Chapter 17 (Rylee's Point of View)

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It's been one week, we are leaving tomorrow. We don't exactly know for how long we are actually leaving because we don't know how long it will take to resolve whatever shit is happening their and not to mention the investigation on that Mys industrial. What's with people messing with food product. Are they insane?
Ryan is sending us in his private jet, he is sending us with full protection, his jet is armed and he also asked for 2 professional bodyguards to accompany us along with 2 of my bodyguard. He said he would like 2 two them to go since I am familiar and trustworthy and they will go anyway along with me. Ryan said that he would have had hired 4 bodyguards anyway so it's better that he hire two from outside and 2 familiar go along with. He paying for them as well, I refused but nobody say 'no' to The Great Ryan Carter and I can't see myself double crossing Carter. He booked me and Colin a suite with two bedrooms and booked the other one deluxe room each which they will share. Mia and Max would have stayed together anyway. Boston and Margaret is not a fan of traveling where as Mia and Max likes it and they definitely would not let me go alone. And top of that guess what, we got to know that Margaret is pregnant so it's out of question we let her into action and traveling. Bro has been informed of the situation and is not happy that his bodyguards are sleeping with each other. I somehow managed telling that you don't choose when or who to fall in love with. Margaret told that she will take leave from Bro and goes to her own home but I insist she stays here in my house. She don't have anyone apart from us so their is no way she is leaving. She will be comfortable in my house. We all are happy and Boston is so excited that he is going be a father. In their line of work, it's rare so they are happy and they told when the baby will born they will leave the gang and get married to have a good life. They don't want to shed effects of Gang on their child which is acceptable. Leaving the gang is going to be tough, without paying consequences no one leave. I will to do something, so that they don't pay heavy price. Maccini isn't heartless I am sure he will listen. If not then I will tell him to take it out on me. That's the least I can do for them after whatever they have done for me for so long. Of course I will play my part from behind without making them aware since I know how they are gonna react if they know and knowing Mia and Max, they will back up Boston and Margaret.

Colin has managed the band that he will not be able to practice but gave Adam permission to use the basement while he away to carry out the band practice. Adam complied grinning ear to ear when he heard Colin and I will be going but convincing Doris hell. Oh My God. But something changed!


I and Colin jumped when we heard a knock on the door. Colin grimaced and goes to open the, even though he knew that was supposed to happen anyway. I smoothen my clothes and sit up straight keeping Colin's guitar on the strand. Adam and Matt enters the room, then comes the green haired, 'child of tornado and hurricane', Doris.
Adam smiled broadly as he noticed me, Matt and Adam come to hugs me where as Doris explode... Again... Here we go...
"What is this bitch doing here?"
Here we go. She definitely don't know how to talk and behave. I shrugged ignoring her. I will not let her upset me, it has done enough to mine and Colin's friendship but it turned out to be better now that we are thinking of getting close.
"Doris, I called everyone here to talk so stop making a fuss or I will kick you out." Colin says annoyed. Oh that was harsh.
"No Colin, I will make it easy for you. I am out anyway. I am not important to you or anyone. You now have started to Calling your groupies at home." Doris was about to leave.
"Shut the fuck up." I have had enough. "I don't say anything that doesn't really mean I can't." I get and slowly make my way towards Doris. I can tell by the look in her face that she is getting intimidated.
"First, stop this shit. I am no groupie."
I say with a serious expression and firm and cold voice. Doris smirked at me but I ignored and continue. She should not be given chances to talk.
"Second, do I really look like someone who sleeps around? A slut or whore according to you maybe. I and Colin are colleagues, I hope you know that." I say pointing out at myself.
"I don't care who you are. Everyone says they are no whore." Doris fumes.
"Oh really? You as well then?" I say smirking.
"What!" Doris squeaks
"Yeah, you as well go home with random guys. Don't you? Now don't pretend please. I have had enough of your behavior." I say looking straight into her eyes. She looks away blushing.
"You yourself simper around Colin. Don't you? Don't think any girl talking to Colin is a hoe. Some of them are genuine fan of your music. You guys are artists. You guys are musician and I myself is a fan of your music. But I am not hoe." I paused. Doris is looking everywhere but me. I feel the boys's gaze at my back but I ignore and look at Doris only.
"It's come with a part of the job what they do, okay they are sometime extreme and pain in the ass but you should consider yourself lucky that you are able to do something that someone may have stopped or can't do. So be respectful, clench your jaws but accept. Don't go around and fucking insult everyone crossing your path. You may think that I am lecturing but it's just a piece of advice I don't waste on any random girl. But I gave you because your talented which is getting wasted because of your recklessness and behavior." I say. Doris is sulking, as usual but something changed.
"Now we have got something to discuss. I have to go home I have something that I immediately need to take care of. If you weren't important they wouldn't have asked you here and I wouldn't have comply. So sit down and listen for a change. And another thing, if I feel and if Colin wants, I don't care what you say or think, I will be friends with him. It's not upto you to decide our life and move. We are consenting adults."
I turn around and see the boys expressions has changed from surprise to pride. As if they are proud I didn't let her walk over me.
I smiled and go and sit between Matt and Adam. Doris sat down without uttering another beside Colin. Even if I am jealous but let's not make situation even worse than already it is. I not am sure if ever anything will happen between me and Colin without hurting Doris. I am so confused now between my feelings for Colin and sympathy for Doris.
"So I have called both of you here to inform that I will be away for sometime, for how long I don't know but it will take time. Boss is sending me and Rylee to France for some work. So I want you guys keep on practicing. I had to inform you both prior. We will be leaving next week." Colin stated. I can feel Doris cold glare at me. I can't do anything it's for work purpose.
"What? But why is she going with you?" Doris asks annoyed.
"She works with me, we both are needed their." Colin says her.
"You guys are lying, you just want to be 'alone' right!?" Doris grimaced.
Colin and I looked at each other shrugging. Even though my heart rate increased by what just Doris said. God what will happen between us.
"You have became scarlet Princess." Matt whispered mockingly with an eyebrows raised.
"Shut it Matt." I punch him in the shoulder blushing. I have became as red as tomato I am sure. Matt laughs and turns to Doris.
"Doris, they both are the most important employees of Carter Corporation. If Carter say they have to go somewhere together then they will have to. He doesn't give you an option or choice. He orders." Matt says in a serious voice. Judging by the look Doris is giving me she is not convinced. I sigh and Colin looked towards me shrugging. He understands that I am getting impatient. I really have some important work to do before I leave. I have to inform Rachael and not only that I will have complete certain work for Martina. Not to mention putting the security level higher than it is now. And not only that I really need to be alone to process everything. I am more anxious than I thought I would be. I sigh, what is wrong with me dammit. God Rylee, get a hold of yourself.
"Doris stop it will you? Why don't you understand that its for our work? I had gone before, you never have behaved like this..." Colin says irritated.
"Yeah because she was never their." Doris.
"Alright guys, I don't have all night. I really have some phone calls to make and inform about the sudden leave not to mention I will have to work on certain things I have started. Colin if you manage to 'manage' everything right here then give me a call, I have certain things to discuss with you." I say standing up.
"Doris, if you weren't important I doubt they would have called or Rylee would come herself to talk to you after whatever you said her last time. You were so mean still she don't insult you back. Colin and Rylee are IT Engineers they don't sit around and I am pretty sure Colin, this is mission you guys going right?" Adam asks and Colin nods.
"Rylee you sure you want to leave?" Colin asks.
"I will have to. You know suddenly leaving put me in shitty situations and to be honest I can't see myself double crossing Carter. Even though I know how to manage but it's difficult all the same. Not to mention after the attack Martina faced a while ago is making me worried. It's difficult to work remotely when you are already going for an mission for another company. I think I will visit Martina's France branch, if you don't have problems."
"I understands. And no I don't have any problem, on the other hand I would like to visit your company if you don't mind."
"Of course. I can let you pass, since I hold the security pass."
"What do you mean by 'her company'?" Doris asks.

Rockstar Love - Book I (Is It Love? Colin) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora