Natasha - Childhood Friends FP

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What happened previously:

After years you met your childhood friend Natasha right before the battle of Wakanda happened. You both do your parts in the battle against Thanos and somehow you happen to save the day by playing the hero. Now you and Natasha spend some time off together by going back to where it all started... Ohio.


"So... You were part of an organization that kidnaps young girls and turns them into assassins... killers?"

"That's the short version, yes. I never wanted to leave you but I had no choice. Getting out of the Red Room is nearly impossible. I was only able to because of SHIELD."

"I'm so sorry, Nat..."

"No, don't be... I should be the one to say sorry. I.. left you behind without saying anything."

"Well, I guess it was supposed to be that way... Now we found each other again."

Nat smiled at me. I only threw her a short glance since I was driving and had to focus.

I was about to say something about her placing her feet on the dashboard though... Only to not do it. Somehow it was... cute? The deadly assassin sitting like that. I kind of liked it.

"I mean... All of it made you an Avenger. That's pretty cool. You know... ever since you were on the news I just followed what's up with you.. To make sure you're alright. When the government was searching for you and tried to lock you up I wanted nothing more but to help you... I just didn't know how to reach you."

Nat chuckled.

"It's fine. Ross would never be able to catch me. He's easy to read... I knew his next step when I was already two ahead... But what about you? How exactly did you end up in Wakanda? I mean you said something about meeting Shuri..."

"Yes, met her at a science convention... I was presenting one of my projects and did an experiment... You know science stuff... So Shuri was there as well and thought I'd fit right in in her lab in Wakanda."

"So you're a genius." Nat chuckled as if she was teasing me.

I smirked.

"I guess so."

"What about your fighting abilities? You just picked up a sword like that?"

"Something like that... You know.. My father was in the army and... It happened a year after you've left... that he didn't came back from his mission. Ever since I felt like I had to find something to deal with that rage and anger inside of me... Also I felt so unprotected. With you gone and then dad... I had to learn to fight even though I don't really enjoy it."

"I'm sorry about your dad. I know how hard it was for you whenever he had to leave for weeks or even months again and again."

I nodded.

"So... What about your family? What about Yelena? You're in contact with them?"

"I lost contact years ago and only got it back recently. A few weeks before Thanos happened. I found them kind of... Unexpected and I guess we took down the Red Room for good in the end. They're fine now... I hope."


It took some time but eventually we arrived in my hometown. I mean it was hers too in a way.

"Wait, it's your house?"

"Yeah, we're staying here. Mom passed away a year ago and never brought myself to sell the house so... Here we are."

Nat nodded in understanding.

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