Scarlett - Behind the Scenes

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You work for Marvel Entertainment ever since the first Iron Man was produced. You were the woman behind the camera making sure you got all the right shots. Scarlett at some point tries to get to know you, ignoring the rules about only having a professional work relationship and all. Where will this lead to?

Note: I accidentally switched narratives halfway through but I think it's not really a problem when reading this. Hope you don't mind. Just so you know xD.


Another day, another filmset. But still Marvel it was practically your life. Though working on this movie might be a little more special since your favorite character of them all finally got their solo movie. About damn time Scarlett was the star of the movie! You loved Black Widow and working with Scarlett was the best thing ever. She was such a good actress and knew how to behave in front of camera and what to do.

Sometimes when a take was already messed up and people started to fool around she'd look at you doing grimaced or just stuck her tongue out at you or whatever you could think of. She really was a fun person and you truly hoped there were going to be more projects in the future where you'd work together.

This is exactly what made your heart hurt lately. Black Widow was supposed to be her last project for Marvel. Meaning you might not see her any longer. Just for events which happen not that much.

Maybe this was your chance to talk to her more? Ask some more personal questions... getting to know her? No, because you were a professional at all times and on set you were not supposed to build too deep relationships to the actors. Of course it happens in the industry, quite often actually but it was a common source for conflict and that you wanted to avoid.

Though Scarlett seemed to forget about these boundaries and was looking for small talk with you more often than usual. Sometimes you'd even forget time a little when talking. Also she got touchy every now and then. Gently brushing your arm while talking... like she was doing it on purpose.

Right now you were enjoying your evening in your trailer, reading some fantasy book when someone knocked on the door.

Looking up surprised and wondering who it could be you got up and went to open the door.

It was her.

Your heart was definitely doing a flip and you were sure your eyes widened.


"Hey.." She smiled that typical smile of hers and held up a bottle of champagne and two glasses, "I thought since we are nearly done with filming we could have like a celebration and spend some time together."

I bit my lip and looked left and right to make sure no one was watching us.

Then I nodded, stepping inside to let her in.

"I didn't expect it to be honest."

"That's good I meant it to be a surprise." She said settling down on the sofa.

I smiled at her and got some snacks I had hidden in a drawer.

"So how do you feel with the movie almost finished and being Natasha for the last time?"

"Is it my last time though?" Scarlett said in a teasing way.

I raised an eyebrow at her as she smirked.

"We'll see darling." She winked at me, "But it feels weird though. Playing her for ten years and now it's supposed to be over... At least it's not a complete goodbye to Marvel in general. I might help working on a project... more as a producer."

Scarlett / Natasha imagines (mostly gxg)Where stories live. Discover now