Chapter 5 (Rylee's Point of View)

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A man is holding me up against the wall. I don't know who is he and where did he came from so suddenly. He is shirtless and his broad chest is hairless. Why did he attacked me like that? "Is it because, I touched that guitar?" I thought to myself. I think I would have done the same if anybody had touched my instruments, specially my guitars.
This man basically, swift me off from my feet and my back hit the wall, and Adam's drumsticks fall on the floor. I am angry but I didn't move a muscle. I can feel that he is staring at me and he has a long silky hair which is up-to his shoulder and is caressing mime now. His face is partially hidden by his long black hair, surprised I looked at his face, his pale blue eyes are sparkling. He is beautiful and sexy as Fuck at the same time. He is frowning, staring at me with anger as well as I can see desire and lust in his beautiful icy pale blue eyes.
I am always so cautious, I just can snap myself away from his grip and give him a good lesson, but I didn't do anything. I just froze and drowned myself at his beautiful glare. He is so perfect, so flawless, his eyes are so magnetic. His fingers are around my wrist, tightening and nails are digging in my skin at the same time. I want to kiss him. I just hope, Max and Mia doesn't show up and break the ball of magic around us. They will most probably take care of him so much, that he might have to go to the hospital for fixing his perfect body. Well, I can also take care of him myself like that but I don't want it, I want to take care of him in other way. No... Shit, what the hell am I thinking? God I have get out of this. Who is this strange man? Does he attack girls like this? I try to free myself from his grasp, and to my surprise he is strong and I must admit, I am not putting much pressure so that it lasts long. I don't know who this guy is and why is he in the backstage without a shirt on, and why he is holding me up against the wall so violently. His fingers tightened against me and he is wearing a leather bracelet around his wrist. "Fuck man, he is so sexy, I am screwed a big time." I thought to myself. My heart is beating like mad, it might explode if I don't calm down, but how? Great... Yes, fucking shit! I don't know. What the hell is wrong with me, why am I so hot from his touch?
He leans towards me, his body pressed against me a little more and his eyes going back and forth from my eyes to my lips. I feel like I am shrinking, I try to say something but nothing comes out from my mouth, this the first time, in a long time that I am so confused around a sexy man.
I am waiting for him to explain and he didn't utter a word and he just stared at me a little more intensely. His breath is against my ear,sending several shivers down my spine. I felt like this a long time ago, only one person was their, who had this kind of effect on me but this is different, much more intense than him. I want to feel this man more. I haven't felt this strong emotions in such a long time and this man is awakening all those feelings in me suddenly, why this man? Who is he? Why am I feeling so vulnerable in his presence? His knees slips in between my legs, he lift an arm above my head, fist closed. I traced the curve is his muscle hypnotised. I can feel the tension running through his body, it's a strange feeling, as if the tension is engraved in my own body. Wake up Rylee, what the fuck are you doing? You can have only one man in your life and he only is allowed to make you feel like this and he is no more. Come on, snap out. What the hell! My breathing has jerky and I am hot.
Suddenly a grin stretches across his mouth, increasing the ice cold effect in his eyes.
"Did you get lost?" he asked.
His voice is deep and hoarse, it gets under my skin and burns my veins as efficiently as his eyes do.
"No... I... You are hurting me." I replied. The touch of his hand on my wrist, awakens sensation through my whole being. Oh God, let this guy go of me. This is awkward.
"It doesn't seems like you mind." He smirked.
"You are wrong. Let go of me." I snaped. His lips stretches in to a more ambiguous smile, between Anger and desire. His lips approaches mine dangerously. Suddenly a voice rings out from behind, making us both jump. He then moves away from me a little, without letting me go and turns towards the door.
The door closes on the boys, and immediately on seeing us Adam exclaims :"Hey what do you think you are doing? She is not one of your groupies, let go of her."
I am blushing and boiling with anger now.
Adam walks towards us, frowning. Matt on his heels. Matt senses my anger, he knows me too well. He knows things might get out of hands. So he sensing my mood said,"She is with me, Colin. She is a friend."
I am boiling with anger, that how dared he behave like that, though I didn't push him away. The Colin in question, kept staring at me while the the two of them speaks and didn't even bother to look at them.
He kept my wrist clasped in his hand, frowning while letting out an unpleasant "tut".
"Even if she is your girlfriend, she has got no business in here. I don't want her here, I want her to get out of here." he said and looked at me disdainfully. I am fuming like hell. "My girlfriend is your sister, buddy." Matt says irritated. What? Caitlin is his sister. Oh God, save me. How can a girl like her end up with a brother like this jerk. Anger is creeping through my vein, "Who the fuck do you think you are? I was taking care of Adam's drumsticks and bringing them luck." I said in the most cutting tone and frown.
He grin and looked at the sticks, and then lazily bring his eyes to me, undressing me with his eyes. I feel so vulnerable under his glare. Stop looking at me like that if you don't want me to jump on you in front of your buddies.
"And I see how brilliant you are at looking after them." he mocked, I will slap him and kill him and will also kiss him. "Grrrr... Oh yeah. Isn't it because you suddenly and violently pushed me against the wall?" I snapped. I looked at Adam and Matt, who are watching our verbal joustling silently. "Not a groupie, huh?" he said.
Okay its official I am killing this Colin. "I've had enough! I shouldn't have come to this stupid place. Matt am out of here, I am going home." I said, and he finally let me go and step back towards one of the boxes. I picked up the drumsticks to give it back to Adam.
"No, no, no, no, Princess, please don't leave. It took me weeks to get you out of your shell and bring you here." he pleaded with his puppy dog eyes."Yes Matt and I was right to turn you down everytime. You are my friend, I came here because you and Cat requested me. I didn't came here to get insulted by some random guy. I just fucking spoiled my day." Colin and I are keep glaring at each other, no one is backing down. Colin raised an mocking eyebrow and Matt and Adam shrugs.
"Please don't leave sweetie." Adam pleaded.
"Adam I really liked you but this is crazy. I am not someone fucking random girl to be treated like this even less a groupie when I didn't even heard you guys."
I looked at Adam and then back to Colin straight in his eyes. From the light coming from the outside, I see his features. He is beautiful and he has a magnetic aura, flawless body and pink lips. I am suddenly again very hot. Fuck! My body is a traitor. I haven't felt like this in years,what is happening to me?
My eyes linger, over his bare hairless chest, abs and biceps. The thin line of hair descends from his abdomen to his more lower body. He is totally aware of the effect he has and gives me a wicked smile. Then take the case from Adam and frowned and said,"I want her out of here" and goes to the dressing room. "Asshole!" I said. I am fuming.
"Are you okay?" Adam asked. I didn't answer him, gave Adam his drumsticks back and storm out of the back stage. I go the bar and ordered an Whiskey, which I drowned in one and ordered another. The liquor burned my throat. Sensing my mood change Mia and Max leap out of their stool and come to me." What's wrong Pikachu?" Mia asked. "What happened, you don't look!" Max asked worriedly. Adam and Matt came to me. Matt came to me and hug me, Adam didn't dare to open his mouth seeing me furious and how Max and Mia is standing their protectively. "What exactly happened Matt?" Mia asked firmly, before Matt could answer I answered, "It's nothing guys, I had a fight with this pain in the ass. Go back and have fun, I am alright, Matt is here, he going to take care of me." I pointed at Matt and Matt understood. Adam is confused. I don't want Max to know what happened. Colin will become Niloc then.
"You are upset and you expect us to have fun? You Kidding!?" Max said furiously.
"Don't worry, I am alright, it's nothing, you guys go and If I need, you know I will call you." I said. I know if I tell them, then Max will beat the shit out of Colin for his behavior. Max loves me like his little sister and is very protective and loyal to his job and boss. Max came to me hugged me and kissed my forehead and cheeks. Then he said,"Okay if you say so. Tell me if you need to go home." he turned to Matt and said, "Take care of her." Matt nods.
Mia did the same and they both go back to their respective seats. Adam finally sighed a relief and came to me and said,"I am sorry for Colin's behavior."
"Don't worry, it's not your fault. I hardly touched his guitar, I shouldn't have. Actually I am obsessed about guitars so when I saw it I couldn't stop myself. I think I would have too reacted like that if I was in his place." I said, "And I got angry more because no one ever talked to me like that." I finished.
Matt and Adam both smiled. "Actually he too is obsessed with his guitar." Adam said. I am still angry but it has dissipated a little but my mood has taken a blow. Colin is arrogant and that's what makes him sexy even more. There should be a law against it. I am snapped back from my thought when Adam speaks up. "Can I buy you this drink?" I smiled and nodded. He ordered 3 beer, I finished my whiskey which I ordered before and then took the beer. Adam finishes his drink and excused himself from me and Matt and disappeared into the backstage. "Is he always like this?" I asked, Matt understood, shrug his shoulder and said "You are basically lucky, he is a good mood today. Otherwise you both would have ended up murdering each other. He is the lead singer, and he went through a lot. That's why he is like this." I nod and said "That doesn't excuse his behavior, Matt. Stop trying to cover up your friend's ass." Matt shrugs and silence settles between us. After few minutes,"Caitlin and Lisa will be here soon." Matt said and I nod. Matt don't really mind by my lack of communication and answers or by my curt replies because he knows I am like this. I do have problems in communicating and interacting.
Now all I am thinking about is Colin. So he has a tormented soul a person from gloomy world. What had happened to him exactly? It's really hard to believe that he wound up so much because I just touched his guitar. Adam came back, I didn't noticed until I looked up from my bottle when Matt asked me,"Are you still thinking about it?"
"Don't worry, and don't pay attention to him. He is a bit tempered." Adam said. I really like this two, they are both cheerful which help you to lighten the mood and air."If I understand correctly, this guy is in the band, and looks like all the success has gone to his head. He thinks all the girls are head over the heels for him." I said. "It's okay, don't worry you guys, I am okay. But yes I am not one of your groupies. I don't expect an apology from him given his character but I will not tolerate another insolence. Next time I will beat the shit out of him."
Matt and Adam burst out laughing.
"I will help you..." Adam says and had gone back again to the backstage, it's almost time for the concert to start.
Suddenly a girl burst out into the room, spitting out curses. She calls the bartender and ask for a whiskey. I watched her and then she turned towards me, and frowned and give me a dirty look. "What?" she snapped. I didn't answer and continue with my drink. Matt then talks to her. "Hey Doris, this is Rylee."
"I don't care, fuck off..." she said and then turned to me and said, "Why are you here, their stands all the groupies, go and sit with them." she pointed out a group of girls screaming and laughing hysterically. I turn my head where the girls are and turned back to the girl name Doris. "I will seat wherever I want." I said, annoyed by her behavior. She almost shouted,"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I am having a hard time now to keep my calm. I said her,"Don't talk to me like that, first. This the first time I came here in the concert of yours so which means that I didn't even heard you guys before, until today I haven't seen your faces, which even less makes me a groupie, second. And third next time before coming to Your concert, I will have to think twice even if you play good, because apparently to guys every girl who comes to your concert is a groupie. Ridiculous. So leave me alone and get on with your own fucking business."
She is shooting daggers at me now. Matt stays silent. She finishes her drink grudgingly and left for the backstage. Matt then exclaims,"That's Doris the bass player, believe me she is worst than Colin."
"Great!" I said rolling my eyes and Matt chuckles. Suddenly two 2 more cheerful voices echoed through the room. One is of Caitlin's another is of a pretty blond haired girl's. She is beautiful, she must be the infamous Lisa. They came towards me and Matt. They both hugged Matt and kissed on his cheeks. Caitlin hugged me and kissed me too. The blond girl turns towards me and smiled and said, "Hi", I smiled back with a "Hey" Caitlin introduced us and we chat a little. Well basically they were chatting and I was focused on my beer."You are bored?" Lisa asked, before I can answer Caitlin jumped and answer "Don't worry Lisa, Rylee don't like to talk much." I smiled. "How do you know each other?" Lisa asked.
"I work in her dad's company, so that's how I know her. She is most coolest boss ever along with her sister." she grinned and said.
"I am not the boss" I smiled and said."Yeah but kinda like boss." she said. I smiled. Suddenly I remember that Caitlin is Colin's sister. How in the world that is possible? They both are two different poles. Caitlin is total opposite of Colin. Matt noticing my look, smiled. He understood what I was thinking and nod at me grinning. I shake my head smiling. I was focused on my drink, listening to Matt, Lisa and Caitlin gossiping about someone named Cassidy who is apparently a bitch and making everyones life hell. I looked up towards the stage and noticed him tuning his guitar looking hot. He seems totally relaxed, looking fucking sexy.

Rockstar Love - Book I (Is It Love? Colin) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt