Natasha - Childhood Friends

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You once had a friend... a best friend in your neighborhood in Ohio but then one day she just disappeared and you never would've thought to meet her again after so many years.


Many years ago:

It was a usual Saturday afternoon. Me and my friends were playing at the nearby playground like we did so often. I liked hanging out with Natasha and Yelena so much. Especially with Natasha since she was at my age. But also because she was very cool. I mean she was allowed to dye her hair blue!

I tried to convince Mom to let me dye mine as well but she wouldn't hear it.

"Not until you're at least sixteen but I'd prefer if you'd wait until you're eighteen." She said.

Well I guess I'll have to accept it and even though Nat offered to dye it for me nonetheless I declined.

So we were playing hide and seek today. Yelena and I were hiding and Nat had to find us. I wasn't sure where Yelena but I hid behind a tree and some bushes. Usually I'd be in one of the tubes you could crawl through... But since Nat was expecting it I decided on a new hiding spot.

I didn't even dare to look and watch her. Natasha was damn good at this game and I wouldn't want her to get a glimpse of my shirt. It was white and had a chibi-style ninja on it, wearing a black outfit with only the eyes peeking out of that mask.

It's from a comic I loved very much. Nat knew that and would definitely look out for it.

Suddenly I heard Natasha whistle. Like she did so often... Or we did. It was our thing to do.

I smiled and whistled back to her, giving her at least one clue.

Still sitting behind that tree in silence I waited.


I jumped and screamed when Nat appeared in front of me, upside-down since she was hanging from the lowest branch.

When did she even climb up there...

"Nat! Don't you dare scaring me like that!" I complained.

"Aw, I'm sorry but I just had to." She said sticking her tongue out to me.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Found Yelena yet?"

"Nope, wanna help me out?"

"Pff... After you scared the hell out of me like that you expect me to help you?" I look away pretending to pout.

"Well, yeah you never say no to me..." She said "And I'm going to make it up to you. I promise."

"Urgh.. Fine, let's find her."


"Found you!" Both Nat and I almost shouted when we saw Yelena hiding in that wooden playhouse.

"It's not fair when you team up..."

"Life isn't fair. That's what Dad taught us." Natasha said.

Yelena pouted.

"I bet you can't catch me." Natasha challenged her little sister and already started running.

Yelena giggled and ran after her.

"Go get her! She deserves it." I yelled after them.

I smiled watching them. My right hand found its way inside of my pocket where I felt the necklace... The one I wanted to give my best friend.

I made it myself... Well, Dad helped me making it. It was a half of a heart with the first letter of my name on it. It was made out of wood. I wore the other half around my neck. 'N' was carved into it.

Scarlett / Natasha imagines (mostly gxg)Where stories live. Discover now