Chapter 19 (Adam's Point of View)

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So Rylee herself is the IT developer of Martina. And not only THE developer but she is the head of every IT department of every branch. She herself hire the employees of that particular department. My God, I can't believe it. She is supposed to be the CEO right? I do gained some information that the IT Department is totally under Her 'protection'. She is an ace and I can feel it, she is a total duplicate copy of Colin. I should be very careful, when she looked at me I felt like she can totally read my every brain cells working.

After seeing off Rylee and Colin, I called Owen in the way back to inform others to meet in the apartment after I dropped Doris at her place, she was sulking so I reassured her that Rylee is a good girl.

"Doris, Rylee isn't the girl you think she is." I say.
Doris turn towards me and with a sad expression says, "I know. I don't stand a chance against her Adam. Colin is totally attracted towards her. Did you see the way he look at her?"
I nod. Yes I noticed for the first time I know Colin, he looked at someone with love and tenderness. He admire her. Even if he is in love with her already but he is not realizing it now. She is perfect for Colin.
"But it's good that it's her. I misjudged her, even though I am bit skeptical but he or her didn't jump on each other or they did sleep together?" she asked me.

"No, they didn't." I say. Doris nods and says with a faint smile, "She is beautiful. Maybe she is good for Colin, I get the impression of they being similar. Maybe I will get over Colin someday, not that I don't know the truth that Colin isn't attracted towards me." she sighs.

"Doris, sweetheart don't be sad. Here comes your place." I say and she nods.

"Take care Doris. Don't go off track." I say jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah... I am tired. Those idiot had to leave so early that I had to wake up." she grumbles and goes inside. She has softened.
Matt left on his bike and Boston left with Rylee's car.
When I reached at my place, Fiona and Derreck was already their. Seeing me, Fiona jumped up from where she was sitting and hugged me. She is such a bitch, she dumped Owen for me and when I didn't returned her feelings she wanted to return to Owen. I doubt it was a genuine feeling anyway. She is just physically attracted, a bitch in heat. She can take anybody's sperms inside in order to get what she wants. Anyway, I slightly pushed her away when she tried to kiss me, she frowns but didn't said anything which I am thankful of her.

"So, what's up? Why sudden meeting?" Derrick asks.

"Rylee Martinez herself is the head IT Developer in Martina. She is the one take care of it, allover all branches." I say point blank. Derrick's and Owen's eyes are wide open where as Fiona is frowning. Of course we are talking about another girl who is like a beautiful angel in front of Fiona. We all know Rachael and Rylee Martinez, they both are extremely beautiful and talented to be honest. While we were researching we came across their pictures, that's explain when I meet Rylee first, it seemed to me that I saw her somewhere.

"She is an ace!" Derrick exclaims.

"Exactly... I remember the shit happened when you tried to hack them." Owen says.

"She is a highly skilled developer we don't come across them very often." Derrick says.

"She is like Colin, totally. She is just as talented as Colin, if not more which Colin himself accepts. And when Colin accepts that she is one of the best, we have to understand that she is really one of the best without a doubt." I say.
I opened 4 beer bottles giving everyone a each and settled down on a binbag.

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