to her bodyguards.
"You are not a morning person?" I asks.
"No I hate mornings." she says lazily. She grumbles ones again when her phone rings," Here we go.. "
She picks up, "Yes dad? Good morning." she says full attention on the other end of the phone. A V- forms between her perfect eyebrows, she is frowning, sign of concentration.
"What do you want me to do?" she says as we listen to monosyllabic conversation.
"It's not gonna happen right away dad. I am leaving for France right now. Can it wait till I return?"

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