Scarlett - Door In The Face

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Imagine you open the door and it's Scarlett Johansson standing there.

I sighed as I sat on the couch and watched some Disney+. It was my birthday but of course no one had time to come over.

Another sigh escaped my lips as I wrapped the blanket more around my body. Usually it didn't bother me. I would just spend my day as I did now and be done with it. But today it hit a nerve.

I felt lonely and could only think about how I hadn't any real friends. Just these fake friends that acted all friendly in front of you but the moment they turned away from you they wouldn't waste a minute thinking about you or even talk behind your back.

"I used to have nothing. And then I got this. This job. This family."

I looked at my TV where Avengers Endgame was playing. I really wished that I had what Nat had with The Avengers. I wished I had people around me that felt like family. But reality was different I guess.

Nonetheless a smile appeared on my face as I watched Scarlett Johansson in her role as Nat. I've watched literally all interviews and videos of her on YouTube by now and I bet she was an angel in real life as well.

I imagined she would be one of the best friends you could ever ask for. At least that's what I thought.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. I furrowed my brows and tried to figure out it could be.

I paused the movie and made my way over to the door. I opened it only to widen my eyes in shock and to slam the door shut again while shouting an "Oh My God!!"

My heart beat quickened.

It looked like Scarlett Johansson!

At my door!

What the hell is happening?! Am I hallucinating already? Am I mental?

A soft knock filled the silence and pulled me out of my trance.

Slowly I opened the door again. Cautiously peering outside. Maybe my "friends" pulled a prank on me?

But there she was. Having her awesome undercut and blonde short hair while her breathtaking green eyes looked at me. A genuine smile on her lips. I looked her up and down many times just to be sure it was really her.

Her smile only seemed to grow.

"Hello, (Y/N). Your name's (Y/N) right?" She asked me.

I was only able to nod. My mouth slightly opened. I didn't know what to say.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you or anything. But I was in a café nearby and found this. Thought I should give it back to you in person." Scarlett said in her wonderful voice I could listen to all day.

She handed me a card and as took a closer look I realized it was my ID. So that's where I left it! Oh my god and it's Scarlett Johansson who found it?!

I swallowed and finally found words to say.

"It's alright I'm just surprised that's all." I took the identity card from her. My fingers brushed against hers and I felt goosebumps appearing on my arms. Thank God I was wearing a long sleeve shirt.

But that's when I realized that she stared at the picture that was on my shirt. Her smile turned into a grin or smirk. I don't know but it was very typical for her as I remember all the interviews.

I looked down and blushed.

It was her own face that smiled back at her from my shirt or well... Natasha Romanoff but it doesn't matter.

Scarlett / Natasha imagines (mostly gxg)Where stories live. Discover now