Scarlett - Bullies

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You and Scarlett are High School friends. But while she was quite popular you were the one people liked to bully. One time it's getting too much and you just want to stop existing. Can Scarlett help you?


Kyle roughly slapped the food tray out of your hands making it crash to the ground.

"Watch where you go, loser!" He was way too close to your face especially since he didn't care if you got some of his spit in your face while he talked.

You gulped feeling intimidated by him and backed away.

"What? Can't talk?" He laughed, "Just like your mom..."

That hurt. Your mom was dead and everyone knew cause it was all over the news back then... It happened when she came back from a business trip and the plane crashed. You still had your father at least and Scarlett of course, your best friend.

But right now it was only you and that boy that wouldn't stop bothering you.

You felt tears starting to build in your eyes.

Without giving them a second look you turned around and ran, away from all of them. He shouted things after you calling you mean names.

In that moment you just wanted to be anywhere but at school so without caring about it you ran home.


You were late for lunch break which Scarlett thought was weird and unusual unless... something must have happened. She knew about your bullies and how it could affect you from time to time. She will always remember the first time she witnessed them harassing you.

It was after physics lessons. You had to do a project which included balloons. But you hated them because you hated that they could explode any second. You just hated the loud bang. Scarlett knew and respected that. But your bullies found out in that moment as well.
So after that lesson they came up in the halls with a bunch of balloons which they popped on purpose right next to you, holding them as close to you as possible. Scarlett remembered how scared you looked in that moment and immediately jumped in, shouting at them to leave you alone.
Ever since they never dared to attack you with Scarlett nearby. But that doesn't mean they would never do anything again.
Scarlett hated those classes which you both wouldn't have together. Meaning you'd be alone.

Yes, Scarlett was a hundred percent sure by now that something wasn't right. You weren't answering your phone either.

Scarlett was sitting in the outside area of the cafeteria. It was your favorite spot during lunch break.

But the break was almost over and you still wasn't here. So Scarlett got inside checking if you he standing in a long queue to get you food. She couldn't see you in the whole room though.

Scarlett tried to call you but it went immediately on voice-mail. Did you turn it off? Worry came up inside of her. Where could you be?

That's when she saw you bullies in a group sitting at a table. All of them were laughing over something on their leaders phone. Kyle.
Scarlett went closer and actually got a look on his phone screen. It was a video of you and how they bullied you!

"Hey! What did you do to her again?! Where is my friend?"

They turned around, a little surprised as they didn't expect her to be there.

"You're wrong it's just some funny video. Not your friend."

"I'm not blind! That's clearly (y/n). Where is she?"

"Don't know, she just ran away from here." Kyle said.

Scarlett huffed. She was annoyed by them and she would definitely think of a sweet revenge later. For now though she just had to find you and make sure you're fine.

She checked the whole school trying to find you but there was no sign of you. Only then Scarlett thought you might've left the school. Maybe you went home? Break was perfect by now but Scarlett didn't care. You were more important.

Quickly she left the building and heading straight for your home. Your father wouldn't be home. He owned a little grocery store in town and was there almost every day to keep it going.

Scarlett reached your home soon. It wasn't that far away from school. Maybe a 7 minute walk.
She rang the bell and waited for a bit. There was no reaction coming. It seemed like no one was here at all. But maybe you just didn't hear it or you ignored it.
Luckily Scarlett knew where you hid the spare key for emergencies. Well you actually used them quite often as you tend to forget your actual keys at home. Even when Scarlett texted you every morning to remind you of them.

She lifted the flowerpot that was near the front door and took the key to get inside your house. The first thing Scarlett noticed was your school bag tossed beside your jacket on the chair that stood under the stairs. So you was home.
It was completely silent though. But then... listening closely Scarlett could what she would identify as sobbing!

Immediately she walked upstairs following the sound. First she thought it came from your room but instead she stopped right by the bathroom.


Scarlett knocked at the door which was already slightly opened. Slowly she pushed it further open and was immediately shocked by the sight in front of her.

Your face was covered in tears as you sat on the edge of your bathtub with a knife in your hands. It looked like you wanted to cut yourself but couldn't do it. Still Scarlett jumped forward taking the knife out of your hands immediately.

"(Y/n) what the hell? What happened? What did they do to you?"

Scarlett pulled you into a hug which made you sob even harder. You hid your face against her body and wouldn't let her go.

"I want to go where mum is.", you mumbled, "They can't get me there."

It broke Scarletts heart to see you like this and to hear you say this. She stroked your back.

"She's always here, sweetie. Keeping an eye on you, protecting you. She's always in your heart."

"But still they keep bullying me! Kyle will never stop! It's like a living hell!"

"I know. I wish I was there when it happened. We will make sure that it stops. I promise you! I'll always protect you. I swore it in the past and I'll swear it again. I'll always be by your side! Also your mum wouldn't want you to die like this."

You looked up in Scarletts beautiful eyes. You always loved her eyes and somehow it made you feel a tiny bit better. She gently wiped a few tears from your cheeks with her thumb and pressed a gentle kiss against your forehead.

"I don't want you to die either."

"I'm so sorry." You mumbled.

You pressed yourself against her again. With Scarlett you always felt safe and protected. You were so lucky to have her as a friend and you will always be thankful for her.

"Thank you for saving me."

"Always, sweetie."


I'm back and still alive guys. It's just a small chapter. Hope you liked it a bit though. Also I hope I can upload some more soon. 😊

Scarlett / Natasha imagines (mostly gxg)Where stories live. Discover now