Natasha - Vormir

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The title explains everything  😶🤭

(Y/N)'s pov:

Nervously I stood next to the huge time machine. All my friends were standing in a circle ready to go back in time to bring everyone back... To undo what Thanos did.

I wanted to be a part of it but we didn't have enough suits and particles. Also Nat didn't want me to go. Too dangerous.

Natasha and I were engaged for quite some time now. But before we could even plan the wedding Thanos happened. And after the battle of Wakanda I got wounded badly which made me fell into a coma for a long time. So there was no opportunity to make it official yet.

My wounds were also a reason why Natasha didn't want me to go with them. This was our only chance and we couldn't risk anything. I did understand it. Though I think I could find a way to retrieve the soul stone without... Without having to sacrifice someone... It had something to do with the one guarding it but I couldn't figure it out.

How I know that stuff? I had a vision about it. Because of my powers... I was able to move through time and space by creating and using portals. Like I could even travel through different dimensions. It wasn't easy though. Like I had no problem with literally teleporting myself from here into the kitchen. But the greater the distance the more exhausting it was.

Anyways I do feel a connection to the stones and I'm sure there was a better way.

Only Nat and Clint being on team soul stone is having me worried. Shit... There must be something I could do!

"Hey don't worry. We'll make it!" Natasha tried to reassure me and kissed my cheek gently stroking it afterwards.

I bit my lip.

"If you say so..." I mumble.

She kissed me again but on the lips.

"We'll make it and then we'll have all the time in the world to plan our wedding and maybe we could even go on a vacation. Just the two of us... What do you think? Isn't it a nice future to think of... To fight for?" She whispered placing another gentle kiss on my lips.

"I guess... I just... I'd love to go with you. To see for myself. If I'm correct getting the soul stone means risking and probably losing a lot. I don't want to lose anything... I don't want to lose you."

"You won't.. I'll be right back in a minute. You'll see." Natasha leaned her forehead against mine.

We enjoyed this moment for a second until she stepped away and joined the others on that machine.

I furrowed my brows in concern. It didn't feel right. I clenched my fists knowing I'd have to do something.

"Everyone ready?" Steve asked.

The others nodded.

"See you in a minute." Nat said a smirk on her face as she looked at all of them... And then me.

She winked at me and before I could do anything they were gone.

A minute...

I still clenched my fists. I closed my eyes and focused on my powers. Taking a deep breath I opened my eyes again and moved my hands to draw a circle in the air.

A portal appeared.. Looking like a mixture of dark violet or even black smoke.

I stepped inside and warped through space but also time. When I arrived on the other side of my portal I realized I was on a completely different planet. It was definitely not earth...

Looked like a huge mountain or cliff here... A cliff would be right since there was no one here... No one but a figure in a dark cloak standing near the edge.

Scarlett / Natasha imagines (mostly gxg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon